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"Corvus Belli 15mm UK supplier" Topic

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24 Mar 2009 12:48 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "Covus Belli 15mm UK supplier" to "Corvus Belli 15mm UK supplier"

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Comments or corrections?

JungleRhino24 Mar 2009 8:51 a.m. PST

Ok anybody know where I can get hold of some Corvus Belli 15mm Gauls in the UK?

Back in January I contacted Tabletop Games/Gamers Quest and got told the shipment would be arriving in 2 weeks. 3 months and as many emails later I'm still no closer to even confirming my order!

So if anybody could point me to an alternative stockist I would be very grateful – otherwise I guess I'll just order direct from Spain?

Ermintrude24 Mar 2009 9:43 a.m. PST

I ordered them direct. There's no customs duty to pay on shipments from the EU, and no extortionate Royal Mail charges. Service was fast and the order (a large order) was accurately filled. No problems what so ever.

Jeremy Sutcliffe25 Mar 2009 1:06 a.m. PST

Flashing Blade used to carry them. 12 months ago he had a goodly selection on his stand at Triples and was positive about them but they've dropped off his website.

JungleRhino26 Mar 2009 8:29 a.m. PST

Thanks guys looks like I'll just order direct!

Count Belisarius11 Aug 2009 3:59 a.m. PST

I've been trying to order direct but their website won't let me process the order. I select all items I need and then Checkout. It asks me for a Delivery Address. I've entered this sooo many times but when I submit the change to my profile it just says it cannot proceed as I need a delivery address! I'm waiting on a response from them but wondered if anyone else has had an issue with this?

I'm UK based by the way and have tried on several browsers on both Windows and Linux….

Count Belisarius12 Aug 2009 5:31 a.m. PST

Big thumbs up to Fernando at Corvus Belli for sorting this out. They now have my order.


vexillia22 May 2010 1:51 a.m. PST

An update for all UK readers.

As of late 2009 Vexillia now has all 15 mm Corvus Belli ranges in stock.

Order online at – pictures available for all packs.

Martin Stephenson
Vexillia: Wargames Miniatures & Accessories

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