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4,207 hits since 25 Mar 2009
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colbert25 Mar 2009 9:27 a.m. PST

Do they make 15mm Napoleonic Flags ?
Where do i look?
I can find examples of Carlist wars & SCW (28mm)

Palafox25 Mar 2009 9:29 a.m. PST

Their contact for ordering is:

colbert25 Mar 2009 9:55 a.m. PST


ArmymenRGreat25 Mar 2009 10:32 a.m. PST

They also had some free ones in old Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy magazines. They came in a few issues in a row a year or so ago.

Widowson03 Apr 2009 1:21 p.m. PST


There are better Napoleonic flags available. Note that adolforamos has only a single generic French flag for line regiments--no regimental distinctions. Other makers, like Rohr, have individual numbering and battle honors specific to the regiment.

colbert04 Apr 2009 2:09 a.m. PST

Yes there are better flags about.
I use GMB 15`s which are the best on the market.(Also AB Flags)
I thought i`d take a look at these though.

Greystreak04 Apr 2009 3:57 a.m. PST

Another supplier of fine quality 15mm flags is Vaubanner: link Colbert will have seen some of these on my 15mm figures in another forum.

colbert05 Apr 2009 5:53 a.m. PST

Bought a few packs of Vaubanner a while ago & found them
to be very poor.
Still have them as i wouldn`t use them.

Greystreak05 Apr 2009 7:25 a.m. PST

Agreed, Vaubanner are not GMB quality; but how long ago was a 'while'? We're talking 15's, not 28's, are we not? I've only tried 15mm Vaubanner French & Prussian flags, can't speak for other nationalities, or sizes.

colbert05 Apr 2009 10:09 a.m. PST

These were ,15 NAP-FRL 1,15 NAP-FEG 1 & 2 packs.
They were bought maybe 3-4 yrs ago. 15mm flags

colbert06 Apr 2009 9:29 a.m. PST

Some examples:
GMB ; 1811-13ptn(1804 style)
AB ; 1804ptn
Wargamers flags;1804ptn
Cotton Jims ; 1804ptn

Vaubanner; 1812-14 ptn
AB ; 1812 ptn
GMB ; 1812-14ptn

These are all 15mm flags,

Greystreak06 Apr 2009 11:57 a.m. PST

Your pictures speak for themselves, Colbert--point very well made.

Rob UK06 Apr 2009 5:21 p.m. PST

Good post Colbert, very informative

huevans09 Apr 2009 5:22 p.m. PST

The Bavarian and Austrian Nap flags in the Ramos gallery look absolutely breath-taking. GMB quality or better.



colbert10 Apr 2009 2:12 a.m. PST

That`s just why i thought i would invest in a few.
They do look good. As to GMB quality? I`d have to see them side by side.

Liberators10 Apr 2009 11:28 a.m. PST

Adolfo did a couple of custom flags on command stands for my Liberators! Miniatures 15/18mm range of South American Independence figures. I think they looked great.

Arteis25 Apr 2009 4:43 a.m. PST

Looks to me the main difference between the GMB and Ramos flags (which appear to be the best two of all the flags shown in Colbert and Huevan's links) is that GMB's textures look more hand-painted, while for Ramos the texture appears to be done with a computer graphics program.

Colbert's posting of comparitive pics of the same flag by different makers was an excellent idea – everyone has their favourite flag makers, but seeing the pics, you can definitely see that the styles (and, dare I say it, qualities) of each maker vary widely.

von Winterfeldt26 Apr 2009 10:43 p.m. PST


Great photos – GMB looking very good

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