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3,572 hits since 28 Feb 2008
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iouliared28 Feb 2008 3:31 p.m. PST

er….the SST2 was sooo bad I turned it off after 10 min, all shot in the dark, crap effects, crap story, total suckfest. Now this one looks like they may of spent some money on some good SFX, and who didnt love the corny plot of the 1st one? Revamped Nazis uniforms, DUMB propaganda commercials, gotta love it! That actress , was she stung in the lips by one of the bugs? Talk about clown lips or D.S.L!

mweaver28 Feb 2008 4:25 p.m. PST

Maybe this time around they will issue the crunchies some land mines. Probably not though. I still say EarthGov and BugGov are working together to deal with overpopulation issues.

Bob Runnicles28 Feb 2008 4:34 p.m. PST

I'm amazed (okay, not really) that Johnny Rico is played again by Caspar Van Dien….guess his career is in the toilet. Sad to see Jolene Blalock in it though (unless she gets her kit off, in which case it ROCKS).

Personal logo Doctor X Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2008 4:47 p.m. PST

I'm calling it!



nvdoyle28 Feb 2008 5:27 p.m. PST

I still say EarthGov and BugGov are working together to deal with overpopulation issues.

Mweaver, that's actually a really cool plot twist. grin

aka Mikefoster28 Feb 2008 5:27 p.m. PST

I'll pick it up when it comes out

Tgunner28 Feb 2008 5:57 p.m. PST

It looks like complete rubbish… I guess I'm in too! 8D

Capt John Miller28 Feb 2008 6:21 p.m. PST

One of the actresses was a student of mine many years ago…

Weird, really.

Personal logo Dances With Words Supporting Member of TMP Fezian28 Feb 2008 6:29 p.m. PST

but does it have 'Rip Torn' in it??????

He played a magnificent 'Zed', (not ZARDOZ or in red knappies) in the two Men In Black movies with Will and Tommy!!! He has played some serious roles from westerns to fantasy, (like ORIGINAL 'Beastmaster' as the High Priest of AR???? a pirate god perhaps???)

Maybe we'll get some new DESIGNS for bugs, starships etc to use….if nothing else…(maybe they've even improved their AIM since the last two movies….?)

I'll wait for the 'Direct to Blu-ray/special director's cut with deleted scenes and mini BUG replica…etc'???

Hey, they provided a model 'spinner' and 'Unicorn' orgami thing with the 'Bladerunner' 5-movie special edition…so who knows???? 8-)

*slish…slish*….my 'spork' is locked and loaded-tic-tac nuke-toe a go-go!

byram128 Feb 2008 7:24 p.m. PST

personally i cant wait, i think im gonna play the drinking game Bugs…

every time a bug dies, you take a shot….

maybe that would kill me….or at best make the movie tolerable


Covert Walrus28 Feb 2008 9:29 p.m. PST

well, I'll wait and see, but I thought the second was bad, and was not enamoured of the first . . .

wait a minute . . .

At the very end, was that . . . Surely not – Powered Armour?!?!

And "See you on the bounce"? Are they actually going back to saorurce even slightly? Hmmmm . . . I might have to rethink this . . .

Judas Iscariot29 Feb 2008 12:19 a.m. PST

I was just thinking that they may actually be trying to make a movie that was closer to Heinlein's book… Bounce… Marauder???

That sounds to me like the MI of the book…

We could only hope…

And… The bugs… They finally begin to show the sort of IQ that they had in the books.

The Bug warriors were supposed to be pretty much drones, but they also knew how to fire a gun.

I loved their Bug-Grenade…

As "Starship Troopers" the movies SUCKED!

As a movie about killing bugs in space… Not too bad…

Eventually, I think that someone should come along and do StarShip Troopers (You know.. The book by Heinlein), but would have to call it something else.

What'shisname's "Armor" is actually not a bad place to start for a movie that also deals with powered-armor fighting bugs, and it has the sub-plot of what happens to the hero after his fall from grace in the military… THAT was a good book (So was ST, but Verhoven butchered it… He apparently can't get the comparison to Hilter out of his head with Heinlein… I worked for the guy on two movies and got to listen to his outrageous conspiracy theories about Hitler and Americans

Boromirandkermit29 Feb 2008 3:04 a.m. PST

Even though number one was nothing like the book, I still thouroughly enjoyed it…

Hated #2… wanted that 1 and a half hours back sooooo badly.

