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16 Dec 2008 7:36 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Crossposted to TMP Poll Suggestions board

02 Jun 2009 12:44 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Removed from TMP Poll Suggestions board

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AAthebarbarian16 Dec 2008 7:25 p.m. PST

OK, so I'm getting Apocalypse Z, the Mongoose PUblishing zombie supplement to Battelefeild Evolution: Modern War. But to get psyched about it, I figure I need to watch more zombie movies.

So far, I borrowed Sean of the Dead, which was hilarious. I was hoping for one with more action, I vaguely remember seeing a preview of one that was derived from a video game. But all suggestions gratefully received!


jpattern216 Dec 2008 7:49 p.m. PST

*Shaun* of the Dead.

Do you like fast or slow zombies? Military involved or not?

Katzbalger16 Dec 2008 7:54 p.m. PST

Resident Evil is derived from a video game. That and its two follow-on movies.

There's also 28 Days Later.


Major Kong16 Dec 2008 7:57 p.m. PST

I am a real amateur connoisseur and consumer of zombie flicks, if I do say so myself. You have to approach them with the notion firmly in mind that you're NOT looking at "The Godfather" or "Citizen Kane." With that framework, there's much fun to be had.

Shaun of the Dead REALLY works if you're familiar with the genre, it's a blast and a towering acheivement.

I would suggest that you can have a mighty fine evening with any of the "Resident Evil" movies, believe it or not, especially the second one. It has everything.

Do NOT deprive yourself of the Ianesco-flavored "Zombie Strippers." It is hilarious, and titillating to boot. Can't lose.

28 Days Later, for your basic fast zombies. Much compared with Romero style slow zombies (and of the "…of the Dead" movies, most of which are pretty fun also).

Norman D Landings16 Dec 2008 8:02 p.m. PST

"Return of the Living Dead."

The movie that brought you… "Braaaaaiiiinnns…."

(And which had fast zombies YEARS before '28'.)

And "CHUD"… often overlooked 80's schlock with sci-fi toxic zombies, as opposed to dead 'uns, in the sewers and subway tunnels.

Major Kong16 Dec 2008 8:04 p.m. PST

I am Legend kind of stinks, btw, in my opinion. The original story is often adverted to as the one of the genesis souces of the zombie-as-virus archetypes. The story wasn't all that good, truth to tell, and the movie was all over the place.

jizbrand16 Dec 2008 8:56 p.m. PST

Shaun of the Dead REALLY works if you're familiar with the genre, it's a blast and a towering acheivement.

Concur. It works as a decent zombie/horror flick in its own right, as well as being comedic. And it is also something of a social commentary on English life, if you read deeply enough into it.

CmdrKiley16 Dec 2008 9:37 p.m. PST

For a zombie Action flic, the Resident Evil movies are top on my list. Also the best attempt to make a movie from a video game.

Also, looking through the Apocalypse Z book, it appears very inspired by Resident Evil, especially the 2nd movie (Apocalypse).

AAthebarbarian16 Dec 2008 9:41 p.m. PST

yeah, REsident Evil were the ones I saw. The preview had crows infected from eating the virus-afflicted dead.

To answer jpattern2, I don't care so much about the speed of the zombies, altho I think slow ones are inherently more humorous. I like shoot'em ups and the military would be fun – after all, lots of firepower suits zombie-infested living.

Are the Apocalypse-Z rules a tasty game for zombieland?

Rogzombie Fezian16 Dec 2008 10:09 p.m. PST

Versus, a japanese flick is an awesome zombie movie. Over the top action. Cool guys in long coats, martial arts moves, zombies popping out of the ground everywhere.

I liked the Tarantino Planet Terror or whatever it was called.

Also more in the cannibal range but really cool costumes is doomsday and tooth and nail. Both inspiring in the zombie vein.

I've been painting some zombies after seeing these flicks and I'm very into it now!

combatpainter Fezian16 Dec 2008 10:42 p.m. PST

Dawn Remake
28 Days and sequel

combatpainter Fezian16 Dec 2008 10:45 p.m. PST

All RE series is worthy of mention.

combatpainter Fezian16 Dec 2008 10:51 p.m. PST

"Flight of the Living Dead" is fun as well.

Deeman16 Dec 2008 11:10 p.m. PST

Dawn of the Dead (new one)
Return of the Living Dead (Louisville gets nuked!)
28days/weeks later. (both good)
The Walking Dead (comic book series, but awesome!)

