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Richard Baber14 Oct 2008 7:06 a.m. PST

I have spent the last couple of years gathering information for a "Wargamers Guide to the Rif War". This is based heavily on the stuff I previously published in the SOTCW Journal issue 53 (way back in Spring 2006), but with loads more detail and more scenarios.

The supplement will provide a detailed history plus army, uniform, weapons, etc for most combatants. The format will be generic, though some info will be provided for TooFatLardies rule systems (as they have decided to publish it).

The supplement will be available as a PDF through the Lardies website in a couple of weeks.

Richard Baber

Richard Baber

Palafox14 Oct 2008 7:17 a.m. PST

Fantastic, I'll get one for sure.

Many thanks Richard.

Doc Ord14 Oct 2008 7:17 a.m. PST

Sounds great.

cmikucki14 Oct 2008 7:45 a.m. PST

Richard – I'm excited to hear that you have pulled this together into a supplement. I have to admit that you have generated a significant interest in a relatively unknown era for wargamers.

I really enjoy the visual impact of your AAR's and the figs and efforts to model the forces.

I personally see a very easy connection to my investment in SCW figs/ equipment.

Now I have something to do with my 20mm IT Figs for North Africa.

Who really knew what a Chilaba was before Richard's posts :)

Richard Baber14 Oct 2008 7:47 a.m. PST

Thanks Guys :-)

I have to thank Richard Clarke of the Lardies for his support in this project too.

raylev314 Oct 2008 10:30 a.m. PST

Please announce it here when it's ready….

Fire at Will14 Oct 2008 10:58 a.m. PST

Well done both Richards

WillieB14 Oct 2008 12:06 p.m. PST

Rif wars? Rif Wars!
Ears pricked up and desperate pleading look….
Too bad my eyes are grey otherwise it could be convincing.

I'll definitely get one ASAP.
And from the Lardies too. My favourite rulesystem guys.
Life is good….

aecurtis Fezian14 Oct 2008 12:32 p.m. PST

"…some info will be provided for TooFatLardies rule systems…"

Which ones, pray tell?


WillieB14 Oct 2008 1:43 p.m. PST

Me praying it will be IABSM…

Richard Baber14 Oct 2008 1:52 p.m. PST

I`m not all together sure, maybe both IABSM and TW&T?

Richard asked if it was OK to do it – I said fine :-)

toofatlardies14 Oct 2008 3:12 p.m. PST

What Richard has done is not specific to any rule set, but is rather a guide to the conflict and a series of scenarios that people can use for whatever rules they choose.

There is a section on wargaming the conflict, and my addition will simply be to add a small section on how to use IABSM and TW&T with these. It is not, nor should it be seen as, a TooFatLardies supplement, rather as a stand alone guide to the period. Indeed the book mentions rule sets by several other publishers that are suitable as well, ranging from Charles Grant to Peter Pig and Iron Ivan.

Richard has produced what is a truly comprehensive wargamers guide which will provide a great introduction to the period for gamers generally. As has been pointed out already, people who already have a Spanish Civil War Nationalist force can add a whole new period to their repertoire quickly and easily by adding some Riffians. What is very nice is that unlike the normal native-bashing colonial periods, the Riffians provide a tough, modern opponent for the Spanish. It's been an education for me whilst editing it, indeed I started painting my first figures for the period today, that's how impressed I have been.

BlackWidowPilot Fezian14 Oct 2008 5:22 p.m. PST

Well. it's about Bleeped textin' time! evil grin

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

tinned fruit Supporting Member of TMP16 Oct 2008 4:48 a.m. PST

When is it due for publication?

cmikucki10 Nov 2008 10:13 a.m. PST

Richard – any update on the release?

Richard Baber11 Nov 2008 8:01 a.m. PST

Richard sent my a draft to read through – looks terrific I must say.

At his insistance I wrote another scenario and have sent that through this morning (thats 10 in the pack I think?)

Richard wants me to be happy with everything before he publishes it – but to be honest I am more than happy, so I assume next week or so and we`ll be done.

Unfortunately my PC died (F**king virus) and I`m limited to using an ancient laptop with limited internet at present. Luckily, everything I do (for myself and The Journal) was backed.

Richard Baber11 Nov 2008 12:43 p.m. PST

Just a quick update to say LardyRich has sent me a draft copy of this today – I`ve gott to say with all honesty I was hugely impressed by what hes done.

The layout was superb, far better than I could ever have wished for.

Should be available very soon on the Lardies website priced £7.00 GBP for a PDF.

Richard Baber13 Nov 2008 11:10 a.m. PST

Guide out on Monday 17th November, available through the lardies website.

SOTCW members get 10% discount on all Toofatlardies products.

andysyk14 Nov 2008 11:18 a.m. PST
WillieB18 Nov 2008 10:38 a.m. PST

I've got it, I've got it (just assume a singing voice now lads)
Great stuff!

Now all I have to do is wait for Andys' figures and in the meantime paint some more Anglians.

cmikucki19 Nov 2008 7:51 a.m. PST

Richard – well done. I think it's an excellent example of the kind of product which really supports the hobby well. I like the layout, and especially the inclusion of the air/naval sections as well.

I think the illustrations are excellent. I like brigade level games/ rules, and was extremely pleased to see the inclusion of the various levels of the games you outlined. I've printed out scenarios 3/4 to examine for convention games in 2009.

I suspect there will be a run on the Blitz goumiers – very nice work on your figures and painting etc.


Highly recommended.

WillieB19 Nov 2008 10:33 a.m. PST

Excellent job Richard!
The more you read it the better it gets.

As cmikucki said, it's little gems like this that keeps the hobby going.

Richard Baber19 Nov 2008 11:31 a.m. PST

Thanks lads :-)

All the credit for the production and excellent look goes to Richard Clarke, hes done an amazing job, most of the photos and all the maps are his work too.

Dashetal11 Feb 2009 1:41 p.m. PST

Tried to buy this product at ToFatlardies web site however the internet connection kept clocking and never did allow me to connect. Had to disconnect my system three times to break off the contacting efforts. Is the site down or is there some secret handshake needed to let me join the club? :)

Richard Baber11 Feb 2009 2:49 p.m. PST

The site worked me (, just send an email to Richard Clarke –

With your order and he`ll send you a Paypal invoice for whatever you require.

If you do buy a copy, I`d be really interested in what you think of it.


Dashetal16 Feb 2009 6:29 a.m. PST

Have my copy. Very well done Richard. The scenarios were almost worth the price alone. For anyone who wishes to learn about a new period this is a worthy overview that will get you to the table top quickly

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