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"Spanish Foreign Regiment Grenadiers circa 1808" Topic

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plutarch 6425 Feb 2009 3:23 p.m. PST

I am attempting to put together a Spanish army circa 1808, as a few others appear to be so doing, but am meeting a few not entirely unexpected questions.

Would anyone be able to confirm whether the foreign regiment grenadiers wore the same bearskins as the Spanish line, most particularly the Swiss and Irish (although I understand that the latter did ultimately virtually disband "to the hills", as it were).

Also, with regard to the grenadier bearskin "bags", I have read a couple of sources (including the usual Ospreys) which suggest that these were based upon the facing colour, but an excellent link provided by a fellow TMP'er (apologies – I forget whom), suggests that they were red.

Again, any advice gratefully received.

vaughan25 Feb 2009 3:37 p.m. PST

Their's some here and following. They are from the alliance with France but are applicable to the anglo alliance.

Dn Jackson25 Feb 2009 4:26 p.m. PST

The Irish wore the same bearskin. The bag color was based on facing colors, and the pattern was different for each regiment.

plutarch 6426 Feb 2009 2:54 a.m. PST

Great, thanks for that.

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