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Bob Faust of Strategic Elite28 Jun 2008 8:10 a.m. PST

So, I'm looking at my old Traveller books and I'm seeing some sweet David Dietrick artwork and I can't help thinking how a Star Wars Rebel miniature would work as a perfect stand in for that artwork.

My only concern prior to purchase is this: Does the scale of the Star Wars collectible miniatures line match up to 25mm or 28mm better. Also, is there a scale variance like there is with Heroclix? In other words, are the models consistently in scale to each other or are some larger and some smaller in 'scale' not just height?

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP28 Jun 2008 8:49 a.m. PST

The SW minis are closer to 25mm I think. All the ones I've seen are relatively close – so Rebels, characters and storm troopers all mix well with each other. I saw a game last weekend using hordes of them in a mass battle game and they looked great!

StarfuryXL528 Jun 2008 8:59 a.m. PST

When WOTC first introduced the SW line, they said it be in the "current standard 30mm scale." The figs are noticeably bigger than 25mm figs.

There are scale variations in some of the figures, and they do look out of place (see the Bith Rebel, for example). But my recollection is that they're mostly OK with each other. The same situation exists in the D&D line. That's a problem with having a variety of sculptors and no consistent oversight.

StarfuryXL528 Jun 2008 9:02 a.m. PST

Wow, two opposite viewpoints within ten minutes of each other, That's TMP for you.

They are bigger than 25mm, though. Put a WOTC SW fig next to West End SW fig; you'll see the difference.

Bishop Odo28 Jun 2008 9:46 a.m. PST

It depends on which Star Wars figures you're talking about, the old True 25mm metal figures from West End Games, or the new WOTC CMG Star Wars figures that are 30mm. Have a look a for scaled shots comparing the Storm troopers to other scales and figures, so really both earlier answers are correct.

Bishop Odo28 Jun 2008 9:48 a.m. PST

This link works

psiloi28 Jun 2008 10:34 a.m. PST

I played the line for a couple years. Overall the scales were pretty consistent. There are some that are a bit off. But the bulk of the troops are fairly close.

jhonpog28 Jun 2008 2:29 p.m. PST

Between 28mm and 30mm IMO. put a rebel pilot next to a rebel trooper. Princess leia also a bit tall, IG 88 too short so yeah 28 to 30

Bob Faust of Strategic Elite28 Jun 2008 11:54 p.m. PST

Thanks for the feedback to all. My concern isn't so much the height of the models in millimeters, but the scale of their body bulk. I don't want to get them if they'll look too skinny or petite next to my other ranges.

Bishop Odo29 Jun 2008 5:36 p.m. PST

Considering the scale creep and what I guess is the industry standard, if this industry has a standard for scale, is Reapers New Chronoscope line at Heroic 28, or 30mm. I say this only because Reaper seems to be the only company putting out RPG, not counting GW, Sci-Fi miniatures regularly, or at least that's the plan, I think.

There are at least three different "broad" scales or paradigms at the moment. Heroic 28mm to 30mm, are Reaper, Infinity, WOTC Star Wars, Rafm, and a few scattering of others.
True 28mm seems to be Heresy, Hasslefree, Shadow Run, Harlequin B5, and as before a few scattering of miniatures, not sure about Victory Force, Darksons WW2 stuff, I don't have them, yet. True 25mm are WEG Star Wars, Leading Edge, Stargrunt, Denizen, Grenadier and some of Rafm's Traveller.

I know I'm missing some, but I have most of these or have seen them with an eye toward comparing scales and purchasing them. Hope that helps, there is such a variety out there; it's almost easier to lets us know what you have then compare, unless you are like me with just way to much stuff.

Bishop Odo29 Jun 2008 6:56 p.m. PST

For fear of sounding like I have contradicted myself, in my ongoing crusade to get a more, or at least a single complete line of generic Sci-Fi figures, i.e. Licensed Traveller miniatures. There appears to be a significant number of manufactures listed, but most of these are fodder for conversions, and range from Cyberpunk to WW2, as well as collectors items not in production.

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