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"[Z4Miniatures] 28mm Type-25C Battlesuit - Painted Preview" Topic

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16 Dec 2009 9:28 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "[Z4Miniatures]28mm Type-25C Battlesuit - Painted Preview" to "[Z4Miniatures] 28mm Type-25C Battlesuit - Painted Preview"

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ZandrisIV16 Dec 2009 8:57 p.m. PST

You can tell when something is nearly done when it finally gets a name. After much pain and grief and pewter dust embedded in my fingers, I've finally finished and painted up the battlesuit that has been in WiP for nearly a year now.

The final sets of production masters are with the caster, and we're just waiting for the Christmas hubbub to die down before they go into the production mold for final casting.

Just as a disclaimer, the unpainted models have not been fully cleaned up, so there may be some mold lines visible.

Anyway, on to the show:

Do you feel lucky, punk?

All-round views.

Some other poses (with unmodified arm/leg variants):

Painted and unpainted fire team:

Size comparison:
From left to right: Infinity Guijia TAG, Iron Kingdoms Jhureen Hecate, Bouncer Battlesuit, GW Ork Boy, GW Chaos Warrior, GW Space Marine Scout

For reference, the suit measures 5.5 cm from top of head to bottom of sole, and fits nicely on a 40mm base (as pictured)

Additional news, for those interested in spaceships, the not-Kadeshi Heavy Cruiser is complete. Original design inspired by those Nebula-loving lunatics in Homeworld:


As always, comments and criticisms welcomed!

Eli Arndt16 Dec 2009 9:06 p.m. PST

Amazing. The final result on that powersuit is splendid. I may have to snag some for ombat walkers for my 15mm stuff.


wolvermonkey16 Dec 2009 11:08 p.m. PST

WOW. Great looking powersuit. Very Appleseedish. When will I be able to get some?

Personal logo Dentatus Sponsoring Member of TMP Fezian17 Dec 2009 6:02 a.m. PST

I'll take three, please. When will they be available?

Kirk Alderfer17 Dec 2009 6:23 a.m. PST

As always, it all looks good. And as Dentatus asks "When will they be available?"

Dijit8017 Dec 2009 6:34 a.m. PST

I've been looking forwards to this for a while now, I noticed yu got rid of the smaller 'appleseed' arms, what made you go with that decision?
And any chance of hearing when its likely to be ready?

Personal logo Dentatus Sponsoring Member of TMP Fezian17 Dec 2009 6:36 a.m. PST

Personally, I'm glad the smaller arms are gone. Not canon, but too fiddly on a gaming piece, IMO.

And seriously – what's the release date?

ZandrisIV17 Dec 2009 6:54 a.m. PST

Release will when the caster gets through the Christmas rush. Hopefully (and I say this with great sincerity) this will be sometime in January. I know the release has been delayed time after time, and I apologise for that, but there has been a lot of prep-work required for this, and it all only really came together towards the end of last month, which coincides with the Christmas rush.

This is the next release in the pipe, and rest assured I will try to get it out to you all ASAP.

Also, some criticism on another forum has me trying to add some detail onto the chest, will do this today and update this thread with the results.


I always thought the smaller slave (or were they the master) arms were a thoroughly stupid idea. "Why yes, let us encase you in half a foot of armour, except your arms of course, which will be free to snap off if you ever trip over in your brand new power suit…"

CPBelt17 Dec 2009 7:13 a.m. PST

Wow, talk about Thunder Thighs! :-)

One question. How in the world do you get your legs to fit into that suit? It does not look even remotely possible unless I pop my legs out of their hip sockets and move them several inches laterally. I am a mecha freak, but I'm having a hard time buying this one.

ZandrisIV17 Dec 2009 9:21 a.m. PST


Your entire leg ends up in the thigh section, or at least that's the theory. But then, the waist is too small for anything but the slimmest of the 28mm humans… vOv.

I actually just compared the size of the mecha with a true-28mm miniature (the Privateer Press one in the size comparison shot) and she will fit in there with no distortion to her anatomy. It isn't going to be comfortable, but she'll fit.

Grabula17 Dec 2009 9:54 a.m. PST

Zandris, I like it.

I don't worry too much about proportions as long as it works against other similar minis in the world. Your size comparison shot looks like it would work well with Infinity so put me down for a couple!

Darby E17 Dec 2009 10:23 a.m. PST

A little too big for a 15mm landamte, but that won't stop me from using it!

question: how positionable are arms and legs?

Monkeyborg Dirtside17 Dec 2009 1:09 p.m. PST

Fantastic! I'll be getting some of those.

Do a Fuchikoma and I will buy a ton!

Lion in the Stars17 Dec 2009 1:45 p.m. PST

Excellent! It's here, it's here *giggle*!!!

And perfect timing, I should have some sanity-money available in the middle of January! Put me down for 2 of the beasts, maybe 3.

@Darby E: It's actually scaled to be a 28mm Landmate, although the giant fullborg LM from Appleseed book 3 is about the same size. I'm going to use something else for my 15mm Landmates (Privateer Press' Dawnguard Invictors).

Just the thing to scare the bejeezus out of those 40k and Infinity players.

28mmMan17 Dec 2009 1:54 p.m. PST

Fuchikoma…I thought there were models out for these already?

These are high tech spider mechs, yes?


Lion in the Stars27 Dec 2009 3:29 p.m. PST

@28mmMan: Yep, those are Fuchikoma. You can get PVC Tachikoma from Amazon, but (F)uchikoma (spelling varies with source) are harder to find in gaming-usable scales.

Covert Walrus18 Jan 2010 10:15 p.m. PST

Oh yes – Fuchikoma in 6mm compatible sizing would be nice.

Almost as nice as any of the walker tanks from GitS SAC in that scale . . . not that I am suggesting you distract yourself from other projects:)

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