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"No more star wars from WOTC" Topic

28 Posts

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1,747 hits since 28 Jan 2010
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Personal logo Inari7 Supporting Member of TMP28 Jan 2010 4:57 p.m. PST

According to the website the purple pawn, WOTC is droping the Star Wars License.

After Aug. no more RPG or CCMG

read all about it here

CmdrKiley28 Jan 2010 5:17 p.m. PST

Wow, after years of putting out all the d20 sourcebooks for the RPG and then coming out with a whole new system with a whole new line of source books. Then less than 2 years later dropping it all together.

Farstar28 Jan 2010 5:28 p.m. PST

And people are generally positive about this edition of the RPG, too.

August, eh? That's GenCon, and thus time for other announcements regarding line changes. Killing this line may have other ramifications.

CmdrKiley28 Jan 2010 5:55 p.m. PST

I remember when they got booed at Gen Con when they announced D&D 3.5.

I remember that year getting stuck in line at the WotC Booth behind someone who had WAAAAAY to much caffine telling me how Bleeped texted off (and literally frothing at the mouth) he was after spending hundreds of dollars on D&D 3rd Edition and would not spend a cent on the new 3.5. However he was hoping to win (by rolling the giant d20) the boxed set of D&D 3.5 books so he wouldn't have to buy them.

Cke1st28 Jan 2010 6:26 p.m. PST

The former WizKids games, now owned by NECA, didn't carry their Star Wars licenses to the new ownership, so they're done too. Is no one going to make Star Wars stuff to appease us?

Garand28 Jan 2010 6:30 p.m. PST

It's sad, but IMHO WotC was a poor steward of the SWRPG. After the revised d20 book, there was a big gap where they did…nothing!

SWSE is my favorite edition of the game, and I'm scrambling now to make sure I buy all the books I had been waiting on, before they disappear forever…


aka Mikefoster28 Jan 2010 6:33 p.m. PST

Too bad that was the only thing that I would buy from WoTC. Love to play the CMG with my daughter. Well I guess we have enough and we don't have to worry about them changing the rules on us.

GreatScot7228 Jan 2010 7:42 p.m. PST

That really blows chunks. Their prepaint miniatures may not have been the best, but I have really enjoyed collecting them. In many ways it had reminded me of collecting the old 4" figures when I was a kid. So it goes…

CPBelt28 Jan 2010 8:12 p.m. PST

Always ironic since Lucas owns a large chunk of Hasbro which owns WotC. IMO the miniatures have been going downhill in quality for years.

Sumo Boy28 Jan 2010 9:10 p.m. PST

I really like the SW minis, I always look forward to the next release to see what nifty new stuff I can get for cheap for my games. Looks like I might have to stock up on a few items before the stuff all evaporates now.

StarfuryXL528 Jan 2010 9:59 p.m. PST

It may evaporate, but it might also be plentiful and cheap when disillusioned fan(atic)s divest themselves of their collections.

tnjrp28 Jan 2010 11:39 p.m. PST

Hwere's it again offical-like on WOTC's forum:

Tanuki29 Jan 2010 2:44 a.m. PST

I think the licence had come to an end, and WotC decided not to renew. This wasn't unexpected – folks have been noting for a while that there were no Star Wars products in WotC's release scedule for the second half of 2010.

I enjoyed the minis, although the quality had declined and I wasn't too interested in the plethora of characters from the novels and computer games.

As well as collecting the iconic movie characters (who could resist a battalion of stormtroopers led by Darth Vader?), the minis line was a good source of aliens, monsters and robots for other games, and you could usually find something that matched your SF RPG character. Non-human characters tended to have better paintjobs on them too.

What's sad (and a little silly) is the way that folks on the WotC minis forum have been saying their goodbyes and publically renouncing the game just becuase it's stopping in May.

Wellspring29 Jan 2010 3:18 a.m. PST

Well, I mean the books will still be available, right? I'm glad they're being straightforward about the whole thing.

Honestly, with the erosion in the source material ( link ), I can't imagine that SW has the same fanatical following that it used to.

