"Size of Star Wars Starship Battles game bases/minis?" Topic
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Allen57 | 08 Oct 2008 7:18 a.m. PST |
Im trying to figure out how large these starships are. I see what appear to be 4 different size bases. How large are these bases? How long is the Imperial Star destroyer, the geonosian starfighter, and the Mon Calamari Cruiser. If you give me the lengths of any other ships that would be OK too. Thanks, Allen |
Derek H | 08 Oct 2008 8:54 p.m. PST |
No big ships, but the X-Wing and Y-Wing are both about 1.5 inches long if that helps. |
Part time gamer | 22 Jan 2017 3:36 a.m. PST |
Im chimming in… just for the heckel of it at this point. Basically the "Ships" are one scale, the "Fighters" another. Someone once made the comment; "SW SB is a 4in. game" (refering to all of the capital ships being roughly that size). YEARs before any SW ship/ship game came out I found one of few reference books. It listed an Imp. class SD as 1,600 meters. The Executioner class (Super SD) 8,000, exactly 5x an Imp. The rebellions Mon Cals were 1,200+ Now (10 yrs later) there are no shortage of reference books, but like most, depending on whose printing them, the info can differ. For example, Star Trek, Paramount may say one thng, FASA another but both have paid for the right produce books/ minis for the same game. |
ROUWetPatchBehindTheSofa | 22 Jan 2017 2:30 p.m. PST |
There are actually four catagories. The biggest, the Super Star Destroyer or the Mon Cal Star Defender, max base dimension 10cm. Typical cap ships 7.5cm base, smaller vessels (escorts, transports, shuttles, etc) 5cm base and fighters 2.5cm base. Actual scales are all over the shop, based on my limited collection (and sizes taken off Wookipedia a few years ago now), the Viscount and the Executer 1:100K, the couple of Clone War era cap ships I've got are 1:8K to 1:11K, small vessels (by the least consistent catagory as far as I can tell) 1:500 up to 1:2000, fighters 1:100 to 1:400 |
Part time gamer | 22 Jan 2017 3:50 p.m. PST |
LOL, I had actually forgotten about the 2 "largest' capital ships being considered a different catagory. ROUWetPatchBehindTheSofa Actual scales are all over the shop, based on my limited collection (and sizes taken off Wookipedia a few years ago now), Man you got that right, that was the main 'resource' I used as well. |