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"WoC Star Wars: Starship Battles - status?" Topic

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Erbprinz17 Mar 2009 2:02 p.m. PST

I bought a few boxes of the minis when they first came out, but haven't really done anything since. A lot of the usual places to buy the ships like eBay, GameRocket and STrikezone seem to have only a few of the minis.

Has WoC stopped making them? Are they now too hard to get to bother?


Garand17 Mar 2009 2:27 p.m. PST

I still see them a lot locally. I think eventually they will go away, since there has not been any follow-on sets released. the game was bad, so I'm not expecting any further releases. OTOH, look for a company called Oddysey Slipways; they make 1/10,000 scale resin ship kits that are PERFECT for gaming. I picked up an Imp escort Carrier a month ago in fact…


Farstar17 Mar 2009 2:29 p.m. PST

Minis were good, the game was awful, being little more than Stratego with special abilities.

Dervel Fezian17 Mar 2009 3:25 p.m. PST

Minis were okay, but you have to chuck the rules.

We use them to play our own version of Full Thrust.

Actually if they had used the Axis and Allies Naval rules, they might have had a fun game.

They will be less and less available. No new releases planned that I know of.

richarDISNEY17 Mar 2009 3:29 p.m. PST

I use them with the Silent Death modifications you can find on the WotC webpage. All the rules you need…

Farstar17 Mar 2009 3:40 p.m. PST

WotC still has those? Cheeky of them to publish those in the first place, since ICE was at the time only "mostly dead", but to keep them around…

CPBelt17 Mar 2009 3:44 p.m. PST

IIRC there were no plans for expansion sets from the start.

The Beast Rampant17 Mar 2009 4:24 p.m. PST

The expansion issue was a "maybe we will, but we probably won't" matter, and since almost all of the iconic ships are in the initial offering, I can't imagine that they would bother. I never heard if SWSSB went out of production, though.

Erbprinz17 Mar 2009 7:50 p.m. PST

well, the pickings on line aren't that great. But they do seem to still be in production.

The Odyssy Slipways stuff was hard to guage, with lots mixed into Star Trek and other stuff. I couldn't find a website for them specifically and the store I did find was hard to figure out the actual size of the minis. Scale really means nothing, as who knows what the actual size of Star Wars ships is supposed to be!! But the Imperial Star Destroyers were in the $30 USD range, which is too rich for my blood.

Garand17 Mar 2009 7:59 p.m. PST

The actual ISDs are OOP, and were more like $50. USD

The VSD is probably 4-5" long, hollow cast. The Dreadnaught is smaller, perhaps 2" long, with the ESC around 1.5in or so. The Corellian Corvettes are tiny (MAYBE half an inch) with the Neb-B only slightly longer.

Really nice stuff. A lot of the ST stuff is in the OTS (One True Scale) of 1/2500, also good for gaming (about twice the size of the old FASA ST ships)…


AndrewGPaul18 Mar 2009 2:21 a.m. PST

Scale really means nothing, as who knows what the actual size of Star Wars ships is supposed to be!!

There's sizes for the Star Wars ships all over the 'net. The only ones that seem to be in question are the Death Stars and the Executor, based on faulty informatrion from the WEG RPG.

GARY SEVEN JNR18 Mar 2009 2:22 a.m. PST

all the sets ( booster and main ) are still in production …. getting hold of multiple star destroyres is a real pain ( it should have been labelled ultra ultra rare pay a small fortune on ebay )

Dervel Fezian18 Mar 2009 6:20 a.m. PST

to get an idea of size go here and scroll down to the Odyssey Slipways stuff half way down:

To this picture:

He makes his stuff in "scale" based on the avaialble literature. This means a Neb-B will look tiny compared to an ISD, and the fighters are even smaller.

The link on Star Rangers site is dead so go here to buy stuff:

If you want fighters that are not available in the WOTC line, but are the same size as the WOTC stuff go here:

As I understand there are 1/10,000 and 1/20,000 scale lines, but I have been ignoring scale for my fleets. i.e. the fighters Squadrons are represented by a single model (WOTC Sized) so you can see what it is. The other vessels are not in scale, but work comparatively speaking. Plus it is SciFi so I have scatch built a few one-offs.

The cheapest option is probably find a deal on some WOTC ships for the Star Destroyers. You can find a deal on e-bay, but expect to pay about $15 USD each minimum.

Or go to the Miniature Market and buy them for $20:

The other option is hit the flea markets, last year a friend of mine bought a ton of stuff cheap at Origins.

Here is a picture of our fleets deployed for battle:

Erbprinz24 Mar 2009 8:50 a.m. PST

Dervel, thanks as always for the lengthy and useful response. Perhaps you should be compensate for your work!

I followed the link for Starship Combat News and am thrilled with finding such a fabulous resource, and the comparitive pic of all the OS ships is PERFECT!

I followed the link to Starship Modeller. By clicking the "Star Wars Kits" grouping and cross-referencing the items with, I managed to confirm the identity of all the items.

Overall opinion – these look like very nice, detailed scale kits. For the detail, they are reasonably priced altho many will be smaller than wizards models since they are actually in scale! I'm heading in the direction of WoC models for the capital ships since they are so cheap, but using these to fill out the fleets.

Thanks for all the help,

Dervel Fezian24 Mar 2009 11:06 a.m. PST

NP, I am all for promoting the hobby.

As for compensation I only accept cash or gold, deposited in my Swiss account evil grin

Another resource for ships:

Just contact Nova Star on the Star Ranger Site. Here is a picture of the latest model I picked up from him:

Erbprinz24 Mar 2009 1:20 p.m. PST

the Nova Star link looks a lot like a BSG sub-category. How long is it?

I've ordered one each of the 1/10,000 scale SW ships by OS, and the arc fighters. I'm hoping the arcs fit in with Drew's other SW fighters. If they're even close it will be fine.

When the kits arrive, I'll try to do some pics and give feedback.

Dervel Fezian24 Mar 2009 1:27 p.m. PST

It is about 95mm, he has lengths listed under the pictures. Plus he has a lot of very cool what if style ships. It is supposed to be a BSG ship, I am using it for Star Wars.

If you want anything just message him on the Star Ranger site. I bought a couple of Mon Cals, and I believe they are 1/10,000 as well.

Erbprinz30 Mar 2009 8:02 p.m. PST

I'm starting the reviews for the Odyssey Slipways products at my blog:
I ordered all of them, and they all look good! More on this situation as it develops. I will say that the ARC fighter/bombers had very little flash/mold lines, and are only slightly small compared to Drew's X-Wings. I've reviews the Class 3 size ships first.

Thanks for all the leads and feedback.

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