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"how big is your Stargrunt army?" Topic

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timlillig14 Dec 2008 1:35 p.m. PST

I have had the Stargrunt rules for a while, but have not played. After listening to Meeples and Miniatures #42 today I've been wondering- How big is your Stargrunt army? Both how many figures you own for it and how many you typically play with. Splitting up your count by infantry and vehicles or just listing your Organization chart would be good too.

Custer7thcav14 Dec 2008 1:43 p.m. PST

I would have to find them in storage--

but I have a bunch of the 25mm GZG figs that I had professionally painted about 10 years ago.

If I remember correctly, I think I have about a platoon or more of NAC, FSE, ESU, and some arab, african and mercenary squads. Also have lots of the full thrust ships and corresponding 6mm vehicles and inf.

Have my own campaign of different factions vying for control of the Selon sector (kind of a backwater where the fringes of various factions overlap and such. very balkanized.

Sargonarhes14 Dec 2008 1:54 p.m. PST

I have maybe a platoon of NAC and NSL troops, which I've painted them up in sort of Legend of Galactic Heroes colors. Yes the NSL are as the Imperials.

But my Kra'vak are at least at company strength, which is misleading as I've been painting them to represent different war clan factions. They'll co-operate together just not very well.

Grizwald14 Dec 2008 2:08 p.m. PST

Stargrunt II is designed for platoon level actions, that is each player commands a platoon. This can be a "reinforced" platoon with (for example) 1 or 2 additional armoured vehicles. It has been successfully used for battles up to company strength, but these tend to be multiplayer battles.

Rottcodd14 Dec 2008 2:09 p.m. PST

I have two platoons, 5 squads of 6 men, each with an hmg, one with a anti-armor plasma gun. Also have a few snipers, mortar crews, some special forces, etc. just to spice things up when it gets boring. I only have a few GZG APCs, and 1 tank. Oh yeah, and a squad of power armor. Usually run with a platoon on each side, then throw in the extra stuff for flavor, so one side will get the power armor, the other will get a special forces squad, and maybe an anti-armor team. The mix is always different, but it's based on a standard platoon per side.

chronoglide14 Dec 2008 2:20 p.m. PST

i've got at least a couple of companies of NSL troops, including two platoons of jaegers and some PA. Never get around to playing and certainly not with all of them at once….reading through Warband's Overkill rules at the minute so they may get dragged out to serve as martians….:-)

Only Warlock14 Dec 2008 2:26 p.m. PST

hmm, perhaps 200 15mm Infantry (Maybe a few more) Perhaps 25 or so 15mm Tanks and APCs, a few Dropships, a few walkers. 6 turretted weapon emplacements.

jizbrand14 Dec 2008 2:29 p.m. PST

I have a reinforced company -- about 250 figures. Three rifle platoons of 40 figures each, a power armor platoon of 38 figures, a light infantry platoon of 40 figures, and then about 50 additional figures representing a squad of grav-bike-mounted scouts, a sapper squad, a mortar squad, some anti-aircraft guns, some anti-tank guns, a company command section, and an electronic warfare team.

Each squad has its own organic vehicle -- one of the Kryomek resin APCs. Additionally, there's a platoon of tanks, a platoon of armored cars, and an aviation section of a couple of gunships and a pair of transport VTOLs.

They've never all seen the tabletop at the same time, of course. I usually play with a platoon, maybe beefed up with a power armor squad or on of the other specialty squads.

The entire force is made up of the old Grenadier Traveller Imperial Marines, with command sections being the GZG UNSC hardsuited troopers which mix quite nicely with the Marines.

If a doctor ever tells me I have x amount of time left to live, I'll immediately rent a hotel ballroom and set up a full weekend of play at the company level :)

Striker14 Dec 2008 2:55 p.m. PST

I've got a platoon of NSL, ESU, IF, PAU, NAC, and FSE. A few squads of UN, Japanese, Oceanic, and Kra'vak. I only have a few vehicles (4 apcs, 1 tank) and about 4 squads to paint still. They don't see much active service but once I finish more terrain they'll start forming up.

