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Dunadan23 Mar 2009 8:20 p.m. PST

The best(and longest) game of 40k I played was during a boardgame marathon. We were playing apocalypse: forces of the imperium(myself playing Blood Angels, my allies playing IG and Space Wolves) vs Tyranid Horde(including both types of heirodule). For my stratagem, I gave a legionary relic to my Captain; so did the Space Wolves player. Long story short, after a few turns the heirodules were almost on our lines. Enter the Relics. My Captain single-handedly hacks the Heirodule to pieces and eats him for dinner. For dessert, he has the genestealer squad that charges him on the next turn, and fails to score any rending hits.

Meanwile, the Space Wolf Termie Captain has been clearing out the other Heirodule and a Carnifex. At this point, the IG player decides the Relics are way too powerful(what do you mean 7 Str10 Power Weapon attacks is too powerful?), and starts firing off Battle Cannons dangerously close to my Captain. Although he fails to "accidentally" hit him, the Captain is eventually slain after finishing off a couple of Zoanthropes. Interestingly enough, despite the fact that the only thing the Tyranid player has left at the end is a Carnifex at the end of the field and some stray gaunts, he wins, due to the fact that our slain Relic bearers are objectives, and my dead Captain gives -1 to our objectives(due to a stratagem).

All in all, we had a bunch of laughs concerning the IG's attempts to bomb the Captains, and sheer cheesiness of the Legionary Relics. Plus the fact that we played WH40k till 2 in the morning.

MajerBlundor24 Mar 2009 5:10 a.m. PST

I think the stratagems/strategic assets are one of the best features of that system. They make for a much more colorful game instead of the hackneyed "hold the objective marker".

ColonelToffeeApple24 Mar 2009 9:17 a.m. PST

There are quite a few. In particular I remember a series of games with an old pal in the army back in Germany after the first Gulf War. He had a great collection of Greeks and Persians and as with quite a few gamers he had/was developing his own set of rules to cover attrition in a battle. I vaguely recall the rules and how prolonged archery was dealt with very quickly. To be honest part of the fun was the fact that we took turns to bring a crate of 24 large cans of Guinness along to each evening and set about downing this through the games and on into the after battle discussions. I dare say if a Space Marine had popped up with a multi-melta to zap a Sucessor elephant or two we would probably not have noticed in the later stages of a game.

raymondh25 Mar 2009 3:43 p.m. PST

Been wargaming for wayyyy to many years to list them all but up there with the best of them would have to be a WW2 game in Edinburgh years ago using Rapid Fire recreating a Marine landing on a Japanese held Atoll. heaps of fun, lots of casualties. Very memorable

Tommiatkins25 Mar 2009 6:59 p.m. PST

Probably whilst over at a freinds house, I was chatting and gluing some smashed up Chaos Space Marines back together.

I noticed I had glued the marine in my hands,neck onto his legs and his head onto his arse. Since it was a chaos marine, I simply left it like that as a mutant. But mutch hilarity ensued.

Either that or the time i was at work on a night shift 3 AM in a psychiatric ward and I superglued a Killa Kan Orc dreadnaught onto my tongue. I had but 4 hours to get rid of it before I handed over to the ward manager who was coming on duty. This would not have gone down well, since i had already sprayed the office desk Skull White by accident.

Damaged Drew25 Mar 2009 7:26 p.m. PST

the time i was at work on a night shift 3 AM in a psychiatric ward and I superglued a Killa Kan Orc dreadnaught onto my tongue.

I don't have a response, I just felt that needed to be quoted.

MajerBlundor26 Mar 2009 10:55 a.m. PST

This would not have gone down well

Sorry. Couldn't help myself.

Dunadan30 Mar 2009 4:16 p.m. PST

This would not have gone down well

Yes, dreadnoughts get stuck in my throat when I try to eat them too.

Lampyridae31 Mar 2009 8:41 p.m. PST

I noticed I had glued the marine in my hands,neck onto his legs and his head onto his arse. Since it was a chaos marine, I simply left it like that as a mutant. But mutch hilarity ensued.

Either that or the time i was at work on a night shift 3 AM in a psychiatric ward and I superglued a Killa Kan Orc dreadnaught onto my tongue.

I am afraid to drink my Pepsi now in fear that it will shoot out my nose in another fit of ROFL.

