khurasanminiatures | 09 May 2009 6:41 a.m. PST |
WWII has to be the most widely covered period in 15mm perhaps matched (or surpassed) only by Napoleonics. So what's still undone, if anything? I don't mean Weird War II as the sky's the limit with that. Also please no recommendations for other scales -- I do historical in 15mm only. And just WWII please. I mean infantry or other types who put units in the field to fight, not Belgian tank crews or Russian kitchen units or stuff like that. Looking forward to reading responses, thanks. |
kevanG | 09 May 2009 6:55 a.m. PST |
African Native troop types generally get short shrift, both Italians and french are marked by their absence. Neither italian or french mountain or fortress troop ranges are in existance Others would include Italians in non standard headgear,especially RSI Xmas and the fortress regiments then germain mountain units. then Rumanian mountain infantry Early war "coal skuttle" Russians (latvian) infantry are not done as a range. In terms of full nationalities, Norwegians and Yugoslavians (along with the later factions) are not in available ranges together with greeks in either helmet type. |
Dropship Horizon | 09 May 2009 7:20 a.m. PST |
Hi Jon Soviets in snowsuits US Troops in greatcoats and winter garb suitable for the Bulge and Winter 44/45 A good range of Soviets in padded jackets (mix of helmets, side caps and fur hats) German FJ in padded winter garb German 3rd FJ Division Ardennes with M1 carbines, Stens and German weapons Germans in 'Wintertarnanzug' camouflaged padded parka, hood and trousers. German SS in Parkas Hitler Youth, mixed Luftwaffe gun crews and a decent range of Volksturm. French Goumiers Cheers Mark |
aecurtis | 09 May 2009 7:24 a.m. PST |
Greeks have been done; just not done competently. The field expands slightly if one includes ranges that have been done, but not well. |
Jay Arnold | 09 May 2009 7:37 a.m. PST |
Resistant Roosters has US in great coats. |
Wyatt the Odd | 09 May 2009 8:15 a.m. PST |
If one were looking at most WW2 ranges (in any scale), one would think that the only German transport was the 3-ton Opel Blitz and maybe the half-tracked version thereof. If you ask Allen nicely, I'm certain that he could list the various manufacturers. Wyatt |
Jemima Fawr | 09 May 2009 9:13 a.m. PST |
Commandos in dennison smock and bergan, with beret or battle-bowler – the beret-clad figures would also be good for glider pilots. There is only one small range of XIVth Army figures available for Burma. Another range would be a blessing, adding some variety. West African troops for Burma would be nice. Standard XIVth Army troops in bush hat will suffice, but I'd like some guys in shorts and bare feet, as well as some carrying huge loads on their heads (some with the bush-hat perched on top of the load). British infantry in hooded windproofs – mainly for 51 (Lowland) Division at Walcheren, but other formations also issued windproofs during the winter of 1944/45 and they're quite distinctive items of clothing. They could also double for troops in two-piece snowsuits (issued in the Rhineland and Ardennes during the winter of 1944/45). |
Jemima Fawr | 09 May 2009 9:15 a.m. PST |
Oh and Gurkhas in BD JG – preferably smaller in stature than Peter Pig's XIVth Army figures (except for the officers) and with scabbarded kukris. Of course, there would have to be the obligatory pack of figures waving kukris! |
aecurtis | 09 May 2009 9:22 a.m. PST |
nazrat | 09 May 2009 10:05 a.m. PST |
"If one were looking at most WW2 ranges (in any scale), one would think that the only German transport was the 3-ton Opel Blitz and maybe the half-tracked version thereof." I would beg to differ! For all the grousing about it by some, FoW (and the Battlefront line) has the Krupp kfz. 70 and the Steyr Kfz. 70 (not to mention horse drawn carts) prominently featured in their army lists and catalogue. QRF has even more in their German Soft Skin section. Others also have other German transport featured as well, such as Quality Castings and Old Glory Command Decision. 28mm is indeed lacking a bit, although there are places to get the Krupp truck and Horsch cars. |
Weasel | 09 May 2009 10:11 a.m. PST |
Norwegians would be excellent. German paratroopers with Lugers (until they've collected their weapons) Captured weapons (americans with panzerfaust, a german .30 cal browning team, soviets with MP40 etc) Soviets with bazookas more partisan/irregular types (can never have too much variety there) |
