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2,160 hits since 23 Jun 2009
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

PANSHIR23 Jun 2009 3:44 a.m. PST

Hi Friends
I'm collecting materials for my 2nd Afghan War project.
I've seen on the Foundry and Old Glory catalogue Indian/British Guide Cavalry: what regiments? Where can I find for uniforms and color?

Who produce Bamboo lances for my Bengal Lancers in 28mm????

Thanks for help.

Plynkes23 Jun 2009 3:48 a.m. PST

Foundry sell packs of bamboo lances. They ain't exactly cheap, mind.

aecurtis Fezian23 Jun 2009 4:38 a.m. PST

The Guides were the Guides: only the one regiment. At that time, the full name was the Queen's Own Corps of Guides, Punjab Frontier Force.

Here is Simkins' plate showing the Guides cavalry and infantry. The uniform was khaki, with red distinctions. (Photos show plain khaki for the field uniform; the troopers in the plate are clearly in parade dress.) The cavalry have a silvery-grey pagri over a red kullah.


If you also do the Guides Infantry, I believe the Foundry figures are wearing an "irregular" poshteen rather than the uniform tunic shown here. It would typically be brown (natural skin), with the wool of the sheepskin showing at the edges.

As to lances: in 28mm, anything other than a plain rod is over-sculpting! Just suggest the bamboo sections with paint, if you must.



doc mcb23 Jun 2009 6:31 p.m. PST

"Now here is thy master," Kamal said, "who leads a troop of the Guides,
And thou must ride at his left side as shield on shoulder rides.
Till Death or I cut loose the tie, at camp and board and bed,
Thy life is his -- thy fate it is to guard him with thy head.
So, thou must eat the White Queen's meat, and all her foes are thine,
And thou must harry thy father's hold for the peace of the Border-line,
And thou must make a trooper tough and hack thy way to power --
Belike they will raise thee to Ressaldar when I am hanged in Peshawur!"

They have looked each other between the eyes, and there they found no fault,
They have taken the Oath of the Brother-in-Blood on leavened bread and salt:
They have taken the Oath of the Brother-in-Blood on fire and fresh-cut sod,
On the hilt and the haft of the Khyber knife, and the Wondrous Names of God.
The Colonel's son he rides the mare and Kamal's boy the dun,
And two have come back to Fort Bukloh where there went forth but one.
And when they drew to the Quarter-Guard, full twenty swords flew clear --
There was not a man but carried his feud with the blood of the mountaineer.
"Ha' done! ha' done!" said the Colonel's son.
"Put up the steel at your sides!
Last night ye had struck at a Border thief --
to-night 'tis a man of the Guides!"

Jamesonsafari24 Jun 2009 8:31 a.m. PST

the Guides totally rock! I have a squadron of Guides cavalry and two companies of Guides infantry. I try to include them in every Field Force.

rigmarole13 Jul 2009 7:49 a.m. PST

I am painting up some Foundry Guides cavalry just now as well!

BTW does anyone have an online link to the Guides cavalry pagri (turban) pattern for the to use as painting reference?

Also, would there be a squadron guidon of sorts for the Guides?

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