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"sci-fi 28mm troop transports?" Topic

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DiceDuke23 Sep 2009 7:08 p.m. PST

I'm playing AT-43 and I'm looking for a troop transport (flyer) for my Red Blok force. They have the Soundounk in their list but, no model for it yet.

I was looking at Gw's Valkyrie but it just doesn't have the right look for me. Any other ideas out there? Thanks!

RACDVM23 Sep 2009 7:17 p.m. PST

I bought several of the old Revell Cylon fighters and painted them up in naval gray camouflage, then I applied navy aircraft decals. They look pretty good. I am using them as drop-ships.

Uesugi Kenshin Supporting Member of TMP23 Sep 2009 7:17 p.m. PST

Old Crow has a very nice VTOL troop transport. Thats the only 28mm/25 one that comes to mind.

Mad Dog23 Sep 2009 7:37 p.m. PST

I would look for either the toy or the model of the Republic Gunship from Star Wars. It's got some of the same curves that the Red Blok do.

GreatScot7223 Sep 2009 7:51 p.m. PST

If you can find the recent Hunter Killer toy from the Terminator Salvation movie, it has potential. With slight/some modifications (depending on how picky you are) it could serve as a 28mm dropship.

Also, there is a ton of paper models available in 28mm, some of which look quite nice when completed.

cloudcaptain23 Sep 2009 8:49 p.m. PST

The Battlefield Earth Psychlo Drop Ship works if you can find it. Got one for $20 USD off Ebay not that long ago.

mweaver23 Sep 2009 9:02 p.m. PST

Here's the Battlefield Earth one CC mentioned (I had not seen it before):


Here is the terminator HK; I have one to paint up for my IG – it is nicely in scale as a troop transport.


sgibson23 Sep 2009 11:13 p.m. PST

About ten years ago, I bought a bunch of these Starship Troopers retrieval shuttles.
They're perfect for deploying and retrieving 28mm sci-fi troops.
At gencon a few years ago, we ran a Legions of Steel game using a hangar with six of these shuttles and a company of Star Wars stormtroopers trying to fight their way through to escape a planet overrun by Tyranids.
There is also a current Transformer model of a plane that has some cool A-10 style jet engines on its sides that would carry an At-43 container box for bulk transport of troops and supplies. I saw an AT-43 player at Gencon who did one of these conversions, and it looked fantastic. Sorry I don't have pictures.

Brandlin24 Sep 2009 1:13 a.m. PST

I should finish this one soon…

all the WIP details.

Unrepentant Werewolf24 Sep 2009 2:53 a.m. PST

If you're after a Space 1999 look, I understand the old Airfix Eagle Transporter kit is available again.
You could also check EBay for the no longer made GZG 25mm Tactical Interface Transport.
I have one of each and depending on circumstances use them when I need one.

Norrins24 Sep 2009 2:12 p.m. PST

There's always the Cobra gunship from the new GI Joe film. About £25.00 GBP at the mo, but the price is sure to drop (I hope).

CMikeHardy24 Sep 2009 6:50 p.m. PST

Red Blok means you want something with a Soviet Feel…
How bout trying this:
Hind helicopter. Mix in some GW tank and Valkyrie bitz- like pull the rotors and add jet engines to where the wings are maybe?
Junk it up and make it look like a Red Blok drop ship.

Just an idea.

Insomniac24 Sep 2009 11:28 p.m. PST

These will become available soon. They are from the not yet released 'Avatar' film:


Kilkrazy25 Sep 2009 2:07 a.m. PST

28mm SF troop transports

>>I would look for either the toy or the model of the Republic Gunship from Star Wars. It's got some of the same curves that the Red Blok do.

The Republic Gunship is nice, but the Revell easykit Pocket version is too small for 28mm. I don't know if they make a larger scale kit.

The Revell 1/72 scale Slave 1 might work. It's quite a large model.

Italeri do a 1/48 scale Osprey kit.

There are some nice card models…

Insomniac25 Sep 2009 5:53 a.m. PST

There is a transforming Republic gunship that would be OK for a small transport…about Chinnook size.

It is one that changes into a rebel trooper…there would need to be a bit of gap filling, but it could work.

DiceDuke25 Sep 2009 5:33 p.m. PST

Thanks for all the suggestions! Since I'm in a hurry to get a troop transport to the table I'm going to keep my eyes open this weekend and see what is readily available at Toys-r-Us.

Crunchy Frog26 Sep 2009 9:07 p.m. PST

If paper is ok, check out Ebbles Miniatures. He has some great stuff in his 2005 lineup, but check the other ranges as well:


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