WLBartlett14 Dec 2008 3:18 p.m. PST

I just started building my NAC army, but there is a full strength platoon with APCs and a power armor squad painted. I still have some crew serve weapons a Vtol and some tanks to paint up though.

I also have a Kra'Vak force to get built and painted too. They won't make up a full strength platoon though. After Janary 1st I'll be ordering more stuff to flesh out both forces.

With any luck I'll even find someone to play against besides myself…

Regards, Bill

infojunky14 Dec 2008 3:40 p.m. PST

I have a couple of "armies" at the reinforced company level the rest at around the platoon level.

The companies have generally two or three platoons of either 5 to 6 squads or 2 to 3 sections.

A squad is generally 5 to 10 men or a vehicle.

A section is generally 4-8 men and their vehicle

Heavy infantry (Power armor) is generally organized in either 2 or 3 man teams, and generally are attached at the section or platoon level.

My all power armor "army" (UNSC Hardsuits) are 4 to 6 men with an attached vehicle sections with 2 to 4 sections attached to a dropship which provides indirect fire, electronic warfare, anti-air and missile fire support.

timlillig14 Dec 2008 3:57 p.m. PST

So, it seems most people use the platoons given in the rulebook. is that correct?

Rassilon14 Dec 2008 5:38 p.m. PST

Off the top of my head… all 15mm…

One platoon NAC Marines
One platoon NAC Gurkahs
Probably a Coy plus Combat walkers for NAC
Two Mechanized platoons of FSE with GEV APCs, GEV ICVs, GEV Command and AA vehicles
One Armored FSE platoon with GEV tanks
One platoon OUDF used as PAU
One platoon IF including power armor… with 1 walker, EW command vehicle, 4 x armored recon cars
One platoon Dutch Mechanized Mercs with wheeled APCs, 2 GEV tanks and cavalry recon elements
Two squads security forces
One platoon militia/guerillas in progress
3 misc Merc combat walkers
Misc generic support troops for comms, EW, arty, snipers, mortars etc… 4 vtols, 3 x gunships, 4 x bladed vtols, 1 x cargo plane, 4 x modeled Orbat laser artillery stands

One platoon Sci Fi Egpytians plus opposing SG teams

Plus a bunch of modern/sci fi terrain. :P

we normally play with platoons plus some attached vehicles etc… but we have played up to a company plus per side only using basic rules and the quick combat method…

My main partner in crime as two platoons plus Jap Mercs with Walkers power armor and two platoons plus Kravak with dropships (Tau) and automated light grav tanks (Tau) with power armor and cavalry
It's an addiction… I am dying to expand when I get some free$$$ flow…

Sumo Boy14 Dec 2008 7:19 p.m. PST

My last SG2 game was a Star Wars game (Clone Wars era):

2x 8-man Battledroid squad
1x 8-man Super battledroid squad
2x 6-man Crab droid squad
1x 8-man HQ squad
1x Sith

2x 7-man Clone trooper squad
1x 5-man Clone commando squad
1x 5-man HQ squad
4x BARC speeder bikes
2x Jedi

That's plenty for a 6' x 4' table, really. I have many, many more SW figures, so bigger battles are possible, but it starts looking ridiculous when you have a whole lot of figures on 1-inch bases on the table -- it becomes a sea of troops with no maneuver room.

Come to the GZG ECC XII and you can play in the game, by the way… :-)

Uesugi Kenshin Supporting Member of TMP14 Dec 2008 8:05 p.m. PST

Doing a platoon per-side with Pig Iron miniatures.

BBurger14 Dec 2008 8:22 p.m. PST

In 15mm, I have:

One platoon of militia types (old OOP Trav figs from somewhere) + two guntrucks
One COMPANY of NAC regulars, with a platoons worth of heavy IFVs and a bunch of other Coy/Bat level assets available
One Mech Platoon of UNSC, with heavy Grav IFVs and heavy Grav Tank support.

