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moonfleetminis19 Sep 2008 3:16 a.m. PST

Ive just tried out the army painter "dip", had a tin for a while but didnt try it, well now i'm a convert!!
I went off painting for a while since i have to now use the magnifiers (old age :) ,or i get headaches when painting, found the inconvience of the magnifiers a pain and it turned me off painting.
Had a couple of hours to kill so jumped in and had a go with this "dip stuff", well the first results that came out and im very happy with them, compared to what my painting is like now.
It did give the shiny varnish finish, so monday gone i ordered the Army Painter-Anti shine matt spray from Warlord Games it turned up tuesday morning (great service i may hasten to add).
I tried in on the units of dwarfs i had painted, "bingo" to coin a phrase "does what it says on the tin".
I am very happy with the results, and if you are some one with the deteriorating eyes turning you off painting because it is taking too long and you are not happy with the results then i would highly recomend giving it a try.

jgawne19 Sep 2008 5:26 a.m. PST

WHat I wish is if someone (listen up Neal) would break down one of the tins into a number of small sample bottles and sell them cheap so we can try this wonderful substance.

I am tempted, but I just don't feel like spending the money when I am not sure ho much different it is from my own homemade future-wash.

moonfleetminis19 Sep 2008 5:43 a.m. PST

I havnt made (or even attempted to make)my own version of the dip, i didnt mind forking out the £17.99 GBP on it to give it a go after reading other peoples reviews.
Also i am painting 18mm fantasy, so my tin may go a long way, i dont know how far the tin would go if doing 28mm, or if this would affect my eagerness to use it or not.

avidgamer19 Sep 2008 6:13 a.m. PST

I've used Army Painter in addition to Future and the MinWax. The can of Army Painter will go a long way with 28mm figs. I've done about two dozen figs so far and I can't even see a drop in the level. I brush the stuff off though, not flick it off. All the extra goop goes back in the can. The AP seems to dry faster than the MinWax and doesn't seem to smell as bad too. I like the mid-tone stuff best.

nycjadie19 Sep 2008 7:08 a.m. PST

Good to hear it's helping failing eyesight!

TheWarStoreSweetie19 Sep 2008 7:32 a.m. PST

Well….I will have 3 cans with me in Hobby University at Fall-In so people can try it. I will have one can each of soft, strong and dark. I can say that it has a lot more shine than anything made with future. We are also still playing with it here at the store.

BravoX19 Sep 2008 10:04 a.m. PST

I agree 100% with jgawne.

I really would like to give it a try but I am not willing to potentially throw 18 quid down the drain and you still have to actually paint the figures first, army painter doesn't really "paint" your figure at all it just gives them a quick wash to shade them.

PigmentedMiniatures Fezian19 Sep 2008 12:27 p.m. PST

You can go to the hardware store and get some Minwax or other stain and have the same thing for less money.

Fonzie20 Sep 2008 2:29 a.m. PST

I have tried Minwax AND the Army Painter Stong tone Quick Shade and I must say that they are definitely not the same.

The Quick shade is a lot more fluid than Minwax and can be applied very precisely with a small brush. It gives a more subtle effect when dry then Minwax.

That's how I do it, I don't dip I brush. Army painter is indeed rather expensive but you go a long, long way with one can if you brush rather then dip.

It is indeed very shiny when it has dried but a quick pass over with the Army Painter Anti Shine spray will take care of that and your figure will look really good. PS: the Anti Shine Spray is IMHO one of the best matt varnishes around, it dries REALLY matt. I use Foundry paints which dry to a glossy finish which does not look good for clothing, skin etc. The Anti Shine spray takes the gloss away and makes for instance clothing looks like clothing should look.

I'm totally an Army painter convert now. I was very sceptical about it too but it really does what is says: it helps you paint figures a lot faster and the best part of it is that your figures look good if you don't overdo it (don't dip, apply it with a brush).

Now don't go calling me a sock puppet cause I'm not, I'm just a happy customer!

moonfleetminis20 Sep 2008 6:12 a.m. PST

Its not just for the eye "eye sight start to fail" people either, some of my games club have just tried it ( they are GW fanboys with good eye sight) and they are totally hooked, before they were using Windsor and Newton "Peat brown" ink but are now converts, and their armies are actually getting painted yay!
Kinda goes against the grain though, playing games vs "painted" troops its heresy i tell you.

Steve Flanagan21 Sep 2008 12:48 p.m. PST

I don't dip I brush

How does it compare with brushing on GW's new washes, if you have tried those?

Fonzie21 Sep 2008 1:23 p.m. PST

I have no idea, never used GW's washes…yet. ;-)

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