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"Anyone know if New Wave has a storefront?" Topic

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The Beast Rampant07 Dec 2003 3:17 p.m. PST

I'm not too far from the Atlanta area, and I was just wondering if I can get some cool minis without dealing with their backasswards shipping policies.


Warlok07 Dec 2003 3:21 p.m. PST

You still want to give them money???

The Beast Rampant07 Dec 2003 3:24 p.m. PST

I haven't personally had bad dealings with them, though their 'exorbetant shipping so we can send you your goods one item at a time' policy is the dumbest I've heard of.


Rudysnelson07 Dec 2003 4:18 p.m. PST

I have only seen A NEW WAVE company at conventions in the South. Someone in the Atlanta area may know a location if any. -Time Portal Hobbies-

The Beast Rampant07 Dec 2003 4:23 p.m. PST

Right, I have seen them at DragonCon, but never thought to ask about it. They are based in Alpharetta, but their site says nothing about a storefront. It would seem if the DID have one, it would say, but, well, you know.


Jakar Nilson07 Dec 2003 5:02 p.m. PST

If they did, there would be no New Wave within a week with every ex-customer going Sherman on them...

Rogzombie Fezian07 Dec 2003 5:16 p.m. PST

Check some of the other posts. I recall people saying they've picked stuff up at the warehouse or whatever it is.

jinxd1307 Dec 2003 6:10 p.m. PST

I would of sworn that they had pictures of their store on their website at one time..I could be mistaken but it seems like they did.

Radar45407 Dec 2003 6:18 p.m. PST

Yeah right, The Beast Rabban, you just wanna "deliver" a brick through their front window. lol.

I know I would after hearing all the horror stories on TMP about their inability to make anyone happy.

Ravens Forge Miniatures07 Dec 2003 7:22 p.m. PST

They regularly attend Warfair in Atlanta.


cubeblue07 Dec 2003 7:30 p.m. PST

They used to have pictures of their storefront on the website.

There is a game store where their store used to be but it's not called New Wave and it's pretty small actually. I forget what it's called, but it wasn't anything special at all.

If this store is actually affiliated with New Wave I don't know, but it is indeed in Alpharetta and I found that store by following the directions that were on New Wave's site long ago.

This was all before I tried ordering from them online and found out what a fantastic mess they are.

Personal logo John the OFM Supporting Member of TMP07 Dec 2003 7:53 p.m. PST

Check a "Yellow pages", like on You will find 1025 Nine N Drive, Alpharetta Georgia, 30004, phone (770) 753-0606 , but you could have gotten that from their website. However, msn also gives a map and driving directions. It's right off Route 9... If I wanted to, it's a 883.7 mile drive from my house. Eeeew, it seems I will have to spend 10.6 miles on Jimmy Carter Blvd.

blackscribe07 Dec 2003 9:13 p.m. PST

Well, Mr. Carroll, as long as you're not trying to rescue any hostages -- you should be fine.

The Beast Rampant07 Dec 2003 10:01 p.m. PST

I saw the address on their site, and although it's not a PO box, I still wasn't sure if that meant they took callers. I figure I can't run into TOO much trouble handing them money and escaping with what I came for. 'Everybody remain calm, nobody has to get hurt...'

Yes, the naming of JC Blvd. isn't to my liking either. Heck, we didn't want that dumb old Panama Canal, anyways. Strategic interests? What an absurd notion! The locals can well look after it, along with all our milk money.

I much prefer 'Beaver Ruin Road', some miles further to the north on I-85. Conjures such an interesting mental image...


The Beast Rampant07 Dec 2003 10:05 p.m. PST

Anyway, thanks for the input, guys!


jinxd1308 Dec 2003 3:56 a.m. PST

Try emailing him..I have had nothing but excellent service from him on ebay..And yes he has answered my emails before.

llyrric08 Dec 2003 9:50 a.m. PST

Yeah, could you pick up my order from 2 1/2 years ago while youre there.

Jeff0108 Dec 2003 10:12 a.m. PST

The storefront could be called "Neutral Ground".

combatpainter Fezian08 Dec 2003 12:54 p.m. PST

I heard they work out of the back of a truck which they park in alley ways to do business. They are usually on the move and are represented by to guys wearing long black trenchcoats and shades. They like doing business on week day nights in secluded parts of town. If you wants to see their storefront, look for 24 ft trucks at rest stops on I95.

bob036208 Dec 2003 2:57 p.m. PST

tHEY DO NOT HAVE A sTORE fRONT But you can visit the Warehouse to pick up your order

The Beast Rampant08 Dec 2003 10:12 p.m. PST

I went to their stated mailing address. It is a "Mailboxes, Etc." type place. They said the NW guy come in about every two weeks. Hmmm.

I went to their last stated street address. Their name is on the door. The lobby area, and room beyond, is completely empty. There is a GW sign in the window. There was a ratty 'Dark Age' stat card in the parking lot. There was a small barbecue grill next to the door. It contained no charred bits of documentary evidence that might resolve the mystery. Their dumpster was full, but otherwise unintriguing. I am at an impasse. Or not.


jadedragon08 Dec 2003 10:53 p.m. PST

Wow, a deserted gaming shop. How spooky =:0

Scurvy09 Dec 2003 2:03 p.m. PST

Rabben that was a cool story. Im glad someone finaly made the effort to track em down.

Using the TMP for an alabi when the cops find the bloodied corpses was a stroke of genius. ;)

The Beast Rampant09 Dec 2003 9:51 p.m. PST

It matters not! I have the best verm- I mean, attorneys availible, and even so, I gots da clout to run my GW flame-racket from da Big House.

Anyway, thanks! I was disappointed, though hardly surprised. So I went to The War Room in Norcross, and spent my terrier's college fund.

At least SOME businesses appreciate my money.


NightskyWildfire09 Mar 2004 11:29 a.m. PST

Beaver Ruin Road?.....tell me there isnt a retirement home somewhere on it for ex call girls/escorts/exotic dancers and brothel skanks!!!!

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