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"Classic Stasrship Troopers power armor mini in 25mm/28mm" Topic

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Katwerks18 Jul 2009 10:34 a.m. PST

I am wondering if anyone can recommend a science fiction range in 25mm/28mm that has the classic Starship Troopers powered armor.

I am aware that in the Star Guard figure has these figures and Grenadier made some in 1970's.

David Peters

Warbeads18 Jul 2009 11:12 a.m. PST

Contact Reviresco (does Star Guard) or visit the web site or link will work.


Imperial Powered Armor 8 man Troll Squad


Power Armor Element (30)



lutonjames18 Jul 2009 11:17 a.m. PST

Copplestone- link

code FW12

Katwerks18 Jul 2009 11:22 a.m. PST

Okay I will take a look at these links.

David P.

Pictors Studio18 Jul 2009 12:17 p.m. PST

I think that if you are looking for 28mm you might want to look at the Tac Arms from AT-43 or the new Tau Stealth suits, the plastic ones. Those are the closest that I have found.

Pictors Studio18 Jul 2009 12:25 p.m. PST





I like the Jam tac arms myself, but I could be swayed by the shock ones as well. I have about a dozen of the jam ones and have even played a couple of games with them.

khurasanminiatures18 Jul 2009 1:37 p.m. PST

I make a full range of models that are specifically designed to be these, including all the right weapons, the weapons rack, etc, and you get five of them for $19.99!





And I make the Arachnids too.


Hope this helps!

Vicshere18 Jul 2009 3:36 p.m. PST

If you can find them, the Cougar and Grizzly suits made for Star Ship Troopers I think fit the description from the book quite nicely.

Volstagg Vanir18 Jul 2009 6:13 p.m. PST

I quite like the old metal magic 'Space Lords' line (the cybertech),
now available from em4 for my StarshipTroopers:
I -really- like 'em against khurasans arachnids-

Space Lords are 'true 25mm',
so a lot smaller than most of the other choices
(though extremely well detailed, even by today's standards)
Perfect for Troopers "on the Bounce" on a non-giagantic table (IMO)

GreatScot7218 Jul 2009 8:00 p.m. PST

You might want to check out GZG's 25mm Stargrunt range. Lots of power armor choices and for cheap.

If you can find them, WEG's old 25mm Zero Gee Troopers from the Star Wars line, they look a great deal like what I imagined the actual SST's in power armor would.


Privateer4hire18 Jul 2009 8:08 p.m. PST

I like GZG's power armor. OUDF power armor 'eggs with legs' in that range really puts me in mind of the novel's description. I ordered one just to see with my last order and am convinced they're one of the closer versions.

For a more 'modern' futuristic look, I agree that if you can find Grizzly and Cougar suits from Mongoose Publishing's aborted SST miniature game, they fit the bill well, too.

BlackWidowPilot Fezian18 Jul 2009 10:21 p.m. PST

Actually, we've been working on just such a concept on the Liberty & Union League forum over at Wargames Factory, in 28mm hard plastic no less:


The WF forum thread for this proposal is here:


"C'mon you apes! Ya wanna live forever?!" evil grin

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

Insomniac19 Jul 2009 3:06 a.m. PST

That WF forum post just goes to show the breadth of personalities that exist in our hobby.

There are some good suggestions in there but the whole thing keeps getting continuously derailed by suggestions that are blatantly NOT part of the original concept idea.

I also think that the irony of the thing is that the dropsuit (that is on one of the last pages) has already been made by Mongoose (a Marauder…also the Ape walker) and gone by the wayside…and yet people are raving over it (which is a complete waste of time because of IP issues!).

Opinions are great but when it really comes down to it, it is better to build something and let people deal with the results rather than become completely embroiled in the opinions of people who don't really have the knowledge/knowhow to put their ideas into recognisable forms.

Just imagine if blowing up dams during the 2nd world war was given over to the internet to decide on how it was done…the dams would still be there now!

Here's the Mongoose games Grizzly (now sadly OOP):


Warbeads19 Jul 2009 8:25 a.m. PST

The Grizzly is great but lacks the "hydrocephalic Gorilla" aspect to make it perfect. But as you said – OOP.

