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18th Century Guy Supporting Member of TMP18 Dec 2008 4:01 p.m. PST

I saw a thread asking about rules for the Lace Wars. How about rules for the SYW. I'm hoping Dennis from OMM can send us a list.

Condottiere18 Dec 2008 4:15 p.m. PST

"Might & Reason"

Khazarmac18 Dec 2008 4:34 p.m. PST

WRG; rules & army lists

andygamer18 Dec 2008 4:46 p.m. PST

Warfare in the Age of Reason for running 12-figure btns and cavalry regts where you control, say, 12-16 units; and Volley & Bayonet where one base of figures represents a multi-battalion unit like a regt or brigade or a brigade of cavalry and you run an entire or half of an army. (WRG is like the former and Might & Reason is like the latter.) I think that there's a Fire & Fury 18th Century variant out. And Koenig Krieg. Habitant and Highlander for F&I War.

What level of play or number of figures interest you?

OldGrenadier Fezian18 Dec 2008 6:07 p.m. PST

Koenig Krieg. Fairly simple and allows for a couple of brigades on the table.

anleiher18 Dec 2008 6:31 p.m. PST

Koenig Krieg. Fun and easily mastered but not at the expense of period feel.

21eRegt18 Dec 2008 8:55 p.m. PST

I'm intrigued by Die Kriegkunst in the General de Brigade family. I haven't gotten to actually play a game yet, but it looks very promising.

WKeyser18 Dec 2008 11:53 p.m. PST

Go to the Lace wars Yahoo group and check out the files folder, I think the rules are called Fredricus rex. Better than Koenig Krieg in my opinon.

advocate19 Dec 2008 2:30 a.m. PST

Every time this comes up I mention 'King of the Battlefield' by Ian Godwin. A really good set of rules that allowed a refight of Zorndorf to be played comfortably within four hours. Regimental units, Three elements each 30*30mm.

GawdsBox19 Dec 2008 3:30 a.m. PST

Polemos Frederick's Wars

Jeremy Sutcliffe19 Dec 2008 5:09 a.m. PST

My 7YW troops are based as notional units of 3 bases.

Recently I've tried

Shako- The 7YW variant in the original rule book. Although dropped from Shako 2 I've no reason to believe it couldn't be applied to the new version.

18thC Principles of War. Works OK but it depends how comfortable you are with a PIP system

Minden Rose – Requires 4 base notional units but I found a way round it. Relatively straight forward game mechanism. I enjoyed playing it.

Might & Reason – Two stand notional units. Interesting command and control system. Combat mechanisms easy. Only played it once. Want to use them again.

In the past I have used
Age of Reason
WRG 1685 1840 (May have the year parameters wrong)

I've recoiled from DBx type rules but there is Barkers web published "Horse Foot Guns"

I note that Koenig Krieg has a following and there's Die Kriekunst in the General de Brigade family.

In terms of notional units there's the "Evolutionary Wars" set but I don't know much about it.

There's also Age of Honour (out of Age of Eagles out of Fire and Fury) which is currently in Beta Web published format but I'm jiggered if I can find the link.

Prinz Geoffrey19 Dec 2008 6:00 a.m. PST

Collected a list from the SYW yahoo group a while back:

Horse, Foot and Guns
Linear Tactics
Lace Warefare by SAGA
Habitants and Highlanders


Age of Reason
Pro Gloria
British Grenadier
Ga Pa
Fredericus Rex
Principles of War
Batailles de l'Ancien Regime (BAR)
Charles Grant's "The War Game"
Minden Rose
Standing like a Wall
"Charge" rules by Brigadier Peter Young
Piquet (Cartouche Supplement and Classic)
Drums on the Mohawk

Grand Tactical

Shako 7 Years War
Koenig Krieg
Might and Reason
Age of Honor
Piquet (Field of Battle)
Frederick's Battles the supplement for Napoleons Battles
Valmy to Waterloo (with adaptation)
Principles of War
Final Argument of Kings
Volley & Bayonet

Quasi Skirmish

This Very Ground by Iron Ivan


Brother Against Brother

hope this helps some of these are free on the web.

18th Century Guy Supporting Member of TMP19 Dec 2008 7:57 a.m. PST

Our gaming group here prefers a 1:20 ratio so we have battalions and squadrons as the main elements. We've been trying to modify F&F to fit what we think works in the SYW but I've always wanted to see now things would work out if we used an 'off-the-shelf' set of rules.

