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BravoX09 May 2009 8:50 a.m. PST

I came across this list on the Victrix site.
It has been updated and note the items below listed as being in sculpting or tooling, also see the note about other periods, this is great to hear though hope it doesn't mean a slow down in the Napoleonic releases.

The following set will be available towards the end of May/ Early June:
VX0006 British Napoleonic Highlander Centre Companies 1807 – 1815
VX0006 British Napoleonic Highlander Flank Companies 1807 – 1815

The above sets will feature both marching , advancing and firing line figures. The command figures will include officers, NCO's, drummers, standard bearers and pipers.

We have listed below sets that are currently at the sculpting or tooling stage.
VX0008 French Napoleonic Imperial Guard Grenadiers
VX0009 British Foot Artillery 6pr, 9pdr and howitzer options
VX0010 French Napoleonic Imperial Guard Chasseur a Pied
VX0011 British Royal Horse Artillery
VX0012 French Napoleonic Imperial Guard (Middle Guard)
VX0013 French Napoleonic Dragoons 1805-12
VX0014 French Napoleonic Dragoons 1812-15
VX0013 French Napoleonic Carabiniers 1805-10

VX5401 54mm British Napoleonic Peninsular Infantry Flank Companies
This will be a 16 figure multipose set with many different head and arm options.

We are fully committed to continue producing more sets for the Napoleonic period.

However, we will also be looking at producing figure sets for other periods. It is likely we will make an announcement about other period projects later this year.

malcolmmccallum09 May 2009 9:00 a.m. PST

Bleah. French Guard again… still… over and over again. We need more French guard producers like we need … British rifles. What we need is Austrians and Russians.

de Ligne09 May 2009 9:00 a.m. PST

Well that's good news then.

Its a pity we are seeing duplication with the Perry's releases when I suspect many people will really want to see nationalities other than the Brits and French.

On that subject I recently wrote to Victrix asking if they would consider Portuguese and Spanish to compliment their other Peninsular releases. I did not receive a reply.

ArchiducCharles09 May 2009 9:40 a.m. PST

I echo Malcom's comments. Austrians, Russians, Prussians, please!!! But if they branch out into other periods and 54mm, I don't have much hopes we'll see these any time soon. I'm still amazed the Perrys and Victrix are basically doing the same thing.

At least the Dragoons should be useful.

BravoX09 May 2009 10:23 a.m. PST

Well I dont really agree that Perry and Victrix are doing the same thing, none of the above sets have been mentioned as being part of any future Perry plan.

Perry have made it clear they have a very narrow focus the Waterloo campaign and will only release plastic sets to suplement the metals, whereas Victrix tend to cover 1807-1815 with a bias towards earlier period.

Even with the Carabinier, Perry are doing 1815 with Cuirass, whereas Victrix are doing 1810 pre-Cuirass which I am really looking forward to.

That said, I do agree that I would love to have seen Austrians to go up against the French, also hope to see the French Artillery.

Schogun Supporting Member of TMP09 May 2009 10:42 a.m. PST

I hope the French Dragoons box includes both mounted and dismounted.

Mave18209 May 2009 12:19 p.m. PST

I think you'll find that both companies are producing what will SELL. You'll get your Austrians, Prussians and Russians eventually, I'm sure. What customers SAY they want and what they'll actually put their hands in their wallets for in enough numbers ain't necessarily the same thing.

DeanMoto09 May 2009 1:03 p.m. PST

I'd like some of French infantry in long gaiters.

OttoMunoz09 May 2009 1:07 p.m. PST

I really want plastic 28mm Spanish in Bicornes. All in Marching poses.


504trooper09 May 2009 1:22 p.m. PST

Victrix has stated previously that there will be 8 dismounted troopers in each cavalry set.

malcolmmccallum09 May 2009 2:37 p.m. PST

What particularly grates is that with a little work they could take advantage of the nature of hard plastics and sell boxes of bodies with common headgear and then other small packs of assorted conversion bits. Surely they don't need to produce three lines of French Imperial guardsmen if the cut of the tunic is universal.

