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"Would We Welcome ALIEN "New Kids On The Block"???" Topic

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Cacique Caribe11 Jun 2009 12:24 p.m. PST

I know what happens when you assume . . .

But, assuming we make first contact with an alien species, as they migrate the cosmos (been looking for a home for a very long time) . . .

And assuming they ask us to permit them to live on Venus, Mars, or another planet in our solar system (they don't like or can't live on Earth*) . . .


Do you think we would be so paranoid and suspicious of invasion and competition, or possessive of those planets, that we would tell them no???

* link

lugal hdan11 Jun 2009 12:35 p.m. PST

Some yes, some no. I suspect that we WOULD permit it, but that a huge part of our population would riot or at least protest the decision, and that any aliens that visited would need a good security detail.

Personal logo mmitchell Sponsoring Member of TMP11 Jun 2009 12:35 p.m. PST

I think some politicians would quickly make a backroom deal, take technology as payment, and then use it to further their own, personal agendas. In other words, a few people would get rich from the contact and if the aliens wanted Venus in exchange, they would let them have it.


By the way, I'm glad this is what your post is about. I was terrified that you were working on a set of New Kids on the Block, but as gray aliens. I was honestly not looking forward to seeing Danny (or is it Donny?) Walberg as a Gray. But if you ever do make them, make sure they're 28mm. grin

StarfuryXL511 Jun 2009 12:37 p.m. PST

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Cacique Caribe11 Jun 2009 12:37 p.m. PST


MMitchell, how about as a Xenomorph?


Frederick Supporting Member of TMP11 Jun 2009 12:48 p.m. PST

You know, I suspect how paranoid we would be depends on how much of the biosphere we share, i.e. if the newcomers were a silicon-based life-form that lived at 50C and wanted to live on Venus – where, as I recall, we can't – we might mind less than if they wanted to live on a sandy beach at 72F

Cacique Caribe11 Jun 2009 12:50 p.m. PST


"…they don't like or can't live on Earth …"

So they would be looking for a home on our other planets or moons.


John the OFM11 Jun 2009 12:51 p.m. PST

At this stage in our "development", there is not a lot we could do to stop them. However, it IS awfully polite of them to ask permission. Maybe too polite.
Like Frederick said, if they can live on Venus, fine! They won't be bothering us!

In return for being so nice as to let them live on Venus (which we couldn't stop anyway), let's ask them how they got here, and how to make that kind of spaceship. Cooler, and with oxygen atmosphere, of course.

wminsing11 Jun 2009 12:54 p.m. PST

If they arrived tomorrow? I think the answer would be have to yes- we couldn't stop them, so it would be better to have them pay us then let them take it.

I suspect people would be extremely displeased by this- people would be unlikely to trust the aliens, since who knows if they are telling the truth anyway- they could be the vanguard of an invasion force, or running from an invasion force, or who knows what. Conspiracy theories would abound, I suspect.


Cacique Caribe11 Jun 2009 12:55 p.m. PST


If we do make contact, I'm sure we would make it sound as if there would have to be conditions for their entry (as if we own the solar system).

What do you think would be the long-term ramifications for a neighboring race in our own solar system?

Do you think we would eventually come to blows over other resources? Particularly if we both decide to keep to ourselves afterward (meaning that we don't share much technology or plans with each other)?


John the OFM11 Jun 2009 1:00 p.m. PST

Would they expect an NFL franchise?
Would they want Historicon to move to Venus?

Cacique Caribe11 Jun 2009 1:02 p.m. PST



Cacique Caribe11 Jun 2009 1:06 p.m. PST

I guess that, if they moved to Mars instead, that might put a damper on our plans to send missions and colonize there in the future.

Plus, they might claim that any human exploration to anything past Mars (such as the asteroid belt, Jupiter, etc.), would be considered trespassing.


wminsing11 Jun 2009 1:09 p.m. PST

Particularly if we both decide to keep to ourselves afterward (meaning that we don't share much technology or plans with each other)?

In this case Humanity is royally hosed- once you have interstellar capability interplanetary is comparatively easy. If the aliens don't share their tech with us as part of the 'deal' then they will be able to plant their flag on every other rock in the solar system in short order- they might leave us the Moon if we are lucky. In that case war in inevitable, and the aliens would almost certainly win.

Would they expect an NFL franchise?
Would they want Historicon to move to Venus?

Ah yes, the truly important questions. Along with what the UN will do once we discover their flag is not a 4:3 ratio and doesn't fit in the Assembly Hall?


M1Fanboy11 Jun 2009 1:16 p.m. PST

An Alien New Kids…all I can say is that to would be justification for xenocide….

Thomas Whitten11 Jun 2009 1:30 p.m. PST

I always thought the New Kids on the Block were aliens.

UltraOrk11 Jun 2009 1:34 p.m. PST

The people of Earth would come to a great enlightenment that we are not alone in the universe and turn into a single world culture of charming, delightful, intelligent, whimsical manic xenophobes

CPT Jake11 Jun 2009 2:04 p.m. PST

I for one welcome our Alien New Kids on the Block Overlords.

Personal logo Saber6 Supporting Member of TMP Fezian11 Jun 2009 2:38 p.m. PST
Cacique Caribe11 Jun 2009 2:48 p.m. PST


But those are on Earth, not settling on another planet/moon in our solar system, right?



