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"Available 6mm Sci Fi ranges?" Topic

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The Real Chris02 Oct 2008 2:56 a.m. PST


Over on the Tactical Wargames board I've been trying to pull together a list of 6mm Sci Fi manufactures.
I've chopped out my opinion and obviously can't post the comparison pictures, but they are there on the original thread for all to see.

However I was wondering if anyone here had any other suggestions I may have missed. (infantry appears about 9mm)
C in C
Command horizon
Dark Realm Miniatures
Exodus wars
Fortress Figures (20 resin tanks for $10!)
Games Workshop Epic
Ground Zero Games
Hall of ancient warriors
Iron Wind
Old Crow
Steve Jackson Games – Ogre

Boone Doggle02 Oct 2008 3:13 a.m. PST

Wanna add GHQ? Historical only but useful none-the-less.

The Real Chris02 Oct 2008 3:18 a.m. PST

Well if you start adding WWII 6mm where would it end? :) Thats a very long list!

Brandlin02 Oct 2008 3:28 a.m. PST

Is GW epic 6mm? i had thought it was 10mm (i dont own any but was put off because i was told it wasn't 6mm).

If GW epic IS 6mm then you need to add Forge World Epic to your list for Tau and Aeronautica stuff.

I dont think your reviresco link should be on this list. 164th scale is a long way from either 285th or 300th!

Not seen iron fist before. Look good, but only do superheavy tanks and at some price too!

Tony Barr02 Oct 2008 3:38 a.m. PST

Yes, Epic is 6mm. I have quite a lot of it all ready for FWC…. :D

Boone Doggle02 Oct 2008 3:40 a.m. PST

Shows how much I know about 6mm WW2:-( I only use 6-7 and all but GHQ and Hallmark are on your list.

GW Epic is 6mm. Some scale creep but nothing close to 10mm.
Reviresco has 6mm stuff on another page. That 164th is just the default page and is a typo of 1/64th.

Brandlin02 Oct 2008 3:40 a.m. PST

Yes, Epic is 6mm

Damn i can feel my wallet emptying as we speak!

The Real Chris02 Oct 2008 5:15 a.m. PST

I admit to limited knowledge of 6mm WWII, but off the top of my head you missed Navwar (Heroics and Ros), Armstrong minis, Main Force (they still exist?) and skytrex.

For comparison pictures follow the TacCom link in the first post. Lots of mini comparison shots. GHQ tends to look a lot smaller than sci fi ranges.

The Real Chris02 Oct 2008 5:30 a.m. PST

Oh and forgeworld. Yes the tanks and infantry are roughly 6mm but are you sure about those planes?

Lovejoy02 Oct 2008 6:00 a.m. PST

'Not seen iron fist before. Look good, but only do superheavy tanks and at some price too!'

There's a bigger range being made now, and the prices should be dropping some as improved moulds are made.
There's a list for the in the new Future War Commander, so I really need to get them finished quickly!

Michael Lovejoy

Darby E02 Oct 2008 7:31 a.m. PST

Aaaaaaarrrrrrgh! Why do so many companies have little-to-no pictures of their items!?!?!?! DOn't they know they'll get more sales if we can actually SEE what it is we're buying??!?! (Of course, they may be trying to hide poor quality, but I would hope not…)

The Real Chris02 Oct 2008 8:10 a.m. PST

I know its infuriating!

Actually what we need is a government regulation stating all companies must send one painted example to them for photographs and placing alongside other ranges for comparative purposes! :)

Interesting how 'new' model ranges have these pictures and 'old' ones have far fewer. Changing views about what wargamers expect (a catalogue to bring to the next show compared to now a catalogue for online ordering).

Whats especially amusing is that the older the range surely the greater the chance painted examples are photographed somewhere! The manufactures should put out polite signs asking for pics!

Oh heres a comparison shot of various manufactures 6mm offerings.

ROUWetPatchBehindTheSofa02 Oct 2008 8:22 a.m. PST

I've always understood Epic to be very approximately 1:285 (& I think aeronautica stuff from FW may actually be a little larger still). They certainly look chunky/larger compared to true 1:300, but then it is sci-fi so who's to say. Still try putting a 1:300 M113 next to an Epic Rhino and you'll see what I mean.