I think #3 looks like it might be a car crash… really awful but you can't look away.

coopman29 Feb 2008 3:40 p.m. PST

Haven't we suffered enough with this? Apparently they don't think so.

evilmike29 Feb 2008 5:01 p.m. PST


*blinks again*

*raises fist and shakes it at sky*


Covert Walrus29 Feb 2008 6:44 p.m. PST

The one thing that was good in the first movie that also featured in the book was the career trajectory and personlit yof Seargent Zim ( Clancy Brown ); Even truncated, this arc was identical to the book and was a strong character piece of the typical 'sarge' of Heinlien's beloved Marines.

I agree with Judas on this one; Might just be worth a look without a paper bag standing by. I will have to disagree on "Armor"; I thought Tim Zahn's "When Jonny Comes Marching Home" dealt with the subject better, deeper and with more of a resolution of the issues than the John Stake(?) novel, and it's only a novella. Of course, it was part of the 'Cobras' series, but it can stand entirely on it's own.

Covert Walrus29 Feb 2008 6:53 p.m. PST

And as a final observation, let us not be too harsh about Casper the Friednly Soap Star; Because he exists, Billy Zane doesn't have to lower himself to dot his stuff and might just get a good job in the future.:)

Thornhammer29 Feb 2008 8:48 p.m. PST

Looks a lot better than Starship Troopers 2! Looks like they're at least TRYING to have a little fun with it. I have a pretty high tolerance for crap movies, so I'll probably enjoy this one.

BBurger29 Feb 2008 9:38 p.m. PST

There was an SST2?

The first was utter crap, both simply as a movie and as any sort of an attempt at Heinlein's story.

I was talking with some friends the other day; we had a great idea for a re-issue of Starship Troopers, the book: Two volumes – one 'The Politics of SST' – that'll be about 200 pages of glurge.

Then 'The Battle Scenes of SST' – about 30 pages of passable, innovative (for when it was published) SF combat.

They're Bleeped text movies, but the source material ain't entirely wonderful either, despite being a classic of the genre…

JeanLuc01 Mar 2008 4:52 a.m. PST

Did not know there was a SST2 !

By John 5401 Mar 2008 5:49 a.m. PST

I'm very impressed that it took this long before someone played the 'the book as soooooo much better' like its a revered-old-man-in-a-dusty-library-fawning-over-a-classic-first-edition' sort of thing. Read it, trashy fun, moved on.
Its a stupid film about killing bugs, with Nazi overtones, Great fun, but please, love it for what it is, don't become the Simpsons comic-book seller!


Old Digger01 Mar 2008 9:25 a.m. PST

I smell an Oscar!!

Zephyr101 Mar 2008 3:43 p.m. PST

Quick, somebody get him some deodorant…! ;)

Covert Walrus01 Mar 2008 4:09 p.m. PST

By John 54, why do you think the Swiss are Nazis?

Judas Iscariot01 Mar 2008 7:47 p.m. PST

BTW… Some background on both Verhoven and Heinlein…

Heinlein was NOT a Nazi, but he had some ferociously conservative ideas by some standards.. By others… he was SPOT ON with the founders of our country… For instance…

He believed two things:

The vote is NOT for everyone (just like the founding fathers) Heinlein believed that only those with a vested investment and interest in the operation of the country should "Allowed" to vote (that "Allowed" is kinda the wrong word for it as you will discover in a moment). He believed that the "right" to vote needed to be earned by the ownership of property acquired in ones own name (no inherited property getting you the vote), a higher education (seen as a college degree, but I think that may need to be amended to a grad degree in this day and age), or by service to your country (this service would be determined by your abilities. If you were good with numbers, and math, you went to where those skills could be best used, if you were a good administrator, you went to serve the bureaucracy, and otherwise… you went into the Military, which you could ALWAYS opt for instead of what they told you you could do… sort of (at least according to Heinlein… I think that there is room for improvement upon his methods, but overall… I COMPLETELY agree with the man.

Oh.. and that "earning the right to Vote", didn't mean (to Heinlein at least) that you now were "Allowed" to vote, but that it was mandated… You were required to vote, and you were required to do some in the best interests of the people (i.e. you couldn't sell your vote, or have a proxy vote). Some people feel that this is the worst aspect of his beliefs, but I feel it is also necessary… we have too many people who SHOULD be voting who are not, and too many people who are who should not be allowed.

Verhoven… a supposed "Holocaust" survivor… I think he is a bit young to claim that title, but he IS a European who grew up with the wreckage of Europe from WWII around him. And, I believe that he may indeed be Jewish (which would allow him some claim to the title). I have worked for him through two movies (maybe three come to think of it), and he felt that Heinlein WAS a Nazi, due to his views that the vote should not be universal. Verhoven also is a conspiracist who thinks some pretty bonkers things about the world… SST for him is a vehicle to expound upon his politics and critique what he sees as fascism. He sees fascists in soup bowls though… Screaming, flaming, radical liberal would be one way to paint him… I think he wears that PoV like a crown though…

15mm and 28mm Fanatik01 Mar 2008 11:04 p.m. PST

I'm surprised that no one thought that 'Dix Hauser' was a tongue-in-cheek reference to Doogie Howser, played by Neil Patrick Harris, who as Colonel Jenkins of MI military intelligence acted like one.