Sure, give us easy space travel and I'm down for them taking a planet we can't use.

Personal logo Dances With Words Supporting Member of TMP Fezian11 Jun 2009 3:18 p.m. PST

1. Never make 'assumptions' about a life form that's 'intelligent/probably MORE so that us, more technologically advanced and is in a 'survival of the species at all costs'…mode.

IF they were 'desperate' enough to leave/HAD to leave their own system…and somehow managed to 'resolve' the HUGE technological/energy and other requirements needed to do so…their moties might not be orientated towards hostility or friendlyness as much as the 'we made it to the new world' sorta thing. (we all know the sorta things that has led to on our own world in the 'past' when different cultures/technologies/motives 'competed'….

2. IF our 'earth' is uninhabitable for them 'as it is'…they might have the technology to 'terror-form' it…such as drop the surface temps or raise them till all the ice melted/mostly water etc…or change atmo comp to include elements toxic to most existing lifeforms but good for theirs….

On the other TENTACLE…if Mars or Venus or the OCEANS under the ice of the Jovian or Saturnian moons 'worked'…or they liked 'swimming in the methane seas' of TITAN….what's the BIG deal???

3. What if they are already HERE…either in our system or on our earth and DIDN'T ASK/DIDN'T TELL!!! 8-0

4. What is this, a 'space western?' ….This SOLAR SYSTEM ain't big enough for BOTH of us partner….DRAW!!! 8-/ IF life is rare…and intelligent/sentient life, even RARER….and our system was only one within 'reach'…unless we were direct threat to each other…(which some of may already be to each other just on the EARTH alone, now…)…what's the BIG DEAL?

5. IF 'intelligent/sentient' life had evolved elsewhere in the solar system and is 'hiding'/not obvious to us now….they might consider US the 'new kids on the block'…even if they'd emmigrated here back when humans were just a 'spark in the eyespot of paramecium!'….and we still might be! What if we run into 'Keep off the gress/our 'yard' signs when we actually travel FURTHER out into the solar system…(and maybe can't READ them???)


Sgt DWW-bartentacle on Duty in Tiki-bar and Avonish-rep for R'ylth aka Neptune…(Cthullu's Summer Cottage!)

Rubber Suit Theatre11 Jun 2009 7:58 p.m. PST

Humans being what they are (unforgivably stupid), it will depend on what they look like. Anyone remember Bloom County's Zygorthian Raiders?

What's going to happen when they find out the bald monkeys didn't have title for that real estate?

tnjrp11 Jun 2009 10:57 p.m. PST

Judging solely by a number of answers for questions of this sort on various forums, I'm inclined to think that on the whole, Earth societies would lean towards the paranoid end of the spectrum. Tho I suppose it may be just the times.

General Montcalm11 Jun 2009 11:04 p.m. PST

I think they would want North America, and herd the native inhabitants into reservations.

Cacique Caribe11 Jun 2009 11:24 p.m. PST

GM: "I think they would want North America"

Well not if "…they don't like or can't live on Earth …" (as stated on the initial post)

So they would be looking for a home on our other planets or moons.


alien BLOODY HELL surfer12 Jun 2009 5:48 a.m. PST

'Would they expect an NFL franchise?'

If they are intelligent enough to have mastered interstellar travel,then I very,very much doubt they'd want that (nor nascar) ;-p

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP12 Jun 2009 10:35 a.m. PST

CC – Okay, okay – from now on, I will read the WHOLE post from now on

As John points out, depends on which planet and what we might want to do with them

Dances with Wolves makes another great point – just because they can't live on Earth NOW, will that always be the case?

So – if they are silicion-breathing gas bags who live on the surface of Jupiter, I think we will be very friendly

High tech bipeds who breath low oxygen concentrations, like it very dry and like Mars – maybe some paranoia is justified

Ron W DuBray12 Jun 2009 12:05 p.m. PST

like we could stop them even if we said no.

Bunkermeister Supporting Member of TMP12 Jun 2009 10:10 p.m. PST

Nuke them from orbit, it's the only way to be sure we stop them.

Perhaps some of the nukes on my blog would be helpful…

Mike "Bunkermeister" Creek

Cacique Caribe12 Jun 2009 10:45 p.m. PST

"High tech bipeds who breath low oxygen concentrations, like it very dry and like Mars – maybe some paranoia is justified"

Frederick, I would have to agree with you completely.


Cacique Caribe14 Jun 2009 1:32 a.m. PST

I think that . . .

1) Because we would not have the technology to prevent them from moving in, we would continue the semblance of hospitality, in exchange for a few concessions of course;

2) They will never fully share all their technology, for obvious reasons. And, during that time, we would not do anything to pick a fight;

3) If/when we finally feel that our technology is up to par (even if that is simply our own illusion), we will make them pay for holding out on us, as if they somehow owed us in a generation what they took thousands of years to develop; and

4) If they take over Mars, we will make them pay double for ruining our dreams of being the first to reach that planet and stake a claim.

I think that is what every culture on Earth has done when their technology and organization finally catches up to that of a civilization they misunderstand, fear or hate.

Does that sound about right to you guys?


Cacique Caribe05 Oct 2009 10:48 p.m. PST

I love the line . . .

"The world is in such bad shape, who wouldn't welcome a savior right now?"

Man. If Morena asked me to submit, I would gladly accept her as my overlord!

PS. Watch for the start of the series: Nov 3

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