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"15mm "Parasachnids" sneak preview" Topic

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2,079 hits since 16 Jul 2009
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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khurasanminiatures16 Jul 2009 8:27 a.m. PST

Here are two images of the upcoming "Parasachnids" -- a salute to all the large, terrifying swarms of vaguely insectiod alien invertebrates out there in movies, TV and video games. I personally love critters like this because of Halflife 2 -- the "Antlions" are my favorite of the aliens. But of course there are Phil Tippett's amazing Warrior Arachnids from the movie Starship Troopers, and "something else, also terrible," the parasites from Cloverfield.

This creature is none of those, but has elements inspired by each. It's got the crazy "eyes all over the place" look of the parasites, the spiky legs of an antlion and the head-over-body arrangement of the SST bugs.

Here are two pictures:


(There's some danger in showing photos of greens as they tend not to look so great in that form, but I trust that you guys can see the model beyond the green.)

There are two basic bodies -- mouth open and mouth closed, and two basic leg sets, legs held up at equal angles, and legs offset. The attachment of the upper body to the lower is a ball joint which will allow for great variety in posing, and one can probably also bend the legs to get further posability (bend at your own risk, however! grin ).

The grasping/skewering arms are sculpted onto the head for ease of assembly.

They will be sold in small batches or huge bags at a discounted price similarly to the 28mm arachnians.

BTW "parasachnids" is just a working title, combining two influences. Final name has not been decided on yet. It might be something as simple as "Entomalians" or something groovier.

If people like them and they sell, I'm likely to have a monster made too, and perhaps "civilians" (workers) or a brain critter, though that might be a bit too close to the SST model.

This doesn't mean I've abandoned the Space Demons! Far from it, there are not one but TWO expansions underway for those. The Parasachnians are actually quite different from the SDs, and I think a fight between the two could be quite cool.

All the best,

lugal hdan16 Jul 2009 8:33 a.m. PST

Those are the same picture?

camelspider16 Jul 2009 8:33 a.m. PST

Don't look the same to me!

Craig Grady16 Jul 2009 8:35 a.m. PST

Nice one the kit reminds me of Pendrakens version but better!

Personal logo Wolfshanza Supporting Member of TMP16 Jul 2009 8:49 a.m. PST

This is just evil ! Haven't even got the Garn painted up yet ! It's become impossible to keep up with the shiney 15mm stuff ! <sigh>

kmfrye16 Jul 2009 8:59 a.m. PST

These are just great, Mr. Rico!

Looking forward to seeing the finished product.


Ambush Alley Games16 Jul 2009 9:29 a.m. PST

Very nice!

wminsing16 Jul 2009 11:07 a.m. PST

First glance didn't sell me, but I think I am warming up to them.


BTW "parasachnids" is just a working title, combining two influences. Final name has not been decided on yet. It might be something as simple as "Entomalians" or something groovier.

I actually think Parasachnids is a pretty good name.


khurasanminiatures16 Jul 2009 11:53 a.m. PST

That's the peril of posting greens, Will, to the eye it's more a lump of green putty with brass wire sticking out it than an alien abomination.

I go back and forth on it myself. Obviously I went forth on it (or back, depending on your perspective!) on these -- I got the pics and loved them so totally that I had to share them rather than wait two months to receive them then get them painted up!


John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP16 Jul 2009 12:46 p.m. PST

Look nice. There is a vacant gap for that kind of bug in 15mm. I'd likely pick up a bunch.



CMikeHardy16 Jul 2009 4:22 p.m. PST

Those are awesome!
Great work, Khurasan!

Hrothgar Returns16 Jul 2009 4:29 p.m. PST

I like them, So four walking legs, two slashing or grabbing arms, and a big biting mouth. Sounds dangerous.

Silurian16 Jul 2009 5:24 p.m. PST

That sure is a vicious mouth!
Great figures.

(How many other manufacturers have announced late Romans and intergalactic space 'bugs' on the same day?!)

StarfuryXL516 Jul 2009 5:35 p.m. PST

That new Wii game, The Conduit, seems to have a similar SST Arachnid-inspired alien in it, too.

khurasanminiatures16 Jul 2009 7:40 p.m. PST

(How many other manufacturers have announced late Romans and intergalactic space 'bugs' on the same day?!)


A koinkidink, as my kids would say. I put in the news item on the Byzantines on Sunday night.

commanderroj17 Jul 2009 8:44 a.m. PST

I l ike very much. These would work excellently in 6mm as well alongside the GZG Savasku bugs as "tanker" bugs. I'll buy some. One idea would be to make some "rearing up" forelegs legs as a threatening pose option I think people would like.

khurasanminiatures20 Jul 2009 9:12 a.m. PST

Hi there commanderroj, in fact one of the two leg sets is indeed rearing up, as you say. Alternately, you can assemble the with the body pointing in the opposite direction, so the creature is crouching down! The pieces were made for maximum pose variation.

I'm excited about getting them! Should be to me within a week or so then its off to the mouldmakers.

commanderroj20 Jul 2009 9:44 a.m. PST

Alternately, you can assemble the with the body pointing in the opposite direction, so the creature is crouching down!

Crafty bit of sculpting! Excellent!

Cacique Caribe14 Oct 2009 10:11 p.m. PST


Any word yet on how soon before the Parasachnids are made available online?



khurasanminiatures15 Oct 2009 6:22 a.m. PST

Commanderroj. It gets better! I've provided previews to a few people and when they assemble them they inevitably put the body on sideways! Or at least what the sculptor and I would consider to be sideways -- but I think we're in the minority and so people can assemble them any way they want.

When they are released I think I'll show pics of them on both ways ….

CC they should be out soon; I'm going ti release them along with the "bugdumper" drop pod, and that's still being painted. I'll follow up with the painter on that.

Cacique Caribe23 Oct 2009 1:26 a.m. PST

Finally out now:

TMP link


Cacique Caribe29 Oct 2009 11:16 a.m. PST

I just opened a little box that was delivered to me at work and . . .


They are awesome.


Clelland29 Oct 2009 11:23 a.m. PST

I can second that! They are fantastic!

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