Cyrus the Great16 Dec 2008 11:20 p.m. PST

Wild Zero.


Elhiem17 Dec 2008 6:32 a.m. PST

Dawn of the Dead – the origional
Day of the Dead – very dark
Land of the Dead – Most hate it, I think its great.
Zombie Holocaust
28 days later
Plane of the Dead
Children Shouldn't Play with Dead things – not action packed but, worth watching

There are thousands of Zombie flicks, most are tat some are classics. I like the 1970s and 80's films myself.

CAPTAIN BEEFHEART17 Dec 2008 6:40 a.m. PST

for wargamers Land of the dead by Romero would be my choice for one stop shopping. The living are very organized and well equipped and the zombies are manifold and various. Hey, any Romero flick about Zeds is more than just ok.
Also the 'dead reckoning' vehicle, while silly is pretty fun and any vehicle like it could be the focal point for many scenarios. That DVD and a copy of ATZ could give hours of fun for any deserving boy or girl.
FIDO is good for a fallout(not) style universe as well.

Thieses17 Dec 2008 7:29 a.m. PST

I agree with Captain Beefheart. Land of the Dead is a good setting. It has a very cool take on the "siege" type of movie. I was not a fan of the movie itself, but it would make a very cool game setting.

I vote for theDawn of the Dead. Both versions. Here are a couple of scenerios that can be played from the movies.

1. hold out in the mall (oldie but a goodie)

2. Defend the housing project. SWAT team tries to get residents out before their own relatives eat them.Very tight quarters. Also roll for animosity and panic among various troops. Watch for friendly fire.

3.Biker attack! Keep Biker gangs at bay from mall, homes, etc.

4.Quest for SPAM! The miracle meat is shown in several Romero films. Battling factions of survivors want to cash in on all the "civil defense supplies" which are being stored in a local high school, church hospital etc.

SpuriousMilius17 Dec 2008 8:58 a.m. PST

Since I haven't seen "Zombie Strippers" the only flicks with zombie "action" that I know of are "Return of the Living Dead III", with Melinda Clark as a very hot undead goth chick, & an episode of the cable TV series "Masters of Horror" with Robert Englund as the MC of a post-apocalyptic roadhouse with zombie "entertainment"!

Then there's "Frankenhooker" but thats more of a Golem "Action" film.

jgawne17 Dec 2008 12:02 p.m. PST

Dawn of the Dead (classic) is the gold standard by which all should be judged.

However, after stopping getting all the really junk one star ones on netflix as they were too bad even for me, I did stumble upon Dance of the Dead. Zombies at a high school prom. Even the wife admitted it was not bad. The people can act, the story was OK, not tons of gore, but so what, and it was actully FUN.

I have to hand it to the director, he did some very good stuff ona low budget and came up with some very creative techiques.

combatpainter Fezian17 Dec 2008 12:42 p.m. PST

I loved Tarantino's "Planet Terror." I would have preferred standard zombies rather than mutant zombies but that is just me.

I vote for the Dawn of the Dead. Both versions. Here are a couple of scenerios that can be played from the movies.

Not a big fan of the original Dawn but have seen it many times when there was nothing else. The silly carousel music and the Here Krishna zombie was a bit to silly for me. There were great moments though. I liked the clastrophobic atmosphere of the whole thing. Then you have the much darker/bleak view of the world in "Day of the Dead." Just no characters you can like in that one.

I know of are "Return of the Living Dead III", with Melinda Clark as a very hot undead goth chick

This is an OK film and she is quite a sight even as a zombie. You can really understand the kid's inability to leave her especially as she progresses into more and more of a "sexy monster."

Someone mentioned, "Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things." Seventie's cult classic. Biggest problem is its 70's pace for me. First 45 minutes is a talk fest. Last 30 are excellent. Music and photography are very cool as well. Had this guy followed the the action zombie mode a bit more and left the dialogue for Shakespeare, he would have had a mega hit like Romero had with "Night of the Living Dead."

"Omega Man" although not really a "zombie" film has that apocalyptic feel and there are some strange characters throughout. Heston does his typical over-acting but it is worth a watch.

combatpainter Fezian17 Dec 2008 12:49 p.m. PST

Take a look at more opinions here:


CmdrKiley17 Dec 2008 10:39 p.m. PST

Flight of the Living Dead was a hoot. Loved the old lady zombie at the end, a real twist to the a usual zombie movie cliche.

Planet Terror was another hoot.

