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"Scooby-Doo and Dr Who?" Topic

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Personal logo Dances With Words Supporting Member of TMP Fezian08 Jul 2009 6:33 a.m. PST

Why not? Both are sorta 'campy' and sometimes scarey and 'Brilliant' (as the Doctor once said about one of Donna's Ideas…but mostly his own…)

Hasslefree makes 'the gang/look-alikes', except for Buster? and a Police Call box! Heresy makes two 'not #9 and not #10' physician types…there's already more than one 'ruleset' out there or Savage Worlds has character sheets for about everything…(on the net or various sites)…

It could even, possibly be played with 'Toon?'

I'm in the midst of getting the Dr. SherlOCTOPUS and Ms. Whatsit greens transferred to molding/casting…(if you really want to go 'off the beaten track/wall'…) and The Miniatures Building Authority makes TWO Really 'SPIFFY' painted resin 28mm, 'Porta-Loos'…modern and 'futuristic'…which would make the purrrfect 'TARD-Flush!' time machine….(don't forget to put an 'out of order' sign on it when you park it somewhere!!!

Think of the possibilities for cosmic mayhem…with horrorclix zombies, D&D monsters, even 'star wars Lucasverse'!!!!

and don't forget to 'Beware the SLEESTAK!' (and Will Ferrell)

You want something 'new, fresh and totally wacko…'…well add bubba-hotep or a MJ zombie to the crew!!!

I actually had a 'dream' about Dr 10 picking up the 'Scooby crew' last night…(the movie cast)…takes place right after 'The Next Doctor/before Planet of Death'…it was totally SLISHULAR!!!

(and yes, the Doctor did like 'scooby snacks'….)

Hugs and Slishes…(now I gotta order some stuff from HF, since I already got the not-doctors here or enroute from Heresy!!!)…

Sgt DWW-I'm not SUFFERING from INSANITY, I'm enjoying every minute of it!!!

GoodBye08 Jul 2009 7:02 a.m. PST

I actually think one of the great things about the Dr Who universe is that it can fit anywhere and anytime. When I buy one offs it's usually because they will fit into a Dr Who game I'm imagining. So why not the gang from Scooby Doo and throw in the Dr a companion and some Zombies too.


leidang08 Jul 2009 8:05 a.m. PST

HOw about the A-Team as well from Foundry.

I pity the fool that doesn't add them to a game.

Brandlin08 Jul 2009 8:05 a.m. PST

HAsslefree make a not scooby called Buster.
The Glaswegian call box (tardis) they sell is actually made by Fenris games…

Goldwyrm08 Jul 2009 8:12 a.m. PST

I currently use the Scooby gang and Doctor as potential allies that players can pick up in my zombie games. I added a mystery machine courtesy of a Wendy's kids meal toy van that I touched up a bit. No Tardis for the Doctor yet…

The gang of meddling kids in my games is designed to generally run around fleeing danger or give re-roll bonuses when attacked. Although unarmed they can trip or entangle foes and then Fred or Velma can unmask a "monster" removing them from play. They are usually found in the vicinity of their mystery machine, although most players don't take the detour through an increasing number of zombies to seek them out. A few games back someone picked them up at the very end of the game and they would have escaped via a rooftop helicopter with their fast movement while the original team would likely have been run down by fast moving zombies.

The Doctor when discovered can reverse the zombie outbreak if he can be safely escorted off the board. He just needs to get back to his off table police box to stop the evil designs of <pick an alien>. At least that is the story he tells the survivor group. They can choose not believe him. If he doesn't get drawn as a random ally then the cause of the zombie outbreak is attributed to one of the other usual suspects- government engineered virus, hell has become over capacity, etc.

Also if one Googles around, you can find stats for the Scooby Doo gang for Call of Ctulhu games, not sure which version.

jpattern208 Jul 2009 9:20 a.m. PST

The Doctor Who Yahoo! groups have many, many suggestions for miniatures not covered by Black Tree, Micro Universe, etc. They discuss existing minis, proxies, and conversions, too.

Here's the link for the doctorwhominiaturesgame group: link

And here's the link for the DrWho-Invasion-Earth group: link

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP08 Jul 2009 9:27 a.m. PST

Hmm, yes. 'The Doctor' might just be a looney with delusions about the police call box on the [zombie-filled] corner.

Eli Arndt08 Jul 2009 9:33 a.m. PST

"Like, who are you, man?"

"I'm the Doctor!"

"Ra Roctor?"

"Yes, The Doctor."

"Wait a minute, man. Like you understand Scoob?"

"Of course I do. It's not all that different than speaking Reticulan, though the Reticulans have this horrible habit of rolling their r's…"

"Right on, man!"

"Ra, right on"

Ravens Forge Miniatures08 Jul 2009 10:20 a.m. PST

>It could even, possibly be played with 'Toon?'

That would be hilarious. Too bad it didn't stick around long. I've got all the rulebooks and some figures (have the molds too and for sale, but that's another story), but never have played.

Hmmm, maybe EBay might be a good place for them!

slobberblood08 Jul 2009 12:02 p.m. PST

emu2020 Thanks LOL!

napthyme08 Jul 2009 12:06 p.m. PST

man I don't know what your taking to have dreams like that one, but I want some…

Thomas Nissvik08 Jul 2009 1:13 p.m. PST

DWW, christmas will come early for you this year.
October, in fact.

NoLongerAMember08 Jul 2009 1:44 p.m. PST

Only works if its Tom Baker or Patrick Troughton Dr's…

Redroom08 Jul 2009 4:42 p.m. PST


Eli Arndt08 Jul 2009 8:48 p.m. PST

Thank you thank you…


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