Several other local gamers have 15mm forces ranging from platoon to company+, so we can mix-and-match for a few very large fights, or lots of variety in smaller engagements.

bsrlee14 Dec 2008 10:52 p.m. PST

2 companies of NSL – 1 Jaeger & 1 unpowered armour, plus about a platoon of Power armour, several APC's.

A company plus a bit of Oceanic Union with a squadron of hover bikes. A platoon or so of UN light power armour.

A company or two of 'Mercenaries' in 'pot' helmets.

So, enough to keep 4-6 people occupied for an afternoon.

Grey Ronin15 Dec 2008 2:13 a.m. PST

Hmm, much like quite a few here, although all mine are in 25mm

NAC – CHQ squad plus 3 full platoons, plus a heavy weapons platoon of 6 RFACs, plus PA Squad of 8
OUDF – CHQ squad plus 3 platoons, plus 2 weapons platoons, 1 6 RFAC and 1 4 RBS70 style
ESU – Naval Infantry Platoon plus PA Squad of 8
ESU – Heavy Infantry CHQ plus 4 Platoons of 4 Squads, Weapons platoon of 6 Auto GL
PAU – 2 Platoons
NI – Platoon of 4 squads
UNSC – Platoon of 4 Squads
Japanese Corp – Platoon of 4 squads

NSL Jaegers – 2 platoons plus 3 RAM mortars and 3 RFAC teams
Ghurkas CHQ squad plus 3 Platoons

Vehicles wise?
2 of the Grav Tanks
2 NSL style GEV Tanks
6 Wombat GEV APCs
a plethora of the Zhengdefu 1/48 armour; including 4 AMX30s and 4 Leclercs as lo tech opponents
8 Unimog trucks as lo tech/colonial transports

……and yes, I've actually played them at different times. The biggest game was a recreation of the Korean War battle of Maryang San; although we only fielded 2 Companies plus Bn HQ of the Aussies/OUDF….. the real battle described here:

Earl of the North15 Dec 2008 2:23 a.m. PST

In 15mm

Company of NAC Marines (3 platoons & HQ Squad)
NAC Mortar Platoon
NAC MG Platoon
NAC Anti-tank Platoon
Ghurkha Platoon
3 Miltia Platoons
1 NI Platoon
plus various vehicles.

in 25mm

46 NAC marines (converted for WWW2)

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP15 Dec 2008 5:52 a.m. PST

Well, I have them in 25mm and in 15mm. 25mm is a couple of hundred figs covering a platoon to company of many of the factions. My armor is more limited in 25mm. I only have a platoon or so.

My 15mm stuff has only recently been started. I have 2-3 platoons of Fre-Cal Tex, UNSC, Not SG1 teams, Scifi Egyptians, Terminators, Islamic, QRF Colonial Marines, over a 100 QRF 'ALIENS', 50+ RAFM Infantry and a dozen or so VERY NICE vehicles from Combat Wombat. I have another 20-30 vehicles from other sources ala Matchbox, etc. I also use a few 100 Modern 15mm figs from Old Glory to flesh things out. REALLY like the scale!



WereSandwich15 Dec 2008 9:24 a.m. PST

I have (in 25mm): 48 (badly painted) NAC Marines, that see action as either a reinforced platoon or an understrength company. I also have a NAC PA squad that I haven't got round to painting yet. 24 ESU Heavy Infantry (plus one dog), and a ground-mounted grenade launcher I've yet to assemble. 8 NSL that I intend to add to, along with 8 Japanese that I haven't painted yet.

Vehicle-wise I have one of the GZG half-tracked APCs, a Grendel Corvus VTOL and Raptor Assault Biped, a SST CHAS unit and various conveted Robogear vehicles that see action on all sides.

Its terrain I'm sorely lacking.

nazrat15 Dec 2008 9:33 a.m. PST

A platoon a side with a little support is best. Too much more and the game bogs a bit.

Blackhawk115 Dec 2008 10:30 a.m. PST

I have about 5 companies along with specialized "attachment" units. Each company is 3 paltoons- 2 normals and 1 PA. Along with enough vehicles to choke a horse.

