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"Idea for a Possible Low Cost Tramp Steamer" Topic

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3,711 hits since 13 Sep 2008
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Warrenss213 Sep 2008 6:28 a.m. PST

This crossed my mind a few weeks ago in another thread but I got no response to it… so I thought I'd toss it out here again for some possible feedback.

After making some building scenery & TVAG Mean Sets for my pulp game I wondered where else could these methods, a PDF printed and glued to cardstock or foamcore, be used.

Would it be feasible to create PDF of a Tramp Steamer, print it out, glue it on cardstock/foamcore for gaming fun?

Since the hull curves in toward the bow it would have to be glued on something flexible like cardstock. The decks, pilot house/flying bridge etc… could be placed on foamcore for additional stability of the model.

IMHO – I think it can be done, but I have no know-how on how to do such a thing. Maybe you more knowledgeable ones out there could either point me in the right direction on learning such skills… Or perhaps do one for us.

Of course, I'd like to have a free version 'cause it was my idea… ;-)

ming3113 Sep 2008 6:58 a.m. PST

Micro mark makes a flex foam core . Reverisco makes a card stock freighter .

Personal logo Murphy Sponsoring Member of TMP13 Sep 2008 8:24 a.m. PST

hmm..I'm scratchbuilding one from foamcore and cardboard right now….it's about 85% done…

Personal logo chicklewis Supporting Member of TMP13 Sep 2008 12:47 p.m. PST

Show us the progress, Murphy, please.


Warrenss213 Sep 2008 3:02 p.m. PST

I second what chicklewis said, Murphy.

DJButtonup13 Sep 2008 5:35 p.m. PST

You can see Murph's steamer on his "I cleaned the game room" thread link, its on his painting table.
TMP link

To the OP, just jump in headfirst with some cardstock, scraps and your idea of the perfect steamer. Then you'll have a great wreck to turn into a terrain piece and the skills to make a better one!

Personal logo Murphy Sponsoring Member of TMP13 Sep 2008 6:35 p.m. PST

No..that's not it DJ…that's the Peter Pig WWI steam launch.
The Tramp Steamer/Sovie…errr..Russian Cargo Freighter is not in any pics right now, but I will be posting some later this weekend.

Keep checking the site!

overlord awc14 Sep 2008 10:02 a.m. PST

Here are a few pics of my attempt at a tramp steamer. I really should finish it off and paint it.




Stewbags14 Sep 2008 11:08 a.m. PST

Yes you should, as it is bloomin lovely!!!!

Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP14 Sep 2008 12:36 p.m. PST

Dear Warrenss2,

Your wish is my--overdue--command!

I have begun on a 24" Steamer which will have at least one complete lower deck and hold, as well as the accessible superstructure. When complete, it will be offered as part of the "Mean Sets" line for Pulp Gaming.

It will be full color, printed card stock, designed for self assembly, and (like the rest of my "Sets") made to be based and backed by foam core for heft and permanence.

I'm about half finished with the design, but am hung up on the consideration of whether to leave one side open for full accessiblilty (as in a cut-away model), or go ahead and complete the hull. The latter would require lifting the Main Deck (and Superstructure) off and reaching down into the model. This seems very awkward to me and prevents the players from seeing figures on the different decks during wild chases and gun battles.

If you, or any of those who follow this thread and may have wrestled with such problems before, your opinions of what YOU would want are eagerly solicited.

Oddly enough, this project began as part of a plan to provide a SUNKEN ship "Mean Set" so that the hard hat divers from Reviresco and/or Brigade Miniatures could be put to use in salvage/treasure diving scenarios.

I've not given up on that one, and, in fact, will use the completed Steamer as the "Sunken" version (with appropriate damage, hull access points, etc).

Heck, I've gone so far as to buy some very attitudinal giant octopi and "mega squid" to enjoy their capacious new digs in the ship's hold--and the odd snack-on-a-rope that gets dangled their way from time to time.

I'm still up to here (draw your own line) with new rules and book mss, as well as figure lines, and more flag sets, but as soon as I can make a little more headway, I'll get back to that Steamer.


Personal logo Murphy Sponsoring Member of TMP14 Sep 2008 7:45 p.m. PST

Ship pics are here…


Big Martin15 Sep 2008 5:20 a.m. PST

I've got the Reviresco one inj my pile of card models yet to be built. My dock model is going to be sized to fit it.