Now the first thing I thought of when I first played All Things Zombie was Land of the Dead.

AAthebarbarian18 Dec 2008 2:50 p.m. PST

what's the difference between 28 days later and 28 weeks later? I almost thougth they were the same movie!

But yeah, overall I want a wargaming shoot-em up zombie flick, not a bunch of civies trying to defend themselves with frying pans.

Cacique Caribe18 Dec 2008 2:59 p.m. PST

I only like movies with fast zombies:

TMP link

Clumsy ones are just tooooo boring.


combatpainter Fezian18 Dec 2008 6:41 p.m. PST

what's the difference between 28 days later and 28 weeks later? I almost thougth they were the same movie!

28DL is a classic that begins 28 day after infection.

28WL is sequel that is fun and continues the the story 28 weeks after infection.

28 Months later is the next one (I guess) :)

mbourgeois18 Dec 2008 7:53 p.m. PST

Zombie Town is a good parasite infected zombie film

Dead and Deader is an action oriented zombie flick… stars the Dean fellow from one of the TV superman shows

Night of the Creeps (check title) is sort of Zombie Town in California

The Quick and the Undead is a western zombie flick

Undead is I believe a toxic zombie flick with aliens thrown in for weirdness factor

They're all interesting in their own way and do have some good action sequences.

zanarchist19 Dec 2008 2:27 p.m. PST

I like the Tombs of the Blind Dead series. Zombie knights killing people to drink thier blood. They even have zombie horses. The movies are from Spain and were made in the 70's.

combatpainter Fezian19 Dec 2008 8:46 p.m. PST

Zombie Town is a good parasite infected zombie film

Dead and Deader is an action oriented zombie flick… stars the Dean fellow from one of the TV superman shows

Night of the Creeps (check title) is sort of Zombie Town in California

The Quick and the Undead is a western zombie flick

Undead is I believe a toxic zombie flick with aliens thrown in for weirdness factor

They're all interesting in their own way and do have some good action sequences.

"Slugs" wasn't bad. I liked "Undead" except for the alien stuff.

Then you have Italian movie called "Zombie" which starts in NY and ends on an Island somewhere.

You also have early 80's "Night of the Comet." This was a desperate mans zombie movie.

combatpainter Fezian19 Dec 2008 8:48 p.m. PST

Will check out "Dance of the Dead."

combatpainter Fezian20 Dec 2008 3:37 a.m. PST

"Slugs" wasn't bad. I liked "Undead" except for the alien stuff

"Slither," not Slugs."

"House of the Dead 2" much better than one.

BlackWidowPilot Fezian20 Dec 2008 1:54 p.m. PST

While Shaun of the Dead remains a family favorite, there's some pretty frightful zombies to be found on YouTube:


Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

combatpainter Fezian20 Dec 2008 4:00 p.m. PST

Check out "Savage." Some hilarious stuff.

Sir TankaLot21 Dec 2008 9:32 a.m. PST

I just watched "The Zombie Diaries" yesterday. Was a very short movie almost like a documovie. IMHO it was okay, the zombies were 'shambler' style zombies very very slow. The head shots were very well done.
It takes place in England when the pandemic hits. There was one very well done scene where a zombie was eating this gals entrails, very well done scene. There was one line made in the movie were two of the survivors were talking about finding some more weapons and ammunition. The one guy said in response "Welcome to a gun free society." That was a great line. On a ten scale I would give it a six. They could've done a little bit more with it IMHO.

Lowtardog22 Dec 2008 10:06 a.m. PST

REvil series are ideal for Apocalypse Z as is Land of the dead and Diary of the dead works well too

itchy196101 Feb 2009 2:20 a.m. PST

the resident evils and 28 days later and the dawn remake Fast Zombies every time…

smokingwreckage01 Feb 2009 6:08 a.m. PST

I know it's not really germane, but if your computer can run it and you can get some mates to play online, Left 4 Dead is an awesome zombie action movie dressed up as a computer game.

Uesugi Kenshin Supporting Member of TMP01 Feb 2009 6:40 a.m. PST

28 Days Later
28 Weeks Later

Darkoath04 Feb 2009 3:49 p.m. PST

My favorite zombie movie is the remake of "Day of the Dead". I found the zombies to be much more brutal and scary. They were fast zombies if freshly dead and became more like shamblers the longer they were dead and rotted more.

Darkoath04 Feb 2009 3:50 p.m. PST

Also if you like the movie "Shaun of the Dead", try the movie "Fido".

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