Lord Hill09 May 2009 2:56 p.m. PST

I hope they don't get sidetracked into other nations/periods and stick to British and French and see the full range through. And r.e. more rifles – the more the merrier.

(just to give another point of view)

fitterpete09 May 2009 3:12 p.m. PST

I think there are a lot more Austrian,Russian and Prussian collecters/painters/players than people think.I would be willing to bet they would sell just fine.But wargames companies will always play it safe.Look how many companies make romans.

Lord of the Cabal09 May 2009 4:00 p.m. PST

I'd like to see both companies complete their existing lines before committing to new forces.

I'll appreciate Russian and Prussian plastics once I've finished my French division, but I admit Picton's Division will probably be my next build, the black watch and the Gordons – Victrix for them then!

Augustus09 May 2009 7:07 p.m. PST

I am continually amazed more than 1/2 the armies that did most of the fighting remain unrepresented or even unplanned in plastic.

Austrians, Russians, Prussians, or the line is pointless.

Refit kits would be nice with variable headgear so people could at least get started on these underrepresented armies.

malcolmmccallum09 May 2009 7:13 p.m. PST

The queer thing about the business plan is that a customer might buy 1 box of French Imperial Guard (if he didn't instead go with metals for this elite unit) but might buy 6+ boxes of rank and file of another nation. Hard plastic box sets should be catering to the mass unit collection and leave the niche stuff to metals.

BravoX09 May 2009 7:20 p.m. PST

The reason I and I guess others want Austrian, Russian, Prussian troops is becuase you have far more battles to fight.

Waterloo campaign gives you only 2 battles to fight, it really is a wonder why anyone really buys Waterloo campaign (and yes I include myself).

The Peninsular gives you more scenarios, true, but it was always a sideshow, the real great battles of the era took place in central europe involving the big 4, personally 1809 through 1813 is the best period.

In many ways these battles ARE the Napoleonic era.

KatieL10 May 2009 2:18 a.m. PST

"VX0006 British Napoleonic Highlander Centre Companies 1807 – 1815
VX0006 British Napoleonic Highlander Flank Companies 1807 – 1815"

Shouldn't one of those be VX007 ?

blucher10 May 2009 2:31 a.m. PST

I am 100% sure an austrian 28mm plastic set would sell better (and make their money back faster) than a 28mm guard set …

well 99%

colbert10 May 2009 2:32 a.m. PST

That would be a good idea ,selling a box of bits & pieces.
Similar along the lines of Historex.Got to be a seller.

Mike Blake10 May 2009 3:32 a.m. PST

Sorry guys, all this chatter fades into nothing compared to the throwaway line at the end – 54mm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BravoX10 May 2009 7:21 a.m. PST

Hmm "54mm" yes a bit of surprise, with the increasing interest in 40mm at the moment I would have thought they might go there instead of the already heavily populated 54mm-1/32 segment. That said I have yet to see any 54mm plastic that have been done well (outside of Historex), they tend to be rather 'wooden' looking so who knows.

Arkoudaki10 May 2009 8:37 a.m. PST

What's wrong with 54mm? I just wish they made the figures like the Perry's so you could have a choice of line and flank coy figs from the same box…that way you get to choose.

As for the other items, the French Cavalry will be useful, as one can never have enough Dragoons…but the Carabiners is a bit of a strange one, as you don't need so many of these. It would have been better to focus on Hussars and Chasseurs.

Like others have said, the French Guard forces may have been done but we can always use some more. Let's face it, painting Line troops is pretty dull…so the more Guards the merrier. And if many of you are honest, you will admit that you already have loads of Guard troops in your collections, more than you would ever need, and you still keep buying them (me included!).

I just hope that Victrix is able to rectify the production problems it has. The box of French Inf I bought was a big step forward from the previous ones, but still more needs to be done to resolve the design and moulding problems.

Just my thoughts….

