paulatmaws | 14 Jan 2009 7:52 a.m. PST |
hi all anyone making 15mm star trek figures like cardassians,klingons,romulans,star fleet ect.was thinking of using future war commander to do the dominion war. |
Rudysnelson | 14 Jan 2009 8:25 a.m. PST |
I have never seen any in that scale. |
Jamesonsafari | 14 Jan 2009 9:05 a.m. PST |
Small problem with licensing. And if you just produce generic named figures (i.e. "Space Trek") that look the part they won't sell because they won't show up for folks scanning for Star Trek items. |
Inari7  | 14 Jan 2009 9:48 a.m. PST |
I would have to go the 25mm route. link
You can also find Star Trek NG miniatuers on e-bay. I have a few from Victory Force, and the Away Team with Mr. Worf I got off e-bay.
Doug |
Top Gun Ace | 14 Jan 2009 12:48 p.m. PST |
I'm surprised these aren't available, in 15mm, or 25mm/28mm scale. You would think with the length of time the show has run, and with all the trekkies out there, that miniatures from all of the series would be a no-brainer. I imagine the licensing fees must be too high to permit the range(s) to get off the ground. I have seen a few figs for sale, occasionally on eBay, but the sculpting appears to be poor by today's standards. One hopes someone will produce them in the near future, especially since they now have the RPG rules out. I talked via e-mail to Amarillo Design Bureau about the issue, but the gentleman that responded said finding a decent, and reliable sculptor was an issue. Seems like an excellent opportunity for someone with decent sculpting skills to make his mark in the hobby. |
Sargonarhes | 14 Jan 2009 12:56 p.m. PST |
Could always misspell them as "Star Trec" or "Star Trak" Or would Paramount catch on to that too easily and fans no figure it out? I'd hate to think fans as not as clever as studio execs, but they're executives for a reason. |
Bob in Edmonton | 14 Jan 2009 1:07 p.m. PST |
Based on the number of Hederation and Flingon ships that are available from various websites, I'd say running down small IP infringers is seemingly worth the effort for large studios. |
Rudysnelson | 14 Jan 2009 1:10 p.m. PST |
The only licensed Star Trek 25mm castings was the silver packaging range from the old Heritage company back in the 1970s. They also had 25mm Lord of the Rings and John Carter of Mars licensed ranges as well. There was a serious issue between Gamescience and other miniature companies with Paramount over the Star Trek ships and the use of names used in the Old original Star trek. For later series Paramount was quick to make sure that no castings of ships were made. |
infojunky | 14 Jan 2009 1:23 p.m. PST |
Black Tree designs had some (I think) but that was in 25+mm Nothing in 15mm yet
. |
Andrew Walters | 14 Jan 2009 1:27 p.m. PST |
The folks who make Battlestations have some nice, if small and thin, 15mm figures that would do for Starfleet. Paint them differently and you could get cardassians, possibly even Klingons – they're pretty small. Andrew |