18th Century Guy Supporting Member of TMP19 Dec 2008 8:02 a.m. PST

Ooops! Should have said "….but I've always wanted to see HOW things….."

Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP19 Dec 2008 8:35 a.m. PST

BAR can be used at a 1:20 ratio with about 36 figures per battalion (in 3 ranks of course)and 6 horse squadrons. It works just as well at this level as it does at the standard 1:10 ratio.

Or you could also try Rusty's Rules (tactical level with btns and regts) or my excrutiatingly accurate one side of a sheet of paper rules called Alte Fritz (20-24 figures).evil grin

Khazarmac19 Dec 2008 8:46 a.m. PST

As well as WRG, I use Phil Barker's HFG with 2mm blocks from Irregular. Looks just like the paintings and tapestries of the battles.

Jeremy Sutcliffe19 Dec 2008 9:08 a.m. PST

I've found the "Age of Honour" link. PDF link
Might be just what the 18th Century guy is looking for.

18th Century Guy Supporting Member of TMP19 Dec 2008 5:46 p.m. PST


Unfortunately the scale of AoH is too large for what our group likes. AoH is 1:80 or 90 while we like a 1:20 ratio. But thank you for the input.

ge2002bill Supporting Member of TMP19 Dec 2008 8:00 p.m. PST

Two weeks ago, I played a game of BAR with two infantry units of 24 each, and two infantry units of 6 each which I moved around in one, two and three ranks plus open order. There were also three squadrons of 12 cavalrymen each deployed two ranks deep and a cannon with 4 crew. I had a delightful time and on a playing surface 30"x48" approximately.
The point I am making is, BAR is flexible enough for the BIG battalions we normally use in our group or for ones considerably smaller. Ditto for large table surfaces or much smaller ones.
The website mentions these flexibilities and more. BAR was intentionally designed so gamers don't have to rebase or be locked into a certain basing style. Take a look at the outlines of what BAR is about, when you get a moment.
There is a misconception that BAR is only about BIG battalions. Not true as Der Alte has kindly and properly pointed out several times as well.
Respectfully yours,
Website =

Jeremy Sutcliffe20 Dec 2008 10:34 a.m. PST

well 18thC Guy you said you were looking at an F&F variant.

AoH is not a set I'd be likely to use either as with notional units of 3 stands it would be difficult to do the AOH representative stands.

My personal recs are Minden Rose and Might and Reason

1968billsfan19 Oct 2011 10:20 a.m. PST

A rule set, that I recently stumbled upon is "all the kings men" at

PDF link

What I really really like about this game is that it has elegantly and simply solved one of the crunching issues that I think exists in the various IGO-UGO sets that are most rules as well as having a bit of the solution of the variable lenght bound flavor.

It has a limited command chit/command radius component but also units go from "green to yellow to red status" as they can be activiated numerous times during a game turn, which is controlled via activation through a card deck. A unit can be activiated several times a turn, but becomes less effective in sucessive activations. A melee immediately moves a unit to "red". Therefore, an unengaged unit can do a lot of marching, while engaged units are stuck in place.

1968billsfan19 Oct 2011 10:21 a.m. PST

Question: why does koneig king use 3 stand battalions while most battalions operated in 4 (2-platoon) divisions?

Nikator19 Oct 2011 2:37 p.m. PST

Another vote for "Might and Reason". Fast, fun, excellent command system, really looks like a 7yw battle.

Jeremy Sutcliffe19 Oct 2011 3:46 p.m. PST

Three years on from my last comment, I'd now say Black Powder, using the Last Argument of Kings supplement.

Time moves on

ochoin deach20 Oct 2011 4:18 p.m. PST

Just finished reading Die Kriegskunst (a GendBrig variant).

I think I like them!

pancerni220 Oct 2011 7:40 p.m. PST

Prinz's list missed one…Carnage and Glory SYW/AWI rules…


freecloud21 Oct 2011 4:07 a.m. PST

Add Sharpe Practice to the Skirmish rulesets.

What rules are y'all using today?

Musketier on the March21 Oct 2011 6:34 a.m. PST

Question: why does koneig king use 3 stand battalions while most battalions operated in 4 (2-platoon) divisions?

- Could it just be the age-old dilemma of 4 elements (historical, symmetrical and helpful when forming square) vs. 3 (or 5) elements – visually more satisfying, with the command stand in the centre?

Olaf 0321 Oct 2011 1:07 p.m. PST

I would vote for Tricorne.

The Big C24 Oct 2011 2:39 a.m. PST

Might and Reason

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