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2,517 hits since 12 Oct 2009
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Lord Ashram12 Oct 2009 7:37 p.m. PST

Howdy all!

Not sure about all of you, but I've already started planning out what I need to buy at Fall In this year!:) It is always fun to plan in advance, but of course you never know what might turn up and NEED to be bought…

I posted an entry on my blog about my prospective purchases (and in fact need some help identifying both a vendor AND in finding a real nice 25mm Napoleonic Austrian commander or two) but would love to hear what everyone else is planning to purchase!


pavelft12 Oct 2009 7:41 p.m. PST

I am sorely tempted by the ATKM War of 1812 54mm stuff.

Haroldson12 Oct 2009 7:46 p.m. PST

I want to check out the new Wargames Factory Vikings if they're available. Also need more Litko bases, have to visit On Military Matters' bookshelves, and I have an interest in trying either 6 or 10/12 mm but need to browse and see what I like.

peru52200012 Oct 2009 7:49 p.m. PST

The list is so long and all in my head. I need to write it all down so that I don't forget anything while I am there.

I am really focusing on terrain items for my 15mm ACW. Trees, fences, houses, etc. I know Battlefield Terrain Concepts always has some very nice things. I also need flags for the many figures I have painted. Any suggestions from anyone?

Of course there is always something very tempting in the flea market area that I DON'T NEED, but end up buying because I couldn't pass up a good deal.

Looking forward to hearing what others have their eyes on.

Personal logo John the OFM Supporting Member of TMP12 Oct 2009 7:50 p.m. PST

First thing is to renew my Old Glory Army Card.
Then, Early War British Armour!
And, some Bleeped textty Jap tanks.
And some Eureka Japs and Marines.

Who knows what may happen next! I will be as giddy as a school girl!

Personal logo McKinstry Supporting Member of TMP Fezian12 Oct 2009 8:15 p.m. PST

More 10mm Imperial Romans, Crusaders and Saracens from OG
Impetus 2 from OMM
Some I-94 decals
I'm going to get 4' x 6', maybe 4'x8' worth of the OG terrain boards if I like them
More boxes and a carrier from baggage train
After than, who knows although that always includes something from Battlefield Terrain

Is it too early to try and set up a meet at Patrick's Antwerp game on Saturday to do the faces/names match thing?

The meet at the bar thing is always iffy depending on the game times.

nycjadie12 Oct 2009 8:34 p.m. PST

My buying will be lighter this time with Steve from Age of Glory getting most of my business. I've got my eye on some pulp figures, though.

A Twiningham13 Oct 2009 8:37 a.m. PST

AFAIK Triangle Miniatures are the only ones carrying Front Rank, so that's where you should look for your Austrian officers. Failing that Eureka has some very nice mounted officers in the new Wars of the French Rev range, but I personally find them a bit smaller than FR.

Speaking of Eureka, that's who'll be getting my hard earned. I understand some French light cav should be out and I just may have to stray from the plan and pick up the Tyrolean package!

Admiral Yi Sun Sin is my Homie13 Oct 2009 9:02 a.m. PST

Lord Ashram, I stole your idea and put my planned purhases up on my blog:


Mostly Old Glory (Ancient boats and WWI miniatures), Age of Glory (WWI Brits, AWI and maybe Koreans) and TheWarstore.

I'd buy a box of Warlord Royalist Cavalry if they show up there by then too.

Does Triangle Miniautres bring enough of the Front Rank line so Lord Ashram will be able to buy the Austrian officers? I know in the past the previous vendor of FR wouldn't as my biggest problem was getting all excited to look at a line (ex: British Officers mounted) and they'd have ONE if I was lucky.

muzik21213 Oct 2009 9:07 a.m. PST

Right now only paints and brushes. However, Im certain to leave with a few hundreds worth of 28mm ACW. Defiitely going to look for some addtional wagons and supply train items.


Goldwyrm13 Oct 2009 9:22 a.m. PST

I likely can't make it, but if Triangle miniatures is going to be present I'll try to grab someone in my area to pickup a few things…also some Eureka and RSM items.

crhkrebs13 Oct 2009 9:38 a.m. PST

Pulp Robots from Recreational Conflict (already ordered too).
Eureka Terrapin Spearmen for Pond Scum!

the rest is boring utility stuff like: green stuff, drybrushes, cheap US Walmart Krylon, bases.

But there is always shiny, shiny impulse buys to beware of.


Patrick R13 Oct 2009 9:54 a.m. PST

All the Galactica starships I can get my hands on.

GoodBye13 Oct 2009 10:11 a.m. PST

Eureka French Rev in 28mm.

TodCreasey13 Oct 2009 11:02 a.m. PST

Likely lots of 15mm WWII terrain (our Firestorm campaign has moved into the cities) – hopefully there will be a good selection of the JR stalingrad terrain.

Beyond that a few bits and bobs for my 15mm WWII and some 28mm Victrix Napoleonics if I am feeling flush.

Plus whatever the lads talk me into….

A Twiningham13 Oct 2009 11:04 a.m. PST

Sir William,

At Cold Wars Triangle Minis had HUGE amounts of Front Rank. Thankfully it was all well organised and the staff were very helpful.

Admiral Yi Sun Sin is my Homie13 Oct 2009 11:09 a.m. PST

A Twiningham,

That is VERY good to know. They've been added to my browse to buy list. grin

Thank you very much!

