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WereSandwich27 Jan 2009 5:20 a.m. PST

Lots of people have made starship interiors, but has anyone made starship exteriors? I'm thinking of guys in vacc suits and magnetic boots fighting it out amongst sensors antennas, weapons pods, observations domes. You could have portholes on the floor.

I got the idea when playing Mass Effect, at the bit where gravity cuts out on the Citadel and the characters have to make their way up the side of a skyscraper with magnetic boots. Could make a cool board idea.

bandit86 Supporting Member of TMP27 Jan 2009 5:22 a.m. PST

Very cool idea, when are you getting started :)

Grinning Norm27 Jan 2009 6:05 a.m. PST

So basically skirmish gaming with a starship exterior as the setting? Sounds pretty cool. Fun modeling projects with lots of scenery. Could probably double as fairly generic scifi terrain, too.

commanderroj27 Jan 2009 6:16 a.m. PST

I believe that Maidstone wargamers used to have a demonstration game on a similar theme at some shows as a demonstration game, but it was based on a space/station. Heres the good bit, it was simulated 3D as the board was a "unfolded" cube net-so there were six sidess and you could move from one side to another. you could do the swame thing with any regular polyhedron i imagine.

Steve Hazuka27 Jan 2009 6:22 a.m. PST

The Colby Street Irregulars made a metal starship that allowed players to battle 3D. Their figures had magnets attached to the bases. You could battle on the exterior and even move on ceilings.

Very cool game.

All hail Colby Street!

Grinning Norm27 Jan 2009 6:49 a.m. PST

Simulated 3d……how about a game *inside* a simulated pint-sized dyson-sphere?

Or even a planetary invasion with the whole surface area of the planet and a separate area for whatever happens in near-space.

The possibilities are endless…

Cacique Caribe27 Jan 2009 7:21 a.m. PST

Check out the tutorials listed on the right side of this page:


For additional ideas:

TMP link


SeattleGamer Supporting Member of TMP27 Jan 2009 1:27 p.m. PST

World Works Games have several space-themed cardstock sets, and those involving ships have exterior panels:

Firstlight (basic interiors and exteriors):

Firstlight Retrofit (more interior and exterior stuff):

Shadowcore Prime (Alien Ship)

Mars Station (ground installations, but the panels could easily be used to kitbash ship exteriors):

Sou will notice that some of these kits come with space shuttles and other small ships, turrets and communication arrays, egines, etc. All sorts of items to dress up ship exteriors.


Sargonarhes27 Jan 2009 1:28 p.m. PST

This would have to be a pretty large ship, other wise you're going to make a scale mock up of some small ship for boarding actions. That would still make it a pretty big model.

But maybe I'm putting too much thought into this. How would you work with troops on the under side hull? Would you actually make the edge of the ship's hull? Get knocked off that and you're in free fall though space.

Cacique Caribe27 Jan 2009 1:58 p.m. PST

From what I read above, I think that WS simply wants a flat board with all the doo-das of the outer skin of a starship.

Reminds me of the scene in ST First Contact where the Borg attempt to modify the deflector dish and Worf complains that zero gravity makes him sick:


Maybe, instead of Borg, could be a team of saboteurs.

If so, I would suggest a couple of backdrops. One could be the ship engines in the distance. Another could be a large moon or planetoid they might be orbiting when the skirmish takes place.


WereSandwich28 Jan 2009 6:03 a.m. PST

CC's on the money. I envisaged missions like gaining access to an airlock, bursting in through the bridge window to capture the bridge crew etc.

Could have some fun random events. The ship gets strafed by fighters, maybe, or hit by a laser salvo, with dire consequences for the guys on the outside. Maybe dice to see which player gets to place the attacks. Weapon systems could fire, with nasty results for any nearby guys.

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