Bryan Stroup | 02 Jan 2010 3:45 p.m. PST |
Step one is making a Mechwarrior conversion to a more traditional miniature ruleset is now on-line. I'll start working on a the rules ideas soon: link |
Editor in Chief Bill  | 02 Jan 2010 4:07 p.m. PST |
Are you going to use the models as-is, or do you plan to do touch-ups or repaints? |
jimborex | 02 Jan 2010 5:55 p.m. PST |
Nice looking basing
I like the troops, especially. You know, the brown painted base with the irregular flock covering is a nice, easy, good-looking scheme. jim |
Bryan Stroup | 02 Jan 2010 7:30 p.m. PST |
I decided against the repaint option on these figs as I'm trying to do a few hundred figures quickly with about 2 hours a week spare time. After Jan/Feb, I'll have more time as my side programming contract will be completed. My real painting effort will be focused on my Warhammer Quest and Space Hulk stuff (progress reports coming soon there). My basing scheme for these is to find the economy of scale for time vs results due to the quantity. It's not my A+ effort, but a consistent B grade job done quickly. To be honest, I'm spread pretty thin on time allotment, so I went for a "quick win". |
wolvermonkey | 02 Jan 2010 11:14 p.m. PST |
Those look good like that. Nicely done. I like how the infantry came out. |
Acharnement | 03 Jan 2010 10:54 p.m. PST |
I like the look but could you have just popped off the bottom part of the base and then painted and flocked the top half of the base still attached to the figure? Was there a reason why you wanted to rebase them entirely? |
mad monkey 1 | 04 Jan 2010 7:01 a.m. PST |
Looks good scooter. : ) When we gaming with them? |
Bryan Stroup | 04 Jan 2010 11:16 a.m. PST |
Sometime toward the end of the month if I can get the rules hashed out a bit. We'll need to try out a few things for sure. |
ordinarybass | 04 Jan 2010 2:46 p.m. PST |
Great little tutorial there, and your results are very nice. I'm just about finished with a similar project of modding/rebasing/repainting a gang of Mage Knight Khasmin figures. One thing I would add for folks cutting them from their bases is that a large Chisel blade hobby knife with a big handle (kind of like a screwdriver handle) makes it alot easier. Acharnement, Some clix ar attached to an inner wheel that is smooth like a base, however alot of clix are the reverse where they are attached to the outer wheel which is ridged on the edges and not as nice a base. Only about 30% of the clix that I've purchased have the model attached to the inner wheel. |
Megagente | 30 Jan 2010 5:35 a.m. PST |
I was planning on doing this with my Mechwarrior minis. Taking them away from their clicky bases and doing using another game rules for them. I think you should open a fecebook group too. |
Bryan Stroup | 30 Jan 2010 8:28 a.m. PST |
I'll *never* have a facebook account. I've been in IT security for far too long. I'd be more inclined to a Yahoo Group or starting a forum at my website to discuss the projects. |
nobody3331 | 01 Apr 2015 7:04 p.m. PST |
I know this is a little late ( by a couple of years) but is there rules to this or is it just make up your own game. because mechwarrior is pretty much dead here where i live and i already pull some of thier bases repaited them and stuck them on 2 inch hex tile and trying to figue out what to do with them |
MKGipson | 05 Oct 2015 8:01 a.m. PST |
Mech Attack and Panzer8 Sci Fi rules are a couple of suggestions. I am in the midst of a pile of re-basing some MechWarrior clickies as I type. I cut some 2 inch hex bases out of a plastic "For Sale by Owner" sign from Home Depot. I am planning on using the Panzer8 Sci Fi rules for some simple gaming. |
Morpheus1975 | 17 Nov 2015 5:12 a.m. PST |
link Here are a set of rules that you can use. I already converted 3039 all the way to 3055 mechs to it. It's a WIP and somewhere between Classic Battletech and Alpha Strike in complexity. |