Cold Steel13 Oct 2009 11:23 a.m. PST

Definitely a regiment or 2 of Eureka's new Young Guard. I also need to round out my Russian and Prussian armies for 1812-14. Some ACW buildings. Maybe a rule set or 2 if I can find a good deal.

reggie8813 Oct 2009 1:35 p.m. PST

When I go to Fall In, I will head to the flea market and hope to fine 15mm napoleonic french there. 2nd gen Minifig or Heritage of course. If any of you want to sell your stuff before Fall In, on TMP, I am in the Market and Exchange boards.

fitterpete13 Oct 2009 2:13 p.m. PST

Buddy at Triangle miniatures carries the Front Rank and Elite and Steve at Age of Glory carries the Perry.I know Steve is going ,sometimes Buddy shows up to help him.Give them both a ring.

cturnitsa13 Oct 2009 2:17 p.m. PST

-Perry Plastic French Nappies

-15mm RCW infantry, wearing Schlem (either Tin Soldier or PP)

-Some rules from Ganesha Games ("Mutants & Deathrays" and "Song of Deeds and Glory")

Lots of free-range shopping. 100% organic, and hormone-free.

Handing out Williamsburg Muster flyers. :)


FireZouave13 Oct 2009 4:28 p.m. PST

I'm hoping that 19th Century Miniatures will be there with 28mm Battle Honors WWII. Need some more U.S. figures. Also looking for WWII buildings and other terrain pieces, maybe some vehicles if there is anything decent and inexpensive in the flea market.

Lord Ashram13 Oct 2009 5:31 p.m. PST

No prob on stealing the idea… we should all write down what we plan to purchase! You never know when someone might have a suggestions, or when such a plan will help curb impulse buys…

…on the other hand, maybe we shouldn't write our plans down?

I meant to add; I need to pick up some Flag Dude flags… Rick, expect an email within a week!:)

Admiral Yi Sun Sin is my Homie13 Oct 2009 5:40 p.m. PST

Thanks Lord Ashram, you have a great blog, btw.

I didn't make it to Fall-In! last year. Did the "Flag Dude" show up? He told me at Historicon in 2008 that he didn't attend Fall-In! as a vendor. I hope he shows then I'll add him on my list. Hard to pass up those great looking flags! And he was really nice to my son, which is a great way to get on my good side. thumbs up

Long Island Gamer13 Oct 2009 6:31 p.m. PST

The Flag Dude is a GREAT guy to deal with. I've gotten flags from him for my Viking army, 100 year war English, Arab Conquest and Landsknetch – and they're always beautiful!

cturnitsa13 Oct 2009 7:24 p.m. PST

Rick (the Flag Dude) was an excellent vendor at Williamsburg Muster last year (Coming back again this year). Not only did he have great stuff for sale, but he also hosted a fantastic Zulu game.

I've seen him at some of the HMGS big east cons, not sure about Fall In.


Chortle Fezian13 Oct 2009 9:22 p.m. PST

Lord Ashram – OG have the fullest selection of Nap Generals. I recently bought a couple of sets of everything. Many people who don't have other OG Naps have these Generals.

Gil Bates13 Oct 2009 10:42 p.m. PST

A Sampler at Applachian Brewing Company

Lord Ashram14 Oct 2009 3:33 a.m. PST

Hey all!

Thanks for the advice on the generals…I found a pair of Front Rank generals (including Charles on a rearing horse!) that seem like they will go well with my Austrians:)

Also, I seem to recall seeing somewhere that Rick "The Flag Dude" will be at Fall In this year as a vendor? I know he wasn't last year, but… but as people have mentioned, he is a fantastic guy to work with, super nice and super quick, with a really good product.

skinkmasterreturns14 Oct 2009 5:09 a.m. PST

I doubt that 19th century will be there,they've skipped the last 4 cons or so. You can get great deals if you mailorder from though.

A Twiningham14 Oct 2009 7:45 a.m. PST

Yep, pretty sure 19th Century only go to Historicon now. A bit hard to justify the long haul from Michigan for the smaller shows I'd imagine.

swd197414 Oct 2009 10:21 a.m. PST

Since I am now starting my collection I am torn between North Africa wwii or Russian Front wwii. 15mm of course :)

I need to savor this moment. There is nothing like starting on a new hobby when everything is new and needed!

I like North Africa the best but I like terrain and the russian front has much more exiting terrain LOL

capncarp14 Oct 2009 1:46 p.m. PST

More Pulp Heroes, perhaps some Rocketmen, Some Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 60's spy figures, and some slightly used treasures from the flea market.

crhkrebs14 Oct 2009 2:55 p.m. PST

A Sampler at Applachian Brewing Company

Damn, you had to go blurt that out on the internet.


capncarp14 Oct 2009 6:15 p.m. PST

crhkrebs on 14 Oct 2009 2:55 p.m. PST wrote:

< "A Sampler at Applachian Brewing Company"

Damn, you had to go blurt that out on the internet.


Inner voice, outer voice…inner voice, outer voice…gotta keep 'em straight, guys.

EJNashIII15 Oct 2009 3:34 p.m. PST

I might get a old Glory 10mm frigate.

Splintered Light Miniatures Sponsoring Member of TMP15 Oct 2009 9:24 p.m. PST

More Battlefield Terrain Concepts terrain. I am a terrain Bleeped text.

Splintered Light Miniatures Sponsoring Member of TMP16 Oct 2009 4:07 a.m. PST

hmmm, did not realize that was a bleepy word. Oh well.

muzik21216 Oct 2009 7:37 p.m. PST

oh yeah i forgot, definitely a few poorly mixed gin and tonics from the hotel bar :)

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