Most of my forces are NAC, ESU, israeli, and NSL.

Personal logo Saber6 Supporting Member of TMP Fezian15 Dec 2008 10:38 a.m. PST

In 15mm, 2-3 platoons for 4-6 factions. Given that I started with these for Striker, I have lots of options.

chronoglide15 Dec 2008 10:55 a.m. PST

you need a few squads to avoid everyone getting supression fever and spending the whole game trying to bleed markers…a few reserves are needed to relieve the pinned squads or root-out those pesky snipers….

Personal logo javelin98 Supporting Member of TMP15 Dec 2008 1:41 p.m. PST

Here's mine, all in 15mm:


New Israelis: (GZG)
4x 8-man squads
3x 6-man power-armor squads

Kra'vak: (GZG)
4x 8-man squads
3x 6-man power-armor squads

Aphids: (Zombiesmith)
1x HQ section (LT, rifleman)
3x 10-man squads (Sergeant, 2x heavy weapons, 7x riflemen)
1x 6-man grav-bike recce squad

Xenomorphs: (QRF/Freikorp)
30 xenomorphs


Wheeled: (all DLD Productions)
4x Komodo APCs
1x Komodo TOC
2x Komodo Tank-Hunters
1x Komodo combat engineer vehicle
1x Komodo mortar carrier
2x Ealit recce jeeps
(plus another three or four Komodos I haven't decided what to do with yet)

2x Bengal MBTs (DLD Productions)

2x M-84 Kochte MBTs (Brigade Models)
4x Lancer heavy APCs (Old Crow Models)

2x Gladius MBTs (Old Crow Models)
4x Glaive APCs (Old Crow Models)
3x Alien "Scythe" MBTs (Shield Wall Games)
3x Alien "Sickle" MICVs (Shield Wall Games)

4x Targe combat walkers (from Mechwarrior)
4x Uziel combat walkers (also from Mechwarrior)
(Still looking for APC-type walkers. May have to convert some)

Artillery/Anti-Tank Guns:
None yet, but I'm planning on converting some FoW 8.8cm flak guns (add a radar dish and antenna or something for a sci-fi feel)

CPBelt15 Dec 2008 2:44 p.m. PST

Well-timed thread. I was thinking the same question, trying to hammer out my GZG order.

Jav, who do you use for your NI power armor? NI doesn't have full power armor troops.

Insomniac15 Dec 2008 3:12 p.m. PST

My army consists of 2 platoons of NSL troops and a squad of Power armour NSL troops.

I don't game but if I did, I think I would probably go for a platoon of NSL with a squad of power armour for support.

Rothgar16 Dec 2008 7:07 a.m. PST

I have an infantry platoon of NAC, an infantry platoon of NSL, powered armor squads for each side, heavy weapons crews for both and 3 light/med tanks for each side.

Lampyridae16 Dec 2008 10:35 p.m. PST

About 40 Old Crow 15mms, plus an APC. Have yet to play anything with it.

Stinger Six17 Dec 2008 12:14 a.m. PST

I'm basically using platoons – 3 squads, heavy weapons team, and an HQ section. Then I reinforce it with a vehicle, usually an APC or IFV, and perhaps a small power armor squad or warbot.

I have one platoon painted as French Foreign Legion and I'm working on some colonial rebels for them to fight.

Personal logo javelin98 Supporting Member of TMP17 Dec 2008 4:11 p.m. PST

Good catch, CPBelt! I'm using NSL PA's, since the NI's don't have their own yet.

(And when I say "yet", I'm hoping that Tuffley and Co. are taking the hint…!)

Sargonarhes17 Dec 2008 7:32 p.m. PST

Why would the NI need full powered armored troops when they have the same hard suit PA just like the UNSC?

Personal logo javelin98 Supporting Member of TMP19 Dec 2008 4:20 p.m. PST

Depends on what you draw up for their stats, but I treat the standard NI as wearing D8 Full-Suit Light Armor and the PA troops as wearing D12 Heavy Power Armor.

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