And yes it is annoying when webshops don't have a complete set of photos!

Personal logo javelin98 Supporting Member of TMP02 Oct 2008 8:36 a.m. PST

I'd say that the current Epic stuff is more 8mm than 6mm. They just keep growing and growing with each release.

Top Gun Ace02 Oct 2008 8:50 a.m. PST

Stone Mountain sell the Adler Dark Star range in the USA.

Ex MAJIC Miniatures02 Oct 2008 12:09 p.m. PST

MAJIC Miniatures produce a range of 6mm (1/285) Sci-Fi miniatures, amongst other things.

1905Adventure02 Oct 2008 12:10 p.m. PST

If you take a look at the dimensions of the 40k vehicles in things like the Imperial Armour books, you'll fine for most of them, Epic is 1:285 exactly, but that they are all oversized anyway. A leman russ is just too big and a land raider is just super huge. So they are 1:285 but the thing they are a scale model of is ridiculously large so it becomes meaningless.

Covert Walrus02 Oct 2008 12:21 p.m. PST

I was not aware of the Iron Fist range . . . Thanks for that!

They remind me of another company that Maksim had up, who were making some Epic compatible stuff, including a not-Chaos not-War wheel.

Covert Walrus02 Oct 2008 2:59 p.m. PST

Oh and of course Forge World Epic is certainly 6mm, at least the Tau infantry are:)

DesertScrb02 Oct 2008 4:45 p.m. PST

Monday Knight Productions offers the old Superior Models MAATAC line: link

The Real Chris03 Oct 2008 12:51 a.m. PST

Who was it that made teh not chaos wheel? And ideas?

Covert Walrus03 Oct 2008 6:00 a.m. PST

It's on Maksim's blog . . . At least, they had pictures of it, so it must be a going concern :)

1905Adventure03 Oct 2008 11:46 a.m. PST

I thought it was the same guy who made those baneblade and other superheavy alternatives.

1905Adventure03 Oct 2008 1:03 p.m. PST

Nevermind, I was wrong.

MaksimSmelchak05 Oct 2008 8:34 a.m. PST

Hi Guys,

I have a couple of lists. I haven't compiled or updated them in ages though.

The 6mm Yahoo Sci-fi group has some good lists of manufacturers in the links section:


And so does the 6mm group:


And as far as scale goes, here's my take:

The original Epic stuff that debuted in 1989 was actually 5mm or close to 1/300.

By the early 1990s, it had crept to 6mm or 1/285 roughly.

And by E-40k in the late 1990s, Epic had undergone a alrge amount of scale creep and is now closest to 8mm or about 1/250.

Some of the Armageddon stuff has even more scale creep.

Of course, since we're speaking about imaginary things, it's tough to say what's really "realistic."

Personally, I mix everything from 1/220 Z-scale RR pieces all the way down to 5mm or about 1/300. I even occasioanlly mix in slightly smaller items such as 1/350 plastic model bits.

"Any model, once painted, had a curious tendency to look good with other painted models, even when of disparate, but similar scales."

That's Maksim's Law of Miniatures Gaming!

And, even odder, many smaller 10mm figures look just fine with scale-crept 6mm ones. A buddy showed me some older 10mm goblins that look pretty nifty with my Baccus & Irregular 6mm ancients and fantasy!

Live and let live… that's what I say when I channel the spirit of Jack Burton!

Hope that helps!


MaksimSmelchak05 Oct 2008 8:35 a.m. PST

And Chris,

Awesome job on the list!


The Real Chris05 Oct 2008 10:09 a.m. PST

A clue to the wheel is here :)

The Real Chris15 Oct 2008 4:07 p.m. PST

These are still sold, just not openly.

Lerchey16 Nov 2008 7:00 p.m. PST

The Scotia line looks to have some interesting infantry, but I can't find pics anywhere. Anyone have any, especially of the insects?

Uesugi Kenshin Supporting Member of TMP27 Nov 2008 8:34 a.m. PST

I second the pics request for these or GZG minis!

(Jake Collins of NZ 2)27 Nov 2008 1:46 p.m. PST

Only pic I have found of Scotia 6mm sci fi infantry is about halfway down this page…

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