Okay, this is all really Mark's fault, since he is looking for someone to make these in this scale. I wouldn't mind having some as well, now that I think about it.
I suggested the Two Dragon's Warrior Monks as a possible substitute for the Jedi, since some may have swords, and be in just plain robes, without armor.
Yes, I know they are a bit small, being more like true 15mm scale, but that should work for a young Jedi-apprentice.
Then I thought, any in armor might be good for the Emperor's Guard (a favorite of mine, from the Star Wars movies, despite their incredibly poor performances in battle. One would think they would be a bit better in combat, for such elite troops).
So, does anyone know if the Two Dragons figs are still in production? Most of the links on their website appear to be broken, or don't provide the needed info any longer.
If so, are the following figure pack poses suitable to serve as Jedi(?):
MON1 running with no-dachi, unarmored
MON2 slashing with naginata, unarmored
MON3 ready with two swords, unarmored
MON4 on guard with naginata, unarmored, but with basket headress (looks like possibly a good candidate for an Emperor's guard conversion, but I would probably prefer a larger, slender, true 20mm fig instead, for a more imposing presence)
SAM54 ready with katana
SAM60 slashing with naginata
Ninjas might also work
NIN3 ready with ninjato
NIN5 slashing with naginata
Anyone have photos of the above, or ideas for small, slender, true 20mm figs instead?