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933 hits since 27 Jul 2009
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Surferdude27 Jul 2009 3:41 a.m. PST

Anyone know of a simple to follow Star Wars time line – I need to get up to speed for an upcoming club campaign but can only find really geeky detailed stuff – I need more of a dummies guide to Star Wars :-)

Rich J

Personal logo Sue Kes Supporting Member of TMP27 Jul 2009 4:11 a.m. PST

Did you try Wikipedia? link

Although it goes into some detail, if you just know what's in the films it puts their action in date order.

Surferdude27 Jul 2009 5:01 a.m. PST

Thanks Sue .. I did find that but it is just dates and events really, bit like reading the old Tolkein time lines – I need to know something about the events (well the major ones) and characters.

Thanks though.

Surferdude27 Jul 2009 5:04 a.m. PST

Actually just found this which is pretty good :-)


AndrewGPaul27 Jul 2009 7:15 a.m. PST

Try picking up one of the spin-off novels in a bookshop. They sometimes have a timeline in them.

Usually, everything's dated BBY/ABY (Before/After the Battle of Yavin, i.e. in relation to the original Star Wars movie).

richarDISNEY27 Jul 2009 8:05 a.m. PST

You may have to dig on Wookiepedia, but I know its on there somewhere…



VonTed27 Jul 2009 8:30 a.m. PST

All you need to know….. the first three movies (the original, first 3 movies) were the best. The next three were not.

Kind of like Highlander, just forget that the other movies exist :)

DS615127 Jul 2009 8:53 a.m. PST

Naboo blockaded.
Palpatine elected Chancellor.
Clone Wars begin.
Clone Wars Finish. Palpatine declared Emperor.
Rebellion begins.
Death Star destroyed.
Death Star II begun.
Death Star II operational. Death Star destoyed. Emperor killed.

That's a pretty basic timeline.

retzlaffmd27 Jul 2009 9:49 a.m. PST

you forgot:

Yuuzang Vong invade.
Chewbacca dies of moon landing on his face.
Nothing else matters…

Farstar27 Jul 2009 10:33 a.m. PST

Naboo blockaded. (BBY 35)
Palpatine elected Chancellor. (BBY 35-34)
Clone Wars begin. (BBY 25)
Clone Wars Finish. Palpatine declared Emperor. (BBY 20)
Rebellion begins. (BBY 20-19)
Death Star destroyed. (ABY 0)
Death Star II begun. (unknown, but the DS1 took as much as 25 years to build)
Death Star II operational. Death Star destoyed. Emperor killed. (ABY 5-ish)

Top of my head guesses, since I'm not looking at the "official" timelines.

The Yuzhang Vong are another 10 to 15 years aout, IIRC, and Chewbacca's death is more like 20+ years out.

flicking wargamer27 Jul 2009 11:21 a.m. PST

Chewbacca is dead? Next you will tell me there is no Santa Claus. Thanks for ruining my week!

Surferdude27 Jul 2009 11:55 a.m. PST

Thanks guys …

AndrewGPaul27 Jul 2009 12:25 p.m. PST

Death Star II begun. (unknown, but the DS1 took as much as 25 years to build)

Nitpick – the Death Star skeleton seen at the end of Episode 3 was not the same one as the one in Episode 4 – the skeleton is a different shape.

The second one was built in a matter of months, the funding was effectively the spare change in the budget, because no-one noticed it, and all the haulage of raw materials was done using one private shipping concern – like the US building an aircraft carrier and shipping the construction materials by UPS (without affecting UPS' other deliveries). :)

wminsing27 Jul 2009 1:03 p.m. PST

The second one was built in a matter of months, the funding was effectively the spare change in the budget, because no-one noticed it, and all the haulage of raw materials was done using one private shipping concern

Don't forget that the Empire could only afford the 2nd Deathstar since Darth Vader had the foresight to take out an insurance policy on the 1st one!


Farstar27 Jul 2009 1:19 p.m. PST

The Empire also supposedly had smaller siege stations, known in the old d6 RPG as Torpedo Spheres or similar.

The 25 year remark was based on the difference between delivery of the plans to Palpatine at the end of Episode 2 and the just completed Station of Episode 4. The DS1 may not have been the first of that shape, but based on the reactions we see in Episode 4, it is the first of its size and the first to carry the planet popper. Rebel worlds going "foom" would probably have been noticed if it had already been happening.

camelspider27 Jul 2009 1:51 p.m. PST

Anyone know of a simple to follow Star Wars time line

No problem, here you go.

June 1977: I went to see Star Wars at the Loews Theater in Jersey City, NJ. I loved it.

July 1977: went to see it again.

May 1980: Now going to college in Manhattan, I went to see The Empire Strikes Back at the Ziegfeld Theater in Manhattan. I loved it even more.

July 1980: went to see it again.

May 1983: I went to see Return of the Jedi, again at the Ziegfeld. Loved it somewhat less than Empire Strikes Back. Before seeing it, I have the ending revealed to me by my eight year old nephew, right after specifically asking him to please not reveal the ending to me.

Summer 1997: went to see the updated versions of all three movies, generally not liking what they did to the old flicks.

Summer 1999: sorry, too painful, can't go on with the timeline.

UltraOrk28 Jul 2009 12:27 p.m. PST

a whiny brat builds droids and races things in the desert

a jedi takes the whiny brat to the big city

whiny brat grows into a whiny teenager who murders hundreds of people

whiny teenager has his ego stepped on (and legs cut off) by another jedi and ends up in a really cool black suit permanently

his girlfriend dies birthing his babies but he doesn't know about it

his son grows into a whiny teenager, meets the jedi that stepped on his ego, and his daughter becomes a diplomat

oh yeah, he forgets he built a protocol driod and can't recognize his best droid buddy, an R2 unit that has been around for 10+ years

should i go on?

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