Captain Gideon31 Mar 2009 10:39 p.m. PST

Well there's been a few but the one i remember the most was this one.

Several years back but it has been more than 10 years i had a battle that i wanted to do on my Birthday,so we did it.

It was the Battle of the Nile but with a twist which was that the French Fleet got information of the English Fleet before they got there.

So in my battle the French Fleet with myself in command raised anchor and sailed out to meet the English Fleet.

The rules we used were called 74 written by a good friend of mine.

To make a long story short the English Fleet was routed and at least half of their Fleet was sunk of captured,while the French Fleet suffered no losses.

I can tell you that it was a GREAT day for me and the French Fleet.

Captain Gideon

Last Hussar01 Apr 2009 3:20 p.m. PST

Any one who has played GW Lord of the Rings will know major characters are near impossible to defeat with 'hordes' in hand to hand- especially the MAJOR characters- Especially Aragorn.

Playing my stepson, who was about 16/17 at the time. I threw some terrain on the table, and explained the river was wadeable in places- dice for effect when you got there. He decided it would be quicker and easier to go over the two bridges with his Uruks and goblins. Aragorn at the end of one, Boromir at the end of the other. Not only did the the bridges hold, the pair were ADVANCING, and almost reached the other side.

On the other hand Legolas has a reputaition of being a terrible shot- if my GW Legolas stood on top of that Mumuk, he'd hit Gandalf.

Playing a War of the Roses using Warmaster Fantasy (before the ancients set came out) I carefully explained the volley gun to Mark. Further range-Less dice. Roll more ones that 6 and gun blows up. He was at maximum range- 1 dice. "I don't intend to Roll a One" he said… We still quote him now.

Back in Salute ?05? was the game I want to play again- Diamond Geezers- a participation game based on all those shows from the 70s- the Avengers, the Professionals, the Persuaders and best of all "The Sweeney" (plus one other I forget) The organisers had set up 18x6 feet of table with a great recreation of a 70 London highstreet, with railway viaduct, pubs 'Nelson Mandela House' towerblock and three minis- Red White and Blue- on a piece of waste ground. Each team of two even had something to wear- Steed had a bowler, Regan and Carter had kipper ties etc.

I loved the Sweeney as a kid (still do)- so I made sure I got to be Regan. The plot was a gang was about to do a blag, and each of the pairs of players were after one of the five villains.

At just the right point I screamed round the corner in the Ford Granada, smacking a villain with the car door while moving. I think lots of kids who could barely remember the 80s had been playing most of the day, so when I leapt out of the car and shouted "We're the Sweeney, and you're nicked you slag" it made the Umpires day. He burst out laughing and gave me a automatic success on my Intimidation attempt. I've ALWAYS wanted to say that.

Lampyridae01 Apr 2009 8:44 p.m. PST

Not miniature wargaming, but my most enjoyable wargaming experience was with Close Combat III. My mate was a big RTS player, build up the horde and rush in kind of person. Also infuriatingly good with sniper rifles in any FPS.

We set up the first missions, him playing Ivan and me playing Fritz. I continually caned him in every single mission. He tried to take a village and ran into a flamethrower-and-SMG reception. In forests, I'd drop mortars on him and shower his hapless troops with shrapnel. I held cities in true Saving Private Ryan style, with men knocking off a couple of tanks and hotfooting it across to a neighbouring street to wait again in ambush. Ahhh, I can still see those Russians with their hands in the air.

Even when faced with superior forces, I still knocked out his tanks and slipped off the board. Even getting our guns-and-war knowledgeable mate to help him plan his attack didn't help. Only in the final scenario did he beat me – with JS IIIs versus a couple of P-IV turrets and a handful of youth conscripts. Predictably my turrets were blown away in the first 30 seconds (not worth having them but the scenario was fixed in that I had to take them and position them there). His JS IIIs rolled into Berlin with terrible finality.

Yet to my great delight a couple of plucky boys in a ruined building managed to brew up a JS III with a Panzerschrek! It all ended when he stormed the Reichstag, and my ragged little band of survivors managed to bag quite a few Reds before they were wiped out. Tea and posthumous medals all round!!!

One of my fondest wargaming memories, to be sure. I wish he'd play me in more wargames but unfortunately it seems that he sucks at them. And of course it just means that I suck less at them than he does… but the sight of a JS III brewing up at the hands of a frightened Nazi Youth… priceless.

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