Two Owl Bob29 Jan 2010 3:21 a.m. PST

Maybe WotC was too much of a niche player for such a big licence and it will pass on to a more mainstream player like Hasbro itself. I don't know about the US but here in the UK the WotC Star Wars stuff was difficult to find unless you had a local games shop that didn't have an aversion to WotC or a comic shop that stocked collectible games. This generally meant travelling to a major city for much of the population. Hasbro games are stocked at most toyshops, Toys R Us etc. and so it might mean less complexity but wider distribution. If that is so then all we have to do is make up our own rules…

XRaysVision29 Jan 2010 5:59 a.m. PST

I was wondering when that was going to happen. I will make sure that I have all the RPG books. I think that Star Wars is pretty complete and has run its course. There're probably some die hards out there who'll point to the gazillion novels and ask "What about all this stuff?"

The fact is though, is that products must be sold to a lot of people to be profitable. Beyond the basic Star Wars universe history I expect that interest wanes.

The same with the figures. I bought scads of them. I never intended to actually collect them or play the miniatures game (not a bad little game though). I amassed them to play other games like 5150 or CR 3.0. They have run their course also.

alien BLOODY HELL surfer29 Jan 2010 6:38 a.m. PST

Damn, quite like a lot of the pre-paints (bar the silly price 'rares'), will have to get some more soon before I can't. Problem is best source and prices are in the US.

Personal logo Inari7 Supporting Member of TMP29 Jan 2010 7:19 a.m. PST

Alien, according to what I have read many players may be dumping their collections in the next few months. So cheap figures are on the way. May make up for the overseas price in shipping.

richarDISNEY29 Jan 2010 8:49 a.m. PST

Total sadness.
I really liked the RPG, and the minis… well… as all WotC fig, they have gone down hill for sure.

Its kinda surprise, honestly. With The Clone Wars tv show being popular, the new live action tv show next year, and the rumor of three more films, kinda weird.

This really is a blow to my group. Dammit. frown

Personal logo Inari7 Supporting Member of TMP29 Jan 2010 8:59 a.m. PST

I don't know the new RPG has been out 2 1/2 years and there are what 11 books out.

I think they have milked the cow dry.

Good god when I played AD&D it was YEARS before we saw one new book.

Farstar29 Jan 2010 10:33 a.m. PST

Good god when I played AD&D it was YEARS before we saw one new book.

AD&D 1st edition had a steady pace of one hardcover a year for its entire run. They might have sped up near the end as a test run for 2nd Ed, but they never dropped below a book a year.

Personal logo Inari7 Supporting Member of TMP29 Jan 2010 1:48 p.m. PST

That maybe so, I was a rather poor kid back then…………..

ThorLongus30 Jan 2010 8:02 a.m. PST

as far as the CMG goes, I kinda feel that they have produced all that needs to be made. I just bought a lot to make armies for FAD4, and for the upcoming ae-bounnty

The Shadow30 Jan 2010 8:17 a.m. PST

"What's sad (and a little silly) is the way that folks on the WotC minis forum have been saying their goodbyes and publically renouncing the game just becuase it's stopping in May".


Being a long time wargamer I agree that it's silly to abandon the game just because there are no *new* collectible figures. Just play with the ones you have and invent new scenarios or keep playing the good old scenarios.

jhonpog30 Jan 2010 3:16 p.m. PST

yes I agree with the shadow. The old WEG sw miniatures battles group is still going strong many years after the line ended.

I think WOTC did a great job in providing lots of miniatures for gaming but the collectibility side drove me nuts and I stopped collecting after a few years. (How can I put a squad of biker scouts together when the are VR?)

So i'm sure that the wotc minis will be used in many ways for years to come. IMO one of the coolest parts of SW gaming is putting together minis and vehicles from different lines

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP01 Feb 2010 7:09 p.m. PST

Yep, it is a shame they are dumping the line.

svsavory24 Feb 2010 6:57 p.m. PST

I'm sorry to see this news, but I'm not surprised. While I enjoy the CMG, I think they pretty much pumped the well dry. How many different Darth Vaders does a person need? I must admit I did enjoy collecting the characters from the Knights of the Old Republic video game.

War Monkey25 Feb 2010 12:39 a.m. PST

Well here it is on the WotC satellite SW site link Well sure will hate to see it go.

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