Personal logo War Artisan Sponsoring Member of TMP15 Sep 2008 9:54 a.m. PST

Check out this one:


Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP15 Sep 2008 2:21 p.m. PST

Dear War Artisan,

That IS a lovely model!

For my tastes, however, it's A) far too modern (also "clean" and "spiffy"), and B) way too detailed, in so far as every deck winch, boom, spar, and hatch would have, I presume, to be built and placed on the deck to cover the spot reserved for it.

I appreciate that it should be possible to "up scale" the model during printout, but at 1:250, it would have to be made about 4 times larger to fit 28mm figures.

Mind, all that's coming from a dude with his own model in the works, so take my remarks with the customary grain of salt.


Personal logo War Artisan Sponsoring Member of TMP15 Sep 2008 3:26 p.m. PST

It is, as you say, far too detailed for the stated
purpose. However, not all the detail would need to be built onto it. I just thought the basic hull and superstructure might serve as a good starting point for the model he wanted to build. Once that is constructed, the builder can dress it up as much or as little as he likes.

A little creativity might be involved in modifying the model pieces, but it's still possibly less work than starting from scratch.

Warrenss216 Sep 2008 5:07 a.m. PST

To TVAG – Patrick, I'd like to see you "go ahead and complete the hull" because, while seeing and playing the interior would be fun/great, most of my gaming will be on/above the deck level.

Also, would you be willing to provide pointers on how someone could go about getting involved in making PDF props kind of like your "Mean Sets" or, mostly, making a ship, boat, zeppelin, etc?

War Artisan, Beautiful model!

Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP16 Sep 2008 12:10 p.m. PST

Dear Warrenss2,

Thanks for the encouragement--I will get back on completing the model ASAP for general release.

Regarding the interior hull, I wanted to provide it partly because no else does so as yet, and mostly because the project started out to be a sunken wreck. With treasure/valuable cargo/etc stowed away in the hold or interior cabin, divers would simply have to try to get in to find them, thus the need for bulkheads, hatches, and decks.

Once I had gotten that far, it was an obvious step to go ahead and make a "floating" Steamer with other uses.

That said, while I quite understand that many games can be played entirely on or above the main deck, it usually develops that someone wants to run below and get his kit before abandoning ship, or to find his Tommy Gun when the native canoes surround the vessel, etc. With this design, I think everyone will be able to do pretty much whatever the situation requires.

Finally, should you ever buy one of my card stock products, I would be glad, as ever, to help you out with construction advice and ideas to make your assembly as easy as possible.
But as to teaching you how to make more of the things I intend to produce commercially (including that Zeppelin interior), well maybe you can understand my reluctance.

That said, it's really pretty easy and mostly involves some planning and logical thinking to get what you want. Again, I protect my sources for photographic textures, but just as I have found or made them, you can too!

There are plenty of other good folk here who would be glad to help you--and some of them will be a lot better at this than I am!

Please keep your eyes open around here for news when the Steamer--afloat and on the bottom--is ready.


SeattleGamer Supporting Member of TMP16 Sep 2008 4:24 p.m. PST

I imagine the tramp steamer to have essentially three levels:

Top level – bridge w/lift-off roof to reveal interior
Deck level – lift off the bridge and roof to reveal interior
Below Decks – lift off main deck to reveal interior

Here are some ship diagrams I've come across that I always thought captured the feel I was looking for:




Warrenss217 Sep 2008 5:30 a.m. PST

TVAG – I understand you reason for keeping trade secrets to yourself… loose lips sink ships (and possibly ruin businesses). ;-)

After putting some thought into it I changed my mind about seeing the interior of the ship. I think it would be a GREAT idea to be able to have gun play, encounters, etc… inside the ship.

Ya always seems ta be one step ahead of us, Patrick. Yous be smart.


Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP17 Sep 2008 11:32 a.m. PST

Dear SeattleGamer,

Thanks for the links!

Your general description is what I'm trying to do already, so I think we're in synch on this.

And to Warrenss2, "Yous B 2 Kinde!"

Some folks will take serious issue with any of your praise, but it's nice to hear. At least I'm TRYING to come up with things that aren't otherwise available yet, and in a medium that I can work in, as well as be affordable to most everyone.


Warrenss219 Sep 2008 5:58 p.m. PST

TVAG – My compliment was sincere… I was just trying to talk like a pulp thug. I did a sorry job of it.

Would you be adverse to recommending some helpful software for PDF project construction?

I have some software for making buildings – – that I'm still learning. I'm wondering if I could add new textures to make things other than buildings… like Tramp Steamers.

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