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"Jacobite Fire & Fury?" Topic

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Jubilation T Cornpone15 Jan 2010 4:10 a.m. PST

Having nailed my colours to the 10mm mast of the '45 Jacobite rebellion, I am currently looking for a set of rules to use within this period. I intend expanding this period to include what ifs and battles that may have taken place but never did. French, Dutch, Hessian troops, the whole nine yards, as it were.
My other two periods are WW2 western desert using Blitzkrieg Commander 2 and ACW using Fire and Fury. I quite like the idea of adapting Fire and Fury for the Jacobite Rebellion but wondered, has anyone already done this? I can't find anything on the net to this end but if anyone knows any different and can point me in the right direction I would be grateful.


gert174615 Jan 2010 6:32 a.m. PST

Regimental Level Fire and Fury is supposedly coming out soon, and would be perfect for the Jacobite rebellion. One stand equals around 40 men, so most of the regiments could be done with about 10 stands.

Also, I don't know if you have ever played Volley and Bayonet, but check out the Jacobite supplements. They are a great resource for the background to the war, OB's, painting guides, and scenarios- both historical and hypothetical.


Who asked this joker15 Jan 2010 7:51 a.m. PST

If you are looking for RFnF then here they are…

PDF link

I'd second the Jacobite supplement for VnB. The VnB campaign books are really well done. However, you go, I don't think it is too hard to simulate Jacobites. Most would be aggressive/impetuous, have little in the way of firepower and a lot in the way of melee.

Colonel Bill15 Jan 2010 8:02 a.m. PST

We also have Lace Wars Fire & Fury (Age of Honor) coming out very soon, but think brigade level might be too large a scale. How large were the battles in this rebellion?

Regards, Bill Gray

gert174615 Jan 2010 8:20 a.m. PST

Regimental level is the way to go. The two largest battles, Culloden and Falkirk, only had about 7,000 men per side, broken down into about 6 brigades each.


Jubilation T Cornpone15 Jan 2010 1:45 p.m. PST

Thanks for the replies everyone. I do have the volley and Bayonet supplements which are excellent. Considered volley and bayonet as a rule set. May re consider it although regimental fire and fury look very useful!

bruntonboy15 Jan 2010 3:47 p.m. PST


Jacobite foot in the '45 were almost universally armed with Muskets, the Highland charge was indeed carried out on occasion but was not the only tactic they were capable off. Prestonpans shows what they could do when charging in the heroic/mythological manner, whilst Clifton shows what they could do using their fire-power in an intelligent manner. Old Victorian myths die hard it seems. The recent works by Duffy and Stuart Reid should give a reasonable grounding on the performance, strengths and weaknesses of the Jacobite army.

Thats it, I'll shut up now.

ian47115 Jan 2010 4:53 p.m. PST

Battles in the '45 were over very quickly, so perhaps the "crash and bang" of Volley and Bayonet would be suitable? The pre-battle sequence cries out for a "Peter Pig" style approach.
Ian Drury wrote a set of rules called "Redcoats and Rebels", does anybody know if they are available on the web?

BF Mark15 Jan 2010 5:20 p.m. PST

David Commerford wrote a fully functional version of Regimental Fire and Fury for the AWI, which was based on based on an older version of the rules. It looks very clean, and would probably serve as a starting point to be modified for the '45. You could probably find him and request a copy at link


95thRegt15 Jan 2010 5:36 p.m. PST

Has anybody played RFnF for AWI?


BF Mark17 Jan 2010 11:19 p.m. PST


We played it a lot a few years back while play testing the rules. The battles played included Bunker's Hill, Brandywine, Freeman's Farm, Bemis Heights, Camden, and Ewtaw Springs.

The rules have undergone many smaller changes since then, but they play much the same. We are going to revisit playtesting those scenarios, and others from the war, after the ACW publication this year, and eventually publish a scenario book with playsheets and rules specific for the war.

If you go to our website, you can find pictures of past games by searching through a link by that name, and a discussion of playtests and design philosophy under past subjects of the America's War forum.


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