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"Warfare in the Age of Discovery Rules" Topic

15 Posts

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5,068 hits since 30 Aug 2008
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Major Blunder is Unwell30 Aug 2008 12:04 p.m. PST

Has anyone played the Warfare in the Age of Discovery rules? Would you recommend them for TYW or ECW? What are the basing conventions? I have foot on 40 x 40 and horse on 50 x 50 in 28mm + odd individual figs to make up odd sized units. Would these be sizes be compatible?

Griefbringer30 Aug 2008 12:08 p.m. PST

I have the rules but haven't actually played them.

The default basing is same as for DBx, but with marking individual models as casualties. Units are formed of a number of basis, often leading to what looks excessively deep formations (some of these being one base wide and six bases deep).


(Leftee)30 Aug 2008 12:25 p.m. PST

25mm – Longbow, Arquebus, Musket, Pike: 4 figs on 60x20 base

25mm – Halberd, S&B, Crossbow – 3 figs on 60x20mm base

25mm – Skirmisher, Warband 2 figs SK 3 figs Warband on 60x30mm base.

Gendarmes 3 figs on 60x40mm base
Cavalry 2 figs on 60x40mm base
Leaders 1 fig on 60x20mm
Artillery 60x60mm base

So 60x20mm bases, maybe some 60x30 (Highlanders or some Ottomans) and cav on 60x40mm Art on 60x60mm.

To visualize the way regiments are formed you kinda need the book, but:

For ECW Royalist Regiment 3 bases of Musket and 3 bases of Pike

For ECW Parliament 4 bases of Pike and 4 bases of Musket

For TYW Late Imperialist same as Parliament.

For Early Imperial a very big Tercio of 8 bases of Pike surrounded by 8 bases of Musket

For Triple Size Tercio 10 musket and 12 pike

Swedish Foot 3 Pike and 4 Musket

Warband 4 bases of 3 figs.
Skirmish = 1 base of 2 figs.

Muskets etc. (infantry on their own) 2 bases.

Gendarmes 2 bases of 3 figs.
All other cav 4 bases of 2 figs

The rules do state that should work whatever basing convention – just make sure both armies are the same.
The number of figs is important r/t casualties and to some extent the shape and depth of the formation.

A good set of rules – don't know how they work for later eras than the Renaissance. I like the way they manage push of pike and using halberds and arquebusiers.

Designed more for 15's, I have a bunch of old Minifigs and Hinchliffes so can afford to rebase them to the above standards!

Major Blunder is Unwell30 Aug 2008 12:44 p.m. PST

Mmm, may work for me as my number of figs per base is right and the inf bases can be 'enlarged'. I have suffcient figs for the unit sizes. May be worth a look.

Personal logo Dan Cyr Supporting Member of TMP30 Aug 2008 1:07 p.m. PST

I've enjoyed them as they have seemed to me to be the best of the multi-base (stands) unit rules. There is a Yahoo group that supports them if you're interested with the author as a member.


Hodie Non Cras30 Aug 2008 4:38 p.m. PST

I own them and played them once with my club, they were fun but required a bit of head scratching and rereading of the rules a few times (like any ruleset you are just trying out). We found it to have very similar game mechanics to the author's other rule set Warfare in the Age of Reason. Overall, our opinion was that it was a good ruleset once you've played it a few times and got the hang of it.

EagleSixFive01 Sep 2008 6:59 a.m. PST

Without jioning yet another yahoo group, can anyone direct me to a review of the rules?

ezza12314 Sep 2008 10:53 p.m. PST

Major Blunder,

I have a copy of the rules if you want me to send them over to you.



Dreamcast16 Sep 2008 4:10 a.m. PST

WHFGS have a write up in warning order

Dreamcast16 Sep 2008 4:23 a.m. PST
miccogo08 Nov 2010 8:51 p.m. PST

Hey gents
I just picked up these rules and am painting minis up for a game.
Is the yahoo group still active?
I am waiting on the moderator to let me in
regards mic

DucDeGueldres11 Nov 2010 12:58 p.m. PST

Wehave tried them many years ago for our renaissance 16th C game, but thought them too confusing.
Mechanics from the Age of Reason rules are adapted in this set, sometimes disrupting them.
The rules also miss the clear structure of their AoR ruleset.

gregoryk11 Nov 2010 7:13 p.m. PST

Age of Discovery is a good rules set, it has a good aspect of fog of war in its random activation order. i found the info for ECW lists to be a bit thin however.

Blake Walker11 Nov 2010 9:07 p.m. PST

It helps to play Age of Reason in order to learn Warfare in the Age of Discover. I've just played ECW. It's alright. But I prefer Warhammer English Civil or 1644.


Dexter Ward17 Nov 2010 10:03 a.m. PST

It's a rather fiddly set of rules; counting figures and multiplying by different factors needs a calculator to work out combat results.
The ECW army lists are terrible.
It does have some quite nice ideas, but there are better sets out there (DBR and FoG:Renaissance are both better IMO).

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