I will stick to 6mm Scotia for this kind of gaming.



BlackWidowPilot Fezian19 Jul 2009 11:10 a.m. PST

"That WF forum post just goes to show the breadth of personalities that exist in our hobby."

Speaking as one such personality, I have noooo comment on this point… Bwahahaahahaahahaaaaaa!!! evil grin

"There are some good suggestions in there but the whole thing keeps getting continuously derailed by suggestions that are blatantly NOT part of the original concept idea."

As the author of the original submission, yes, I had indeed noticed this trend. You will also note that I have more than once "put the hammer down" about the original concept and focus of this proposal (ie., a *suit* that bears some passing resemblance to Heinlein's prose, and *NOT* a mecha or anime/superhero/G.I. Joe metal bodysuit)… evil grin

"I also think that the irony of the thing is that the dropsuit (that is on one of the last pages) has already been made by Mongoose (a Marauder…also the Ape walker) and gone by the wayside…and yet people are raving over it (which is a complete waste of time because of IP issues!)."

And that too has been addressed more than once on the WF fora; WF has made it 110% crystal clear BTW that they will *not* violate *anyone's* IP, period. I have IMHO made it equally clear that the "Ape Marauder" of Mongoose's SST series is a *mecha,* and we're not out to reinvent the "Cougar" or "Grizzly" suits, but come up with something original that gives a nod to Heinlein's prose without violating Heinlein's or anybody else's IP in the process. evil grin

"Opinions are great but when it really comes down to it, it is better to build something and let people deal with the results rather than become completely embroiled in the opinions of people who don't really have the knowledge/knowhow to put their ideas into recognisable forms."

LOL!! Well, if I had my way and had the capital to run my own miniatures company, I would have already released more original concepts for sci-fi than a stray dog has fleas. But since I do not, and WF has so kindly made this avenue available to our community, I am willing to take my chances and if need be using reason and empirical evidence fight for my proposal's original intent and creative vision. If it means I have to chase the pack of enthusiastic fellow denizens of the WF fora back into heading in the right general direction, so be it. My parents didn't raise a quitter… evil grin

"Just imagine if blowing up dams during the 2nd world war was given over to the internet to decide on how it was done…the dams would still be there now!"

Perhaps, or we'd wind up with the Chauchat all over again. But being a Military Historian, I cannot ignore the lessons of such history, and have IMHO applied them to this very proposal -and others- when I've felt it necessary and appropriate and I was well within my rights to do so. I for one will keep pushing this proposal in the direction of its original, stated intent unless and until I am either well-and-thoroughly voted down by those who have taken it to over 70% pre-order commitment thus far, and/or overridden by Wargames Factory's powers-that-be.

"Here's the Mongoose games Grizzly (now sadly OOP):"

Hence my little proposal; Mongoose no longer makes their SST line, and probably will never resurrect them. No sense lamenting over what was, when one can (perhaps) make something at least as good if not better. evil grin

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

Insomniac19 Jul 2009 1:05 p.m. PST

My post wasn't a dig in any way…it was merely a comment on what a peculiar bunch we are.

I'm not pro dictatorship, I like a bit of critique and the like…as long as it is relevant/helpful.

I've seen the concept SST suits on Hobby Link Japan and they are pretty much what I would expect from an SST power suit…boring 1970's sci-fi (off shoots of standard space-suits)…but SST was 1970's wasn't it?

I quite liked the Mongoose stuff but all those superfluous lumps over the armour make them a complete wotsit to paint.

Good luck with keeping the WF project on track…72% and counting!

BlackWidowPilot Fezian19 Jul 2009 6:23 p.m. PST

Insomniac (James, is that you?),

see my comment above re: my own status as an, er, *personality* in our little community.. evil grin

SST the *novel* was first published in *1959;* so something more akin to a hopped-up deep sea diving suit would IMHO be in order of what Heinlein Himself may have envisioned; the design elements he listed in his prose were certainly consistent with the cutting-edge technology of his times…

72% and we haven't even had official 3D renders yet! Maybe I am doin' somethin' right after all…. Mwahahahahahaaaa!!!! evil grin

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

camelspider20 Jul 2009 6:30 a.m. PST

Separated at birth?