Lord Hill10 May 2009 10:39 a.m. PST

…will say it just one more time – 6 bagpipers per box??? Arrrghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PrimusPilus10 May 2009 11:10 a.m. PST

I hope we end up seeing Russians, Prussians and others as well.

But having said that, I will be buying some Highlanders. In fact probably al of the above plastics. Better get painting :)

STEVE LBMS10 May 2009 11:11 a.m. PST

Only 4 bagpipers per box. And if you dont want to use the bagpipe arms you just use some of the other arms in the box to make a different type of figure.

Austrians , Russians and Prussians will be coming.Myself and Julian are big Napoleonic enthusiasts so dont think we wont be covering the other European powers. For my own part I cant wait until we start our Austrians as I really want to do some large 1809 games, it is Unfortunate we cant do everything at the same time. Better to get the ranges we have started to healthy levels before jumping into somthing else. We are also looking at Portuguese and Spanish but these will be later editions to our range. We are going to need these to go with our planned rules expansion and scenarios.

The 54mm are not going to interupt the flow of the 28mm ranges,it is simply a matter of retooling from the original 28mm patterns to get more use from the resin patterns as they are a huge expense.

Back to my sick bed now!:o(


Steve.(Victrix and LBMS)

Lord of the Cabal10 May 2009 12:02 p.m. PST

Thanks Steve – much appreciated.

BravoX10 May 2009 8:38 p.m. PST

On the Napoleonic side after Austrians I would also like to see Napoleonic Equipment as this is something I am relly keen on grin, basically what HaT do but in 28mm and with a good level of detail.

But besdies lets start some pointless specuation of what the 'other periods' could be.

Scratch Republican Romans, Imperial Romans, ECW, ACW they're already covered by WG, WF, Perry.

Perry are about to release WoR.

Valiant do very very large 1/72 WW2 so would Victrix really venture to do 'only a little bit bigger' WW2 figures?

So what is left?

Dark Ages, WW1, Crusades, 18th Century, Franco-Prussian, Crimea, Asian, Greeks/Persians?

Given that it will be a year or two before anything will appear and and assuming WG and HaT will not stand still, and assuming Perry will be an important but essentially a bit part player in plastics as they just produce the odd add on to there metal ranges as their fancy takes them, even that small list will no doubt shrink.

Personally I would love to see Dark Ages. Though probably any of the above would be ok.

forrester11 May 2009 5:51 a.m. PST

54mm is a bit of an odd/brave direction to go in--usually these days if anyone is going bigger than 28mm it means 40mm.No doubt we will eventually see some impressive skirmish games with them.

blucher11 May 2009 8:56 a.m. PST

Guess too late to change their mind to 40mm .. Would possible have bought those …

still like the company though, nice ideas.

Also LBMS are excellent!

Mick in Switzerland11 May 2009 11:26 a.m. PST

Dear Forrester
54mm opens the market for diorama builders and modelmakers -there are far more of them than there are wargamers.

Griefbringer11 May 2009 12:14 p.m. PST

My guess for the "new period" would be War of the Jenkins Ear.


Duc de Limbourg11 May 2009 1:25 p.m. PST

Or French revolution

lebooge11 May 2009 1:30 p.m. PST

Agree with Bravo X. The advent of plastics should mean well-detailed artillery and (especially) limber teams that don't cost a fortune.

thehawk11 May 2009 4:47 p.m. PST

The anatomical proportions and detail on Victrix puts them in a greenfields situation – there is no competition apart from Perrys. Mentioned above, Valiant WW2 are caricatures, like many metals. Victrix WW2 would be more or less a 54mm figures in 28mm. So what's left? – everything including Napoleonics.
However a situation where Victrix produces every period is not that likely in the near future unless they organised some serious venture capital. 10 new releases a year wouldn't even cover Naps if variations such as centre and flank companies are in different boxes.
Preiser do 54mm hard plastic and their figures are superb – but as they are aimed at modellers, they are expensive – and probably very profitable.

