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3,180 hits since 11 Apr 2009
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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PzGeneral11 Apr 2009 8:13 a.m. PST

Fires in the Night Sky or How I learned to stop worrying and love the Madhi

SitRep: The Madhi forces had been pushing hard along the Nile toward a small port of Abba-Dabba Do. An Anglo-Egyptian force has marched to protect this town from the advancing enemy. During the night before the battle, huge fires in the Madhi camp lit the night skys and the frenzied warchants of the fathful could be heard. The defenders of Abba-Dabba Do steeled themselves for the coming assault.

When the dawn broke, the defenders were in for a suprise….


Cke1st11 Apr 2009 8:43 a.m. PST

Did the Anglo-Egyptian player(s) know who and what was coming? What rules did you use? Who won, and how close was it? Tell us more!

DOUGKL11 Apr 2009 9:02 a.m. PST

Very nice figs. i would like to know how it turned out too.

PzGeneral11 Apr 2009 9:10 a.m. PST

The A-E forces got the same SitRep that I posted here. They didn't know about the Martians, they also didn't know about the gunboat. My brother and I like to surprise each other with new stuff, so I generally don't tell him about my "Secret Projects". But sometimes he snoops…..

We used the Land Ironclads rules from Wessex. Simple and fun, designed for 2mm, I just doubled the movement and added half to the gunnery ranges. I did give the Gunboats guns a HUGE range, I wanted them to be a major threat to the Martians, and since the Gunboat needed to stay in the Nile, I also didn't want them to back up to the far edge and pummel the town.

As far as who won…well. let's just say the game had a "Historical" conclusion. As a matter of fact, The Martians (of which I was one) got our tentacles handed to us. It was no contest, we got slammed. I place the blame on a combination of bad planning and execution and I might have forgotten a rule or two…..but hey, only the second time playing the LI rules AND everyone had fun.

BTW: They Anglo-Egyptian Minis and the War Machines are 10mm Pendraken stuff. The "Land Ironclad" is really a 20mm Trubia 75 tank from Irregular Miniatures.

Rob UK11 Apr 2009 1:27 p.m. PST
Personal logo chicklewis Supporting Member of TMP11 Apr 2009 4:51 p.m. PST

Those are some SERIOUSLY brave 10mm camels. I don't think I could get my camels to charge a Martian War Walker.

Pictors Studio11 Apr 2009 9:09 p.m. PST

Yeah, they were. But they also had some pretty inspiring leadership.

PzGeneral12 Apr 2009 2:27 a.m. PST

But they also had some pretty inspiring leadership.

They certainly did….and as you can see by their Commander's picture, his face says "What, me worry?" grin

YoursInaWhiteWineSauce13 Apr 2009 5:36 a.m. PST

Well that warms the cockles of my heart almost as much as a Martian heat ray!

Yours in a White Wine Sauce,

DAWGIE05 Sep 2009 6:48 a.m. PST

MORE weird war in the SUDAN! i love it!


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