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"Does Anyone Here Use Savage Worlds for Miniature Wargaming" Topic

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5,943 hits since 27 Dec 2008
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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deanoware27 Dec 2008 10:53 a.m. PST

I have been interested in this system for some time but it is stated as being a RPG system. Does anyone here use this for Miniatue Wargaming and if so what modifications or house rules are required as it seems there are an awful lot of stats for each figure if you are going to try to use it for skirmish gaming for example (i.e. 8 to 10 figures per side)

Jeff Valent27 Dec 2008 11:06 a.m. PST

We use it with our group and love it. We started with Great Rail Wars and the Savage Showdown system is better than GRW was. It is fast fun and furious!

Of course I publish Sticks & Stones which uses the system but we use it for modern (Modern Ops) and western as well.

You have your Wild Cards which are your heroes. They get there own individual action per turn and then you have squads, groups, posses, etc… that get there own action per turn for the group. If you looked at the free Sticks & Stones Scenario that was offered a few days back you get a fell for what stats are required in the game.

What you want is the Savage Showdown rules, I am trying to locate a link for you.

Hope that helps


Who asked this joker27 Dec 2008 11:11 a.m. PST

There used to be a miniatures version that could be downloaded from but I could not find it. It looked like a fun game though I never got around to playing it.


Sumo Boy27 Dec 2008 11:12 a.m. PST

I've used the free, streamlined, for-miniatures version of the rules "Savage Showdown", you should check those out, if you can find them.

Sumo Boy27 Dec 2008 11:13 a.m. PST

Looks like Pinnacle have deep-sixed "Showdown"…

evilcartoonist27 Dec 2008 11:36 a.m. PST

You can use the core rules quite easily for a skirmish game. I've forgotten how the skirmish rules (Showdown) simplified things, but the core rules really didn't need any more simplifying.
And you can't beat the $10 USD price tag (for the Explorer's edition)!

evilcartoonist27 Dec 2008 11:41 a.m. PST

Savage Showdown does have a dedicated Yahoo group; you might find a copy of the rules there.

Ted Arlauskas27 Dec 2008 12:42 p.m. PST

PEG hasn't "deep-sixed" Showdown. Quite the contrary. It is being revised to a new, third edition and should be released in January.

You can find the current version of Showdown on the "Wayback Machine" here: PDF link

Ted Arlauskas27 Dec 2008 12:46 p.m. PST

The Showdown Yahoo Group has a lot of battle reports and pics. There are lots of variants folks have used the rules for – 40K, fantasy, modern spec ops, Vietnam War, WW2, pulp, to name a few.

You can find the Showdown Yahoo Group here:

I've got a Star Wars conversion myself:

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP27 Dec 2008 1:40 p.m. PST

Ted's Star Wars version is quite good. Showdowns is a lot of fun. I'm playing with a Stargate version now.



Sumo Boy27 Dec 2008 2:08 p.m. PST

New version = good to hear (as opposed to killing it off). My impression was the rules are fairly simple, put on a fast game, but felt a little bit flavorless. I've only played it twice, however, and I'll chalk up the "feel" to inexperience with the system.

RobH27 Dec 2008 2:52 p.m. PST

I use it all the time for my Gothic Horror games. Moved to it from Vampire Wars as it is a far better system, much easier for multiplayer and much more fun.

I am slowly working towards using the Weird War Vietnam variant for an IndoChina campaign.

Very highly recommended for figure games. As evilcartoonist comments. It does not really need any simplifying.

aka Mikefoster27 Dec 2008 3:12 p.m. PST

For those that play it how does it(showdowns)compare to other miniatures systems.

Tim in Saskatoon27 Dec 2008 4:47 p.m. PST

I use it for ALL my skirmish gaming. I've used t for Fantasy, Darkages, Pirates, FIW, Victorian Horror, Pulp Adventure, WW2, Vietnam, modern Sci-fi and I'm sure I'm forgetting some…

Here's a few AARs of some of the games I've run:


The Beast Rampant27 Dec 2008 5:29 p.m. PST

Thanks for the info, guys. I have been working off modded Rail Wars rules for other genres; I have played the original GRW loads in the past and love the rules. Probably the most bang for my buck I have ever gotten out of any miniatures system!

I will look foreward to picking up 3rd ed in the coming year.

deanoware27 Dec 2008 7:11 p.m. PST


Is that the Savage World or Rippers version!

SheriffLee28 Dec 2008 11:40 a.m. PST

We use it for ALL skirmish gaming, including LOTR, Pirates, ECW, FIW, Victorian Horror, Pulp Adventure, Weird WW2, Vietnam, and Sci-fi

joshuaslater29 Dec 2008 8:07 a.m. PST

I'm really looking forward to the Savage Showdown being presented as well as other Pinnacle products. We've run some big battles in the course of roleplaying, with fifty to a hundred models on the table, with the PC's involved, and it plays very well.


Tim in Saskatoon29 Dec 2008 8:38 a.m. PST


Is that the Savage World or Rippers version!

By "Rippers version" I'm assuming you mean "Savage Worlds: Showdown"…?

I use Showdown for skirmishes but add in elements of the RPG when required (Stealth and Notice skills, for example).

Cyrano196627 Aug 2009 4:47 p.m. PST

Hey, I know it's been a while since anyone posted on this thread, but I futzed a bit with SW at GenCon and got the bug…

Question: for those who use it for minis, how do you deal with the scale issues caused by modern ranges. After all with 1'' = 6' (correct?) M60's, taking just one example, can fire basically forever…and I've got an 8 X 4 table. I was debating using cm versus inches, but even that only buys so much.

Curious what you all do.

Thanks in advance,


Hexxenhammer27 Aug 2009 7:07 p.m. PST

Longarms and machineguns in any game should have short ranges that encompass the whole table. I don't see a problem with an M-60 having that kind of range. Make sure there's lots of cover in the terrain set up.

Mithmee25 May 2015 10:04 p.m. PST

Yes weapons should be more realistic in their ranges.

Take that 8' x 4' table.

4' = 48" * 6' = 288' or around 96 yards.

Otherwise short range for nearly all weapons at 28mm.

The only way to increase this is to use smaller scale figures.

Parkaboy27 Oct 2015 10:07 p.m. PST

Does anyone know where to find the Showdown Cards? I want to use the system for 20mm post-apocalypse skirmish.

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