Marc33594 | 09 May 2009 10:32 a.m. PST |
"US Troops in greatcoats and winter garb suitable for the Bulge and Winter 44/45" They have had that line for awhile now. |
kevanG | 09 May 2009 10:45 a.m. PST |
Someone did greeks? I knoiw of a bad range in 20 but that is it |
jdginaz | 09 May 2009 10:47 a.m. PST |
The Chinese equiped by the British & Americans. Some nicely done Greeks would be good. One problem with the U.S. troops in greatcoat by RR is that there are no MGs, Bazookas, Mortars and so on. jdg PS. didn't you ask this question a few months back? |
aecurtis | 09 May 2009 10:57 a.m. PST |
"For all the grousing about it by some, FoW (and the Battlefront line) has the Krupp kfz. 70 and the Steyr Kfz. 70 (not to mention horse drawn carts) prominently featured in their army lists and catalogue." Technically
Later-model Steyr 1500As, but why not the earlier ones mounting spares, or the light cargo truck? link QRF does do the staff car variant and the light cargo truck, but the wheels are too small
And why not the 2000A? picture And BF does the Horch 108, but no recognition in the army lists that it can serve as a Kfz. 69 or 70 as well as a 15, and no variants: link And BF does the the Krupp "Boxer", but only one Kfz. 70 version, which made up less than half of production: link Again, QRF does a fair Kfz. 69 prime mover (most of the other half of production). But a browse through the photos here will show that there's a great deal of ground to cover: link And the kicker is that BF has failed to keep up on horse-drawn limbers and transport, as they've failed to replace the masters as they wore out. The good limbers wore out years ago, to be replaced with crappy generic limbers. Yet even the most recent late was supplements require (for the Soviets) horse-drawn limbers! The horse carts are OK, but not very useful. And apparently the supply wagons are now OOP. Quality Castings does some horse-drawn items, but their horses and drivers are noticeably small next to more modern ranges. If anybody simply did a proper German limber set, and a proper Soviet limber set, to replace what BF let fall by the wayside, they would probably pay for their production quite quickly. Allen |
aecurtis | 09 May 2009 11:03 a.m. PST |
"Someone did greeks?" The Quartermaster. Shockingly bad. Allen |
McDriver | 09 May 2009 11:20 a.m. PST |
Also, There are some great Gurkhas done by Kerr & King, but their Kukris are generally being held backwards and there are no real heavy weapons to speak of. Also, a bit limited on poses for the moment. I know many Indians have been done, but seeing Indian's with proper web gear (ie. 1934 pattern etc.) and Sikhs in more action poses (along with Gurkhas for that matter) would be great. A Gurkha sneaking bare foot with Kukri in mouth and/or hand would rock! Also, I know that you did not want Russians 'goin' potty' or Germans at Oktoberfest, but a good line of 15mm pilots, tankers and air crew would kill! I would spend hundreds of $$$ a year on just those. Thanks for asking, McDriver |
Dropship Horizon | 09 May 2009 12:02 p.m. PST |
"Resistant Roosters has US in great coats." HAD and not a full range. "One problem with the U.S. troops in greatcoat by RR is that there are no MGs, Bazookas, Mortars and so on." As jdg also pounted out, one pack does not make a range. Cheers Mark |
GeoffQRF | 09 May 2009 12:05 p.m. PST |
There is generally a (commercial) reason why some of these things are not made ;-) |
Ermintrude | 09 May 2009 12:52 p.m. PST |
Other than 3 Peterpig models, I haven't seen any British in greatcoats. |
aecurtis | 09 May 2009 1:08 p.m. PST |
Eureka's Australians in greatcoat could stand in. |
aecurtis | 09 May 2009 1:09 p.m. PST |
"There is generally a (commercial) reason why some of these things are not made ;-) " Say it's not so! |
bruntonboy | 09 May 2009 2:19 p.m. PST |
BEF in Greatcoats and sheepskin bodywarmers for Norway. Goumiers (as mentioned earlier) Thais to fight the French. Yugolsav partisans, Chetniks. Cretan partisans. Italian Partisans. Belgian Chasseur Ardenens. A full range of French Alpine chasseurs. Slovaks. Iraqis. French Milice and other Vichy forces. Of course I would buy all of these
.. |
bruntonboy | 09 May 2009 2:21 p.m. PST |
