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ChrisGermanicus22 Dec 2008 12:03 p.m. PST

Hi folks!

Inspired by the visually awesome Fallout 3 video game (can´t play it on my PC, but my brother showed it to me), we decided to run a little Fallout project, ie assemble some gangs, and build some terrain (which could also double as a shanty town for several SF settings). We ordered some figures from EM-4, I painted up some I had lying around, and I´ll probably use the opportunity to use up even more of my unpainted stuff, as is suitable – those power armours will be a challenge, but I´ve got a cunning plan, m´lord.

First pics! Some may have already seen them over at the LAF, but I really want to get back to the TMP community, let it slack quite a bit in the last year due to real-life constraints…

Some work in progress shots of figures, mostly EM-4 re-issues of the Grenadier Future Wars line.


I finished those off and will take some better pictures in the next days, I hope.


The above are for an adversary posse, a character and a study for a mutant – basically a D&D troll (or something) in a paint scheme inspired by the original Morlocks.

Then, the "magnum opus" for now, a scratch-built tiltrotor aircraft inspired by the infamous Enclave Vertibirds.



Side view with the landing gear removed, and sporting the original gun, since replaced by the tri-barrel minigun in the other pics.


Closeup of the Fallout version of "Old Glory":


Model in primed state:


I´ve got some free days after christmas until January 4th, and I´ve got firm plans to build more terrain and troops then. In addition, I hope to get a test game on next saturday, if my borther finishes his scavenger posse by then.

Thomas Whitten22 Dec 2008 12:18 p.m. PST

Nice job. Really like the rotor-craft.

Randall22 Dec 2008 12:41 p.m. PST

The Fallout games provides such a wealth of character and modeling opportunities, I'm sometimes surprised more isn't done with the setting by miniatures gamers.

Primitive/savage/stone-age types? Check.
Post-apocalyptic leather-clad Mad Max wannabes? Check.
Semi-modern day military types? Check.
Power-armored technos? Check.
Ghouls? Check.
Super Mutants? Check.
Two-headed cows?! Check.
Ornithopters? Check.

Awesome, awesome setting. More should be done with it on the miniatures front. I need me some of them thar two-headed cows!

Great work on the models, ChrisGermanicus. Keep 'em coming!

Rassilon22 Dec 2008 1:02 p.m. PST

VERY cool! :)

DJButtonup22 Dec 2008 1:11 p.m. PST

And don't forget the Super Mutant Behemoths, Ghoul "Glowing Ones", Deathclaws, Yao Guai, vampires (well, kinda), and robots! And if you're a "real" FO fan you'll want to build a hovering Highwayman for your hero and his pals to ride around in.

The Fallout: Tactics game (quite a good game imo) came with miniature rules, I think you can find them for free online.

Pentaro22 Dec 2008 2:00 p.m. PST

Thanks, I didn't know about the rules:


Nice job on that Vertibird! :)

Captain Apathy22 Dec 2008 2:42 p.m. PST

From one Fallout fan to another, thats awesome work.

Another fun source of inspiration is the Commodore64/Apple][ game Wasteland. Wasteland is considered the "spiritual successor" to the Fallout series, and even though the designers say they are set in different universes there are references throughout the Fallout series to Wasteland. Just a few off the top of my head are the BB Gun, Toasters, and one of the side quests in Fallout 3 is working on a book called the Wasteland Survival Guide, which is the title of the original rulebook for the Wasteland game.

More fun here…

mattblackgod23 Dec 2008 4:44 a.m. PST

Cool models – I love the vertibird. I take it is a scratch build?

Earl of the North23 Dec 2008 10:34 a.m. PST

Nice stuff, i'm working on a 15mm Fallout project, mainly using GZG….I've got some cap headed guys and girls for my vault dwellers, some power armour and vac suited figures for the enclave and some armed and unarmed civilians for my wasteland dwellers. I'll be picking up some more figures in January for the Brotherhood, tribals and others. I've also decided to use terminator style robots in the games as my creation the AIRES (Automated Internal REvenue Service) faction.

ChrisGermanicus23 Dec 2008 10:54 a.m. PST

Cool models – I love the vertibird. I take it is a scratch build?

