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RollinSixes01 Aug 2009 10:48 a.m. PST

Ive just noticed that BTD have a new website up and running.

Has anyone ordered from this new site and if so how quickly did the order arrive ( I know that people have had issues with the length of time it took to receive orders ) ?

BTD produce some nice ranges I would like to collect have been put off in the past by the comments posted regarding the delivery of orders .

mashrewba01 Aug 2009 11:31 a.m. PST

They are nice figs and I'm sure they mean well but it's like a Tomb Raider quest to get the stuff out of them…

mindenbrush02 Aug 2009 2:57 a.m. PST

I ordered some figures from them recently and they arrived here in Germany in just over a week.

Major Mishap02 Aug 2009 4:48 a.m. PST

Took 4 months for my order to be fulfilled and my mate a full 12 months! I'm guessing (as they never would answer my querries as to why it takes so long) that they only get the models cast once they have received enough orders. So, if you are lucky, could be a week – or never.

JLA10502 Aug 2009 8:12 a.m. PST

Still waiting for a backorder from 18 months ago. No replies to enquiries anymore. Order at your own risk.

mrwigglesworth02 Aug 2009 10:49 a.m. PST

I will not order from them.

mashrewba02 Aug 2009 11:02 a.m. PST

I did manage to get a reply and various promises were given and then…
…silence descended once again.

Deucey Supporting Member of TMP03 Aug 2009 9:59 a.m. PST

Thanks for the warning. I was seriously getting ready to orders some Dr. Who stuff.

RollinSixes03 Aug 2009 1:12 p.m. PST

Yes thanks for the replies – guess I'll wait till there is more positive feedback .

TeutonicTexan11 Aug 2009 8:11 a.m. PST

I put in a modest order on July 5th for some Late Romans, and half came in about 2 weeks with a note the rest would need to come from England. I expected a wait, but was pleasantly surprised I got the rest in the mail yesterday…well worth the time as their LR figures are the best available, IMO.

This was my second order from BTD, though the first since the US office opened. Both completed in a similar time frame. Based on all the internet comments, I think it really depends on which line you're ordering from and the quantity. If you're concerned, you might call them to see if they have stock of what you're after, then place the order.

mashrewba11 Aug 2009 3:14 p.m. PST

I'm still E mailing them but it's more for a sort of laugh really…

10thFoot11 Aug 2009 3:30 p.m. PST

My order arrived in a couple of weeks. Very helpful.

TodCreasey13 Aug 2009 1:04 p.m. PST

My order turns one in November. I did a test order last year and got half of it. The half to be sent from England went into a black hole.

dkalley15 Aug 2009 8:27 p.m. PST

I recently ordered two of their sampler packs to to see if I liked the figures. Although through email I had no response on availability questions I bit the bullet and tried the sale prices -- too good, I had no communication problems after I ordered. The order took a couple weeks, I guess two. I noticed there was a mention of submiting alternates when ordering. I didn't do this but had a couple things in my wish list. I don't know if they looked at that or not but the sampler was right on as if I told them what to toss in. I was worried it would a grab bag of overstock junk nobody ordered. I am pretty happy, and will order again. I did talk to them on the phone and they seem pretty straight. I really like the figures and plan on filling out my Saxons and Vikings with them.

I do have to admit I recieved the wrong Norse Folk which I had in mind for my next order anyways so I wasn't going to worry about shipping them back or anything. They do have things on the site they don't sell. They don't sell Coat d'Armes paint btw which is a drag.

stinkpotannie18 Aug 2009 1:10 p.m. PST

I ordered on 19th July and have only received part of the order. They dont respond to email, so I will probably ask for a refund soon. Nice figures but not worth the bother.

Valator18 Aug 2009 9:47 p.m. PST

I'm a bit confused by Black Tree's business practices. Is that company a side job or hobby for some person/s that they only take care of during time off from a regular job or something?

I sent a simple email asking for the composition of the 300 Spartan special offer shown on their webpage and never received a reply. My wife tried calling the number on the website and came away convinced that Black Tree is the mail order version of a guy selling watches in an alley.

I don't think I'll be undercoating hoplites anytime soon…

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