Oh and forgot to mention Italian cavalry
for charging in Russia. |
bruntonboy | 09 May 2009 2:24 p.m. PST |
BEF in Greatcoats and sheepskin bodywarmers for Norway. Goumiers (as mentioned earlier) Thais to fight the French. Yougolsav partisans, Chetniks. Cretan partisans. Italian Partisans. Belgian Chasseur Ardenens. A full range of French Alpine chasseurs. Slovaks. Iraqis. French Milice and other Vichy forces. Of course I would buy all of these
.. |
Sundance | 09 May 2009 2:24 p.m. PST |
Ski troops – seems to me someone did Finns on skis, but there are Germans and (yes, believe it or not) French on skis. I know Quality Castings Partisans only have Soviet style weapons, I presume that someone has done them with Brit weapons? |
GeoffQRF | 09 May 2009 2:34 p.m. PST |
It's not so Allen, which is why we make odd things, sometimes just because they catch our fancy :-) |
fitterpete | 09 May 2009 3:56 p.m. PST |
Cmon guys don't you know only the Germans,Russians and Americans (at the Battle of the Bulge) wore greatcoats. |
jet747 | 09 May 2009 4:00 p.m. PST |
How about a 28cm Karl Morser or German Rail Guns. These would be great in scenarios. Also, pontoon bridges and engineers in boats and setting the bridges up. |
Jemima Fawr | 09 May 2009 4:10 p.m. PST |
Thanks Allen! When did they sneak those out?! The last I heard was that they were doing Gurkhas in shorts for North Africa
Wyatt the Odd | 09 May 2009 4:30 p.m. PST |
"How about a 28cm Karl Morser or German Rail Guns. These would be great in scenarios."
How about the 54 or 60cm Karl Morser link link If you can accept them in 18mm scale (1/87), then Brookhurst has two of these squirreled away and you can likely get Larry to sell them to you at a discount. Wyatt |
aecurtis | 09 May 2009 4:46 p.m. PST |
"When did they sneak those out?! The last I heard was that they were doing Gurkhas in shorts for North Africa
" Last year
I think. I know Dom and I were providing suggestions on poses, armament, and the like. I don't know who else was, but I had assumed that you were consulted! I think (speaking for Dom a bit here) our concerns were that with a simple paint conversion, they could be useful for either the CBI theater or for Italy: thus the choice of rifles, choice of battle bowlers or hat, etc. My opinion is that they came out very well. And they go rather nicely next to the PP 14th Army range. Allen |
khurasanminiatures | 09 May 2009 5:46 p.m. PST |
Sorry guys we already have a 15mm scale Dora being sculpted and we don't want to double down on the railguns just yet. The caster had suggested we do it in resin, but I thought that a rude suggestion and immediately hung up the phone. |
tuscaloosa | 09 May 2009 7:03 p.m. PST |
I would like to see German MP's. Should be easy, just the chest gorget and a traffic baton, something like that. |
Dropship Horizon | 10 May 2009 2:57 a.m. PST |
"I would like to see German MP's. Should be easy, just the chest gorget and a traffic baton, something like that." Battlefront has some in pipeline, but might not be what you envisage: link Cheers Mark |
Marc33594 | 10 May 2009 3:19 a.m. PST |
This from their website. You are correct not a complete range but at least the bazooka and at least items still being offered. US Infantry in Greatcoat – Officer AMS-101 $1.00 USD US Infantry in Greatcoat – NCO (random selection) AMS-102 $0.75 USD US Infantry in Greatcoat – Bazooka AMS-103 $0.75 USD US Infantry in Greatcoat – (random rifleman) AMS-104 $0.55 USD US Infantry in Greatcoat – (random SMG) AMS-105 $0.55 USD US Infantry in Greatcoat – with BAR AMS-106 $0.55 USD United States Army – Team Packs US Infantry in Greatcoat – Command Team (Officer, NCO & Rifleman) AMT-101 $2.25 USD US Infantry in Greatcoat – SMG (Bag of 4, random selection) AMT-102 $2.00 USD US Infantry in Greatcoat – Riflemen (Bag of 4, random selection) AMT-103 $2.00 USD |
Jemima Fawr | 10 May 2009 3:45 a.m. PST |
Allen, That's great! It's a (very slight) shame that they're all sleeves rolled-down and looking a little temperate, but nonetheless I'll be buying a load when funds allow! :o) I had an e-mail asking if I wanted to add my name to the Eureka 100 Club (or whatever it's called) for some Gurkhas in KD, but I wasn't really interested. Mark |
khurasanminiatures | 10 May 2009 7:18 a.m. PST |