Yup. Plasticard over a balsa wood core, plus putty and some wood pearls and metal washers of various shapes and sizes.

I've also decided to use terminator style robots in the games as my creation the AIRES (Automated Internal REvenue Service) faction.

Robotic postapocalyptic tax collectors. Hilarity ensues! ;-)

Earl of the North24 Dec 2008 4:43 a.m. PST

Striding threw the smoke the gleaming metal skeletons stalked up to the cowering survivors….."you'll need to fill out form 234, form 345, form 5468 sub section 98989b……..

Several hours later "we'll be back… year"

Oh the horror. evil grin

mattblackgod24 Dec 2008 4:55 a.m. PST

Yeah – and if you dodge your taxes you will be "TERMINATED!".


palaeoemrus24 Dec 2008 8:34 p.m. PST

" Wasteland is considered the "spiritual successor" to the Fallout series"

That needs a bit o' reversin'….

ChrisGermanicus30 Dec 2008 4:01 p.m. PST

Hey folks,

Finished up most of the figures I had around, did some concept miniatures and two pieces of terrain:

Enclave Squad, with two Warzone Capitol figures as armoured troopers:


Southern Biker Gang:


Some characters:


Concept models for BoS powered armour:


Wasteland settlement shack:


Yuánzǐdàn, Communist Chinese takeaway leftovers:


Built a Saloon-style building tonight, which will get painted tomorrow.

meatpuppet30 Dec 2008 8:47 p.m. PST

Holy… man that vertibird is sweet!

Captain Apathy05 Jan 2009 3:32 p.m. PST

ChrisGermanicus – I love the bomb. What did you use to make it?

ChrisGermanicus06 Jan 2009 4:53 a.m. PST

ChrisGermanicus – I love the bomb. What did you use to make it?

The basic corpus is a plastic two-part capsule which is part of a candy-toy-combination. The most famous representative of these is the "Überraschungsei" (literally, "Egg of Surprise"), which is available under the "Kinder Surprise" brand in Canada (but not the US, probably for choking hazards). Made from a kind of polyethylen plastic, most brands are difficult to glue and paint, but this one from an Italian competitor (marketing "Wall-E" collectibles) was excellent.

The fins were made from plasticard. Of course, AFTER I completed it, I found a plastic easter egg in one of my spares boxes which would have been very nice as well.

Captain Apathy07 Jan 2009 11:34 a.m. PST

Cool. Thanks. : )

ChrisGermanicus29 Jan 2009 1:18 p.m. PST

Right folks, my order from Scotia Grendel arrived, so may I present an Enclave Power Armour Squad:


Previously, I painted up a batch of EM-4 miniatures:





Plus some Wasteland people and a Vault Dweller:



And mutants:


Plus my secret favourite so far, Brahmin cattle:


And finally, man´s best friend:



WereSandwich29 Jan 2009 1:27 p.m. PST

Awesome. How did you make the Enclave figures?

ChrisGermanicus29 Jan 2009 1:36 p.m. PST

The Enclave powered armours from the last post are Kryomek Nexus SWAT figures, bought from Scotia Grendel. Decent service and excellent packaging, good value for money.

I added the "horns/antennae" using little plasticard shapes plus some putty to smooth out the front ends where they meet with the helmet. Not a 100% match, but they look really nice to me.

Additionally, I´m gonna use the bareheaded ones to make Brotherhood paladins, slightly converting the helmets in a different way and painting them a light metallic green-grey.

LeadLair7629 Jan 2009 2:25 p.m. PST

Very cool are those Brahmin converted or did you buy them somewhere?

ChrisGermanicus29 Jan 2009 2:32 p.m. PST

Very cool are those Brahmin converted or did you buy them somewhere?

The Brahmin are from the Pegasus Hobbies plastic "Farm Animals" set. Very useful and good value for money. I chopped off the heads of three of the six cows in the set and glued them to the bodies of the three remaining ones, covering the joins in MagicSculpt putty and sculpting tumors and stuff into it.

28mmMan29 Jan 2009 4:05 p.m. PST


Anyone checked this site out? Looks interesting.

Captain Apathy31 Jan 2009 10:17 a.m. PST

Wow… nice addition CG. Any chance you will put up a blog to track your games?

