I have lately received some sample sprues from Wargames Factory for review. Posted below is the review I wrote for our club website here:
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I recently received some sample sprues from 3 new offerings by Wargames Factory. WF produces hard-plastic multi-pose miniatures in 28mm scale. They are compatible with a wide range of wargames figures by other makers.
The new sprues I received are Ancient Numidians, Ancient Germans, and Zulu warriors.
1.) Numidians. These are well-molded figures on the standard 4X6 inch sprue, which all WF minis are molded on. There are two sprues to a set. One sprue has four torsos, and 12 pairs of arms so that a variety of poses may be made. The second sprue contains 4 helmeted heads, 4 plain heads, and a crested helmet head for a leader figure. There are 4 round shields, 4 swords in scabbards, 4 thin swords, 4 javelins, two bows and quivers, 4 slings, and 2 standards.
The nice thing about these Numidians is that they can be used for a variety of figures/armies for quite a long period of time. Almost any ancient army could have these as light infantry, or unarmored hoplites, psiloi, what have you. They are clothes in a generic tunic, which can easily fit them into almost any place you need troops. The sprues are available individually, $3 USD for the torso sprue and $2 USD for the equipment sprue.
2.) Ancient Germans. What can i say? Anyone playing ancients against Rome from about 350BC to 600 AD can use these fellows. They could also double as Viking and dark Age barbarian types, depending on how you kitted them out. Again, two sprues to a set. There are 5 torsos and 9 sets of arms on the first sprue. Three are bare-chested and the other two have tunics and trousers.
The second sprue has 7 bare heads and two helmeted heads, 3 round shields and 3 coffin shields, 2 bows & quivers, 2 standards, 4 javelins, 4 swords, 2 clubs, and a horn. As in the Numidians, pressing is very crisp, well detailed and the plastic is a medium gray, flat finish. Pricing has not been determined for these as yet, as they have not been officially released, but should be by the end of the month.
3.) Zulus! For those who play colonials, the release of plastic Zulus will be very helpful, as it provides an excellent way to raise a large force at a reasonable price. The first sprue has 5 torsos, and 9 pairs of arms. Again, molding is crisp and well defined, with the renders being done in the same flat, medium gray hard plastic as the other sets.
The second sprue has a large assortment of equipment. 14 separate heads, with two with headresses for leaders, 4 plain shields, and 2 more with assagai molded to the inside, for the warrior to be clutching. 2 trade muskets and 3 Martini Henry rifles w/bayonets fixed, 2 knobkerries, a powderhorn on a sling, 5 separate assegai, and 5 spears round out the lot. Pricing is $4 USD for the body sprue and $2 USD for the equipment sprue.
All in all I am quite excited about these new releases. The Numidians and Germans will allow me to both finish the barbarian army I am working on, plus provide allies for the Romans, and the Numidians, at some point, will be the core of a Spartan army and it's allies.
Although I am a fan of the company, I have no connection to them other than as a customer. I am fond of this company because it has released figures that are both well-detailed and affordable, figures which a gamer can use to build up the core troops of his army. Wargames Factory does not produce metal figures, nor "specialist" troops like officers, engineers, etc, and the gamer will have to go to other sources for those items.
Having said that, though, anyone contemplating a foray into Ancients or British/Zulu wars, would be well advised to take a good look at this company for at least a portion of their forces.