As for the classic trooper, depends on what you mean. If you mean like on the cover of the book in its 70s printings (and no it was not a 70s book), then no one makes that retro design. If you want to find something else:

Gatling gun? bzzzzt
No multiple long weapons? bzzzzt
No rocket/jet assistance? bzzzzt

Insomniac20 Jul 2009 10:01 a.m. PST

Nope…not James ;).

We're a funny bunch :), it is so easy to get obsessed and we love to…a lot :)!

1959?! Blimey, that book has stood the test of time.

The new style Marauder:

Power suits:

A sort of a cross between deep sea diving suits and space suits.

camelspider20 Jul 2009 12:50 p.m. PST

It's interesting that neither of those designs is armed based on the way the MI are described in the book. The 1/12th scale one is not greatlooking as a model, but at least it seems to have jey and rocket assistance. The weaponry though? A fold-down cannon?

The 1/35th scale one has gatling guns. Blech.

BlackWidowPilot Fezian20 Jul 2009 1:02 p.m. PST

"TVs Frank,"

I'm with you on this one, actually. Hence why my efforts on the WF fora on my deranged little proposal have been focused on *not* going down either pathway presented by the SST III The "B" Movie nor the anime interpretation, but trying to stay focused on what we know of Heinlein's actual written prose and the technology of his day as a rude and crude creative guideline.

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

BlackWidowPilot Fezian20 Jul 2009 1:07 p.m. PST

"1959?! Blimey, that book has stood the test of time."

Ain't it grand? evil grin

"The new style Marauder:"

Yeeeeach!!! A D-minus budget movie mecha… evil grin

"Power suits:"

Seen 'em already; too boxy IMHO to make the grade, and that folding cannon? Feeeh!!! evil grin

"A sort of a cross between deep sea diving suits and space suits."

Sorta kinda… but IMHO it needs to be more rounded off rather than all sharp edges and angles… too many shot traps if ya asks me! evil grin

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

camelspider20 Jul 2009 1:12 p.m. PST

Well, it looks like you are out to trash everything that might get in the way of them being made via your beloved LUL submission. grin

I don't care who makes them, as long as they are portrayed as described in the book. I'd actually rather game with them in 15mm to be honest, if I was using 28mm I'd use Khurasan.

BlackWidowPilot Fezian20 Jul 2009 5:14 p.m. PST

"Well, it looks like you are out to trash everything that might get in the way of them being made via your beloved LUL submission. "

Well, I *am* incorrigible… egomaniacal, deranged, depraved, tenacious, devoid of decency… evil grin

"I don't care who makes them, as long as they are portrayed as described in the book."

See above… evil grin

" I'd actually rather game with them in 15mm to be honest, if I was using 28mm I'd use Khurasan."

Khurasan's are a nice and original take on the descriptions in SST the novel. My proposal is meant to go in a stylistically different route, rather IMHO more retro in feel… and the same in 15mmm…Hmmmmmm…. Mwahahahahhaaaaaaaaa!!! evil grin

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

"A pittance to protect you from evil.."


palaeoemrus20 Jul 2009 6:06 p.m. PST

Perhaps the alien powered armors from the old Dorvack anime series might be a decent starting point. They seem to be thinking armored deep sea diving suit at least.

Obviously we don't want the transforming jeep, tank, or helicopter, but the show does have some eggy suits that hop around on thrusters and have various weapons sticking out all over.

Then there is the Crusher Joe Powered Space Suit


BlackWidowPilot Fezian21 Jul 2009 9:37 a.m. PST


seen 'em; I've been mucking about with anime model kits for over 30 years now. The merry crowd of hooligans that are the WF fora community have also debated the alleged merits and alleged lack thereof of the Dorvac suits in all their bulky, mayhem-spewing glory. evil grin

The Crusher Joe suit! Thank you for reminding me of that contraption; I built one years ago and could never quite figure out what to do with it back in the days of Starguard and Warbots & Death Machines! The silly thing was so stiffly posed that it just never grabbed me creatively… now I wish I had at least a half dozen of the silly things! The follies of my misspent youth…. evil grin

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

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