Musketier12 May 2009 5:10 a.m. PST

Plastic Napoleonic Austrians would probably move me to start collecting that army – so far I've balked at the big battalions in metal…
I'd still want Prussians though, at least one set of regulars and one of Landwehr (I won't even dream of Jena to Eylau types)- some of the variants could then be assembled by combining with British or French pieces.
As to "other periods", I'd definitely vote for 18th century, even if that probably means AWI – some sets could be kept generic enough, or come with spare heads etc., to be of use for SYW and imagi-nations as well.

JCBJCB12 May 2009 1:11 p.m. PST

It almost makes me want to stop collecting my Perry French, since I like the pre-1812 period best of all. I'd give my eye teeth for French in bicornes, but….

Good to hear that the Austrians might be coming down the pike. As soon as they're out, I'll be all over them.

Lord Hill13 May 2009 12:33 p.m. PST

Thanks steve! Can't wait.

colbert13 May 2009 12:52 p.m. PST

I understood a set of heads in chapeau/bicorne would be released for French(similar to the english light coy/regt head set).

Rob UK16 May 2009 2:10 p.m. PST

Although I'm not a great fan of the plastic figs from a purely painting point of view, there are some interesting future releases planned by both Perry and Victrix that may tempt me to dip my toe into the plastic water!

I am keen to see what other periods/nationalities appear. Conversion kits do seem an excellent idea

PrimusPilus16 May 2009 4:43 p.m. PST

I have a mate who is keen for plastic Austrians too.

Keep up the great work Victrix. Your plastics mean I can afford to collect more than one Brigade. I am thinking of a Division now.

mmmmmm…Must build a bigger gaming table!

Happy Gaming,


trailape20 May 2009 1:31 a.m. PST

I just recieved the Victrix French. Very nice.
I like where this company is heading, and agree that they should get the bulk of their current lines done prior to starting on Austrians, Prussians, Russians ETC.
That said, I'll be joining the line up for Austrians, (and Spanish)!!

wilm1210 Jun 2009 12:46 p.m. PST

I also agree that guard units will not sell as much as regular line units… that said; one way would be to have british , french and prussian line infantry and then foot artillery and line cavalry ( dragoons, lancers …) for these nations so that we can built balanced armies graduately for all the major nations..

Steve W12 Jun 2009 5:34 p.m. PST

54mm would look really cool for Sharpe Practice though

TodCreasey28 Jun 2010 6:30 a.m. PST

Actually Chasseurs a pied can be used up as Grenadiers for a lot of other nationalites so I will likely pick those up.

Some alternate heads for the old guard set would be good too

Ingarsby28 Jun 2010 2:47 p.m. PST

A naval landing party. That would be great, and the character the Victrix sculpts have would work very well with them. Ideal for skirmish games.

1815Guy29 Jun 2010 4:54 a.m. PST

Well, it has to be 28mm late war Prussians for Victrix.

they only need 2 or 3 uniform types for infantry, and a couple more for cavalry, so its not an expensive job to sort em out for production. They also already have British uniforms for some of the Prussian reservists, and every Waterloo British army already sold will want to have its off-table Prussian force marching to re-inforce their 1815 ally. The 1813 battles are also very manageable re size, and some knife-edge outcomes – perfect for wargames.

HAT have some Landwehr in the pipeline, but they are lagging terribly, as is so often the case, and once released they wont fit with Victrix; so if Victrix can steal a march on them with line and landwehr boxes, they could head off a lot of competitor army purchases.

Lord Hill29 Jun 2010 9:56 a.m. PST

and every Waterloo British army already sold will want to have its off-table Prussian force marching to re-inforce their 1815 ally.


TodCreasey30 Jun 2010 6:52 a.m. PST

1815Guy that would be awesome if you are right, especially with all of the late war bicentennials a couple of years away

Dutch50801 Jul 2010 12:49 p.m. PST

Prussians would be nice- and Austrians…

Tod, you going to make the leap across the pond in 2015?

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