Rumanians might be interesting. From what I've been told the really big sales come from the Russian Front and allies vs Jerry 1944 plus, and Rumanians fit the first part nicely. I'm surprised no one's made German gebirgsjager, an elite (well sometimes) force, and of Germans yet! Greeks are fun but making them would be betting bigtime that the relatively brief war vs the Italians would move people to buy lots of them. Of course they'd also be useful for Merkur, but again I'm not sure people collect armies to play something like Crete over and over again. Norwegians are in the same boat. QRF is right, there's a reason some things are just not made. I'll be focusing on the Marines (and possibly 41 Commando, but no promises) for the "Chosin" Reservoir next, to fight my upcoming Chinese People's Volunteers, which in hindsight I probably should have announced here rather than on the modern board, as Korea really was more of a WWII style war at least in terms of forces and especially weaponry. Then I'll make some limited Late War WWI stuff later this year as well, not much but a start anyway, then if one else gets around to it, I might make some Rumanians. |
RABeery | 10 May 2009 7:31 a.m. PST |
How about the T-34 and KV-I/1940 versions with the shorter 76mm and different mantlets. |
aecurtis | 10 May 2009 7:57 a.m. PST |
Basic Rumanians have been done a few times, though: Battlefront and True North--although True North's website is gefracked--plus QRF and Legions East: link Kevan mentioned specifically Rumanian mountain troops. The Vanatori de Munte in combat didn't look all that different from ordinary infantry: link link But for early in the war, their uniform was more distinctive, and out of ction, the beret was used: link link (Notice the German helmet and cover there) link I wouldn't think these would be one of the "high-demand items" for 1944, and the Rumanians were out of it by August anyway. Allen |
Martin Rapier | 10 May 2009 8:33 a.m. PST |
"I'm surprised no one's made German gebirgsjager" Well, you don't really need to – just paint Afrika Korps figures in peaked caps and baggy trousers as mountain troops. That is what I used to do with 20mm figs. |
bruntonboy | 10 May 2009 9:54 a.m. PST |
I haven't seen any WW2 period Papal Guards either
its a disgrace. |
bruntonboy | 10 May 2009 9:55 a.m. PST |
More seriously, and I would buy them if produced
Danes for the very brief campaign in 1940. |
fubarone | 10 May 2009 10:27 a.m. PST |
Old Glory/Command Decision do a pretty complete range of US in Greatcoats: picture picture picture Peter Pig have just filled out their range of Germans in great coats and will probably use those skills to do the same for the Americans. |
kevanG | 10 May 2009 10:45 a.m. PST |
Its the Rumanian mountain troops weapons that made them so different. and they just look so cool in the berets
. As usual, its just a dream! I am having a go at French mountain troops though! |
Historicalgamer | 10 May 2009 11:13 a.m. PST |
Norwegian infantry for the first Skirmish Campaigns book would be nice. |
brass1 | 10 May 2009 11:31 a.m. PST |
Cavalry – everybody's, including dismounted figures and mounted heavy weapons. This includes all the usual suspects (German, Italian, French, Russian Cossacks, etc.) and also British and Indians for Palestine and CBI, non-Cossack Russians, Cossacks in Axis service, and US cavalry in both the standard early-war uniform and whatever was worn by the 5th Army mounted recon squadron. Also Spahis and Chasseurs d'Afrique and Japanese cavalry for use in China. Check back when you're done (next Monday?) and I'll give you the rest of the list 8>).
LT |
Ermintrude | 10 May 2009 12:32 p.m. PST |
Eureka's Australians in greatcoat could stand in. Thanks! Do you know everything, Allen? |
aecurtis | 10 May 2009 4:36 p.m. PST |
No, I just have a disturbing number of miniatures. |
Etranger | 10 May 2009 8:07 p.m. PST |
Brutonboy: As Allen mentioned, the Eureka Australians in Greatcoats do just fine for the BEF. They also have a range of Eastern European Partisans, as does Battlefront (And Quality Castings do too IIRC). There is also a Eureka 300 Club listing for both Goumiers & for French colonial troops, if you do want to help them become available. Peter Pig have a single pack of French Alpine troops. Perhaps a bit more usefully they also do the berets in their separate 'Heads' range. Mark – the Eureka Gurkhas are nice, kukris the right way round & all!