Cacique Caribe31 Jan 2009 1:28 p.m. PST

For a second I thought that the flag was the one for the Republic of Gilead:



ChrisGermanicus31 Jan 2009 4:13 p.m. PST

Wow… nice addition CG. Any chance you will put up a blog to track your games?

I´m really considering it. Unfortunately, both my earlier attempts at blogging (over at Displaced Miniatures and Deviantart) quickly bogged down as I just forgot to update them… I´m more of a forum guy, although I admit that I neglected TMP over the last year almost as much as I did with the abovementioned sites…

Of course, it would be really nice to have a kind of website apart from the various gallery pages, and since I´m good at using web appliances, but hopeless at programming (html etc.), I guess a pre-fab blog might be a nice venture.

Earl of the North04 Feb 2009 12:50 p.m. PST

Have you heard of link Post Apocalypse Wargames Forum yet ChrisGermanicus. I've been inspired by some of the guys on there to get even more heavily into Post Apoc' games……good for a laugh, as well. grin


ChrisGermanicus12 Feb 2009 2:34 p.m. PST

Have you heard of link Post Apocalypse Wargames Forum yet ChrisGermanicus. I've been inspired by some of the guys on there to get even more heavily into Post Apoc' games……good for a laugh, as well.

Never heard of that one, but thanks! I´ll check it out and maybe register, but I´m afraid I´m already a member of too many forums which I don´t frequent as much as I should…

But as said, thanks!

ChrisGermanicus20 Feb 2009 4:10 p.m. PST

Hey folks, here´s my take on Liberty Prime, the 40ft tall harbinger of nuclear posterior-kicking.





daddyslittlemen23 Feb 2009 8:15 a.m. PST

Amazing and inspiring. Keep up the good work. You running this in a con at some point in the future?

Fallout10 May 2009 8:20 p.m. PST

In your front-view shot of Liberty Prime, You have a BOS miniature with a mini-gun, What Line is it from

Cacique Caribe27 Jun 2009 8:50 p.m. PST

Wow. I can just imagine having that same versatility, but with 15mm gaming.


Cacique Caribe03 Aug 2009 7:46 a.m. PST


Any new developments or plans with your project?

I'm very, very interested in what you are doing with it.


ChrisGermanicus08 Aug 2009 5:40 a.m. PST


Any new developments or plans with your project?

I'm very, very interested in what you are doing with it.


Hi CC, unfortunately, I was very preoccupied the last few months with moving house and term exams, and I probably won´t get around doing more for some weeks until I complete the second part of the move and settle down in Hull.

I did, however, receive some packs of those "Platformer/Hexagon" sets as payment for a painting commission, and since I´m currently working in a refinery plant, I´m pretty inspired to do the scaffolding/pipeline part for the Jefferson Memorial this autumn. Additionally, I´ve still got some more Powered Armour troops to paint and am also planning to add some mutants.

Cacique Caribe09 Aug 2009 8:38 p.m. PST


That is great! Glad to see you haven't given up on the idea. Please don't. Would love to see how it turns out – when you are good and ready, of course.


DesertHeart14 Feb 2010 9:34 a.m. PST

Hi there!

Those are some great pics!

I've been running a Fallout RPG for about 5 or 6 months now for some of my friends. I've a collection of pictures on Flickr here of the miniatures I've finished so far:


And a photo group here:


If anyone would like to contribute pictures of their fallout miniatures and projects, they'd be most welcome.

- Andre

alien BLOODY HELL surfer14 Feb 2010 4:49 p.m. PST


Anyone checked this site out? Looks interesting.

on the cd of Fallout Tactics iirc, there is the pdf for the Fallout RPG. I've got it kicking about somewhere I'm sure.

Captain Apathy28 Apr 2010 6:21 a.m. PST

Desert Heart those are nice pics. Pictors Studios recently sent me my Heresy Inspectors I had painted up as Vault Dwellers. I really need to take some pictures and post them.

If you are interested there are a few pics of some Fallout/Wasteland terrain at my blog…


I also commissioned Peter Carlson of Blast Radius Terrain to create a series of pieces based on Dots Diner from Fallout 3. The pictures are posted at…


I plan to post more pictures of my Fallout/Wasteland minis as time and money permit.

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