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A Civil War boardgame is adapted to miniature wargaming.

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Thomas Nissvik06 Mar 2009 5:10 a.m. PST

I have just started in ACW by getting the TCHAE rules from TooFatLardies. The first thing I want to game is 20th NY at Antietam, since they had a Swedish commander at the time and that is what got me reading about ACW in the first place.
"Undying Courage: Antietam Campaign In Miniature" by Scott Minugs has been suggested. Since at 48 USD plus postage and probably VAT and customs fee it will be a sizable chunk of change once converted to Kronor, I'd like to know if it is what I'm looking for.
I understand that it is designed for Johnny Reb, but I know nothing about that system. What I wonder is:

1, will it be usable with TCHAE where each base is 100 men and you normally have a few brigades a side at most?
2, does it cover Irwins brigade in action?

Dave Gamer06 Mar 2009 5:57 a.m. PST

1) Yes. There are some small scenarios and some big scenarios. JRIII scale is 1" = 50 yards.

2) If by Irwin's Brigade you mean at Dunker Church where his brigade comes onto the field at around 12 noon perpendicular to Smoketown Road then yes, the scenario is there (Dunker Church scenario, which is the 11th scenario). There are only 12 Union regiments and 7 Union guns (3 artillery units) and 6 Rebel regiments in te scenario. A couple of the Union regiments are 600 men (so 6 stands in TCHAE) and some are only 135 men (technically 1 stand – I'd probably amalgamate them into a composite regiment). The playing area is very small (in JRIII terms, 2 feet wide by 4 1/2 feet long).


Cold Steel06 Mar 2009 7:40 a.m. PST

Highly recommended for all ACW gamers. All of Scott's scenario books list OBs include regemental strength, so they are easily converted to other games.

FreemanL06 Mar 2009 7:55 a.m. PST

So where is the best place to pick up a copy?

Scale Creep Miniatures06 Mar 2009 9:13 a.m. PST

//shameless plug follows//


//end plug//

CPBelt06 Mar 2009 11:33 a.m. PST

I have the first Gettysburg book. I love it. I wish I had the money for the Antietam book, but that money is marked for minis. There used to be an online free sample from UC somewhere? Anyway, great books.

Thomas Nissvik06 Mar 2009 12:34 p.m. PST

Damn you, people! That is not the answer I wanted! I wanted to hear "The book is meticulously researched and very well written but not really suitable for your needs, Thomas" My wallet is very angry with you all!

Scale Creep, you have until the 25th to figure out what it will cost to ship this thing to Sweden.

Cold Steel06 Mar 2009 3:01 p.m. PST

Thomas, just to help you out, don't forget both volumes of Enduring Valor (Gettysburg). Also, check out Scott's web site and get a subscription to Charge!

Enjoy! evil grin


Scott Mingus06 Mar 2009 9:08 p.m. PST

The book is available in Europe from, which should save you the VAT.

And, thanks for all the kind comments, folks!

Yes Thomas, the book is meticulously researched, and it contains what some of my NPS park ranger buddies at Antietam National Battlefield call one of the most accurate OOBs ever written for the battle.

Brief summaries of my four current wargaming scenario books from Marek/Janci Design:

Scott Mingus06 Mar 2009 9:15 p.m. PST

And, for 1 week only, for those of you who would like to sample the scenarios, but can't decide on spending the money for this gorgeous full-color book (you simply cannot believe some of the photographs), I will e-mail a sample scenario in Microsoft Word format (minus all the great graphics, of course) to you IF you agree to donate whatever money you wish to your local Red Cross.

Honor system.

Just agree to donate something ANYTHING to your local chapter this year, and I will send a free scenario for you to try out.

If you like the scenario, then please check out Scale Creep's website or other retailers to purchase a copy of the real thing, complete with Ivor Janci's graphics and Colin Burke's maps.

Thomas Nissvik07 Mar 2009 2:29 a.m. PST

You folks are not helping! I can hear my creditcard groaning all the way from the next room.

Scott, you have mail.


Cold Steel07 Mar 2009 1:10 p.m. PST

Hey, Thomas, that's what friends are for! grin

Windward08 Mar 2009 5:54 p.m. PST

I have Undying Courage and Enduring Valor I both are excellent sources, an very nicely produced. They give regimental numbers so you can scale the scenarios to your rules set.

Scott Mingus12 Mar 2009 7:33 p.m. PST

Undying Courage and Enduring Valor will both be available at Cold Wars this weekend from various dealers, as well the new Brothers Divided book.

vonLoudon17 Mar 2009 12:32 p.m. PST

Thought it came out only in English and Norwegian as a tribute to Narvik. Sorry Thomas. Yah. Sure. You betcha.

Scott Mingus22 Mar 2009 3:53 a.m. PST

The next edition will be in Swahili for the growing gaming community in central Africa.

I noticed several people walking around Cold Wars with copies of my scenario books, which was gratifying.

Volume 2 of Brothers Divided: Skirmishes in the Gettysburg Campaign is in the works.

Luke Warm22 Mar 2009 2:09 p.m. PST

I highly recommend these – well researched and nicely presented.
I've had the great pleasure of gaming most of the Antietam scenarios and quite a few of the Gettysburg ones with a buddy of mine – they make a most enjoyable game (and some of the games are really tough).
We use 28mm Minis (usually regiments of 24-36) & we don't use JR (shock..horror!) and they work absolutely fine.
I like games where i know which regiment is which and don't really hold with this combined brigade stuff (like Fire & Fury) so these are perfect

CPBelt22 Mar 2009 4:09 p.m. PST

Luke Warm, what size table do you use for your 28mm games?

Luke Warm23 Mar 2009 1:20 a.m. PST

Usually 10 feet x 5 feet – sometimes you can get away with a 6 x 4 – depends on the game – and if it's a club game then anything goes (24/30/36 x 5/6) – we tend to covert the actual:figures ratios to fit in with the space we've a available – if that makes sense ….

Thomas Nissvik06 Apr 2009 11:38 p.m. PST

My copy arrived from Scale Creep yesterday and it's a beauty. By way of explanation: with the Krona being weaker versus the pound than versus the dollar I paid as much for GWs new War of the Ring, almost 400 pages full colour hardcover PLUS a Boromir mini as I did for the 96-page softcover Undying Courage. I am equally satisfied with both deals!
Undying Courage is detailed, well mapped and suberbly illustrated both with maps, drawings and pics of games in progress. I will soon start asking Scott lots of stupid questions about the scenarios.;-)

Scott Mingus07 Apr 2009 3:56 a.m. PST

Fire away!!!

I am glad you like the scenario book!!! Ivor Janci's graphic design and his maps are both superb!

vonLoudon07 Jul 2009 5:03 a.m. PST

Too bad he can't read it. It's Norwegian!

RichardHolling14 Jul 2009 5:28 a.m. PST

I'm currently out of stock, I thought these had gone out of print.
I'll be ordering a bulk delivery of all 4 scenario books.
I've turned on the order pages, but you may have to wait 2-3 weeks for me to get them to you.
I charge actual cost for postage, and my prices will be realistic, I dont belive in charging a premium just becuase these are from the US.

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