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"Steyr Kfz 70 Truck?" Topic

20 Posts

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7,702 hits since 3 Dec 2009
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Buzzkill03 Dec 2009 6:02 a.m. PST

Is BF the only ones who make these in 15mm? I can't find them anywhere else. I would prefer to not have a based, resin model but it looks like that is the only option. Anyone know of another source?

BCantwell03 Dec 2009 6:06 a.m. PST

To my knowledge, no one else has made the Steyer truck. I've looked for one for years, since I'm not a fan of the based, resin trucks either.


freerangeegg03 Dec 2009 6:10 a.m. PST

Quality Castings do a nice Krupp one.

Vis Bellica03 Dec 2009 6:28 a.m. PST

And try finding a Kfz69!

aecurtis Fezian03 Dec 2009 7:29 a.m. PST

Quick Reaction Force has made a Steyr for a couple of years now:


…along with a staff car and light cargo truck on the same chassis:



As I have commented on numerous occasions previously…




…they are nice models. My only criticism would be that the wheels are a bit small.

Battlefront still makes the un-based, resin amd metal Steyr as code GE425.

For the Steyr, there is no difference between its application as a Kfz69 and Kfz70. If you want a Krupp (where there *is* a difference), QRF makes one.

So most of the Steyr 1500 options are covered:


I would like to see a Steyr 2000A for late in the war.


freerangeegg03 Dec 2009 8:01 a.m. PST

If its a field car you're after Skytrex/old glory do a Horch one:

Buzzkill03 Dec 2009 8:18 a.m. PST

Thanks Allen, I just found the QRF model and was coming back to post that I had found one, but you guys are too quick. I am working on a FOW force that is heavy with Kfz 70's (which I think refers to the function, rather than a specific vehicle, but I could be wrong) and need a bunch of those trucks. The FOW version is closed top, the QRF is open topped which leads me to my next question; where do the windows go when the top comes off?

aecurtis Fezian03 Dec 2009 8:21 a.m. PST

Ummm… Battlefront and Flames of War have really distorted things by implying that the Horch is a "field car" and the Steyr is a Kfz. 70. "Kfz. 70" simply indicated the function of the vehicle required in an organization. Any of several types of vehicle could be issued to fill that slot: a Krupp, a Horch, a Steyr.

Maybe we should insist on properly calling the class of vehicle (under the Einheits-Fahrgestelle system) the Schwerer gelaendegaengiger Einheits-Pkw!

Oh, the misspellings…


Buzzkill03 Dec 2009 8:35 a.m. PST

OK, so I am right, I can use something other than a Steyr 1500 when they call for a Kfz 70? Thats good, because I prefer the look of the Krupp Protze with that sloped nose, very cool looking.

aecurtis Fezian03 Dec 2009 9:30 a.m. PST

Right; here are several versions of Krupp "Protze" (Boxer), just in case any manufacturers might be stimulated:


Keep in mind, though, these Krupp L2s were only built up though 1942 (as was the Horch 108), and then were gradually replaced by the Steyrs, which had commenced production in 1941.


aecurtis Fezian03 Dec 2009 9:42 a.m. PST

"The FOW version is closed top, the QRF is open topped which leads me to my next question; where do the windows go when the top comes off?"

Scroll down here until you see the German fellow sunning in a pair of shorts:


As you can see, the sidescreens were not solid, but were made of canvas and plastic, and fastened on as needed. So they'd be folded up and stowed when not in use.

You can also see them here:


and here:


Same on the 2000 when it was introduced:


In other words, I probably wouldn't attach these side "frames" as BF did on their *non* one-piece resin model:


The command sedan variant, though, had roll-up windows:



Jovian103 Dec 2009 9:59 a.m. PST

Dang – I wish they were cheaper – I think I need about 30 trucks of the Kfz 70 type for my projects thus far – possibly more. Argh.

aecurtis Fezian03 Dec 2009 10:14 a.m. PST

If I were looking for economy, I'd go with the Old Glory/Skytrex Horch:


I am also not averse to using the OG/CD Opel 1.5T as a substitute for a Kfz. 69:



aecurtis Fezian03 Dec 2009 11:04 a.m. PST

But any company who is willing to make Mercedes 1500 Kfz. 70s:


…or better yet (scroll to the bottom of the page), an Opel "Blitz" Kfz. 70 for the Kriegsmarine:

link more than welcome to do so!


Jovian103 Dec 2009 11:55 a.m. PST

Why with the Skytrex – do you get all three in the pack for 6 pounds?

Buzzkill03 Dec 2009 11:56 a.m. PST

aecurtis said: If I were looking for economy, I'd go with the Old Glory/Skytrex Horch:

Bingo! Thats what I'm going to do. Thanks for the idea.

aecurtis Fezian03 Dec 2009 12:09 p.m. PST

"Why with the Skytrex – do you get all three in the pack for 6 pounds?"

Skytrex sells them singly, but it should contain bits for all three top versions. But the pics on the site are good. Then if you're an Old Glory Army member, you trot over to Old Glory; they're normally three for $22.00, but with the OGA, take off 40%…


Buzzkill03 Dec 2009 5:01 p.m. PST has them for $13.20 USD for 3, that would be the aforementioned 40% off I guess.

WarHighlander10 Jan 2010 5:15 p.m. PST

If you don't like the Resin BF Steyr trucks, you can still buy the metal ones, but they're much more expensive.

GE425 Steyr 1500 Kfz 70 (x2) $18.00 USD

Archeopteryx13 Dec 2012 4:48 a.m. PST

Peter Pig makes a Steyr 640. These were built for the austrian army, but were used by 2nd and 9trh Panzer divsions between 1939-42 in the Kfz 70 role, and as ambulances by the DAK.

Cool looking truck – there is also an image of one in Normandy, so some must have been brought back into service in the western campiagn.

link (scroll down)

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