JeanLuc02 Mar 2008 5:21 a.m. PST

Paul Verhoeven is clearly anti-militarist, he made a few Netherlads movies about the absurdity of war set during the Nazi occupation of Holland.

He was born in 1938 but i do not think he is jewish.

crhkrebs02 Mar 2008 9:24 a.m. PST

Heinlein was NOT a Nazi, ……

He believed two things:

The vote is NOT for everyone………..
Oh.. and that "earning the right to Vote"………

Judas, why do you think that the political viewpoint put forth in "Starship Troopers" is the one that Heinlein personally holds himself. I think you read too much into a work of fiction. Perhaps Heinleins real political veiwpoint is the one evident in "Stranger in a Strange Land", or maybe "Friday" or what about "The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress", or what about………..? How about the short story "Waldo"? So people think he wrote a lot of science fiction, and then he wrote one political treatise, masquerading as science fiction? Ya, sure.

Personally, I think Heinlein was much, much smarter than the denizens of people trying to pigeon-hole him through his many varied writings. That includes Verhoeven.


evilmike02 Mar 2008 12:42 p.m. PST

BTW, Verhoeven is a fascist creep. Too bad nobody has pointed this out to him; maybe his head would explode and the world would become a better place.

As for SST the book, it was written for a 12-16 year old audience, much like the typical Western novels of the day. The primary reason its considered a military SF classic is because in it, Heinlein single-handedly invented the entire concept of Powered Combat Armor, including orbital drops, and 'bug hunts'. The Japanese Mecha genre can trace its origins to SST.

As for the books politics, the 'Terran Federation' is modeled on the ancient Greek city-states (specifically, Athens), so you can use that to club the next damn fool who says 'Heinlein was a Nazi'.

alien BLOODY HELL surfer02 Mar 2008 6:07 p.m. PST

Okay, so we're on our third movie and we're still issuing these .22 caliber "takes 900 rounds to drop a bug" firearms? So far the bugs look way smarter…..

Didn't they show a new gun at the end off SST1 – iirc one shot blew the top of a small mountain – or something like that. That's what it needs, bigger guns, some armoured vehicles…. although, I did also kind of enjoy SST2 – a horror/sci-fi – the old cliche of taking over the humans but still looking human – and it had boobies :-)

This 3rd film might be ok, I'll watch it anyway.

Covert Walrus02 Mar 2008 10:48 p.m. PST

evilmike, now you mention it, there is a lot of Athen sin the Federation politics, but I am still sticking with the RAH expert who said he based a lot of it upon the Swiss government – That guy was Robert Heinlien.

And any book that can provoke such discussion so many years after its publication deserves to be called a classic.

Now, let's back to serious matters; Is Jolene Blalock going to be wooden and sucky as per Vulcan, or cool and kickass as per Goa'uld?

evilmike02 Mar 2008 11:33 p.m. PST

'Now, let's back to serious matters; Is Jolene Blalock going to be wooden and sucky as per Vulcan, or cool and kickass as per Goa'uld?'

Dude…..she got nekkid as a Vulcan.


'evilmike, now you mention it, there is a lot of Athen sin the Federation politics, but I am still sticking with the RAH expert who said he based a lot of it upon the Swiss government – That guy was Robert Heinlien.'

Well, yeah. And guess what inspired the Swiss cantonment system?


evilmike02 Mar 2008 11:36 p.m. PST

'Okay, so we're on our third movie and we're still issuing these .22 caliber "takes 900 rounds to drop a bug" firearms? So far the bugs look way smarter…..'

I remember, when I watched the first movie in the theatre, I overheard one guy (who hadn't read the book) saying that what the Mobile Infantry troopers needed was some Power Armor suits, like the Marines in Warhammer 40K had.


Azantihighlightning04 Mar 2008 3:47 p.m. PST

Having directed Black Book and got it produced, which is about a Jewish agent and his own family having been on the nasty end of the Nazis when in occupation.

I do not agree that is a facist, while some of his works explores cultural facist themes, that is not suprising, considering he spent his childhood years in a Nazi occupied living next to a V1/ V2 missle base. His opinion of the Nazi's in reality is obvious by the way they're portrayed in Black Book.

As for this film – it's as fun as the first one, I will watch it, if it's like the second one, alcohol will have to be involved.

Detailed Casting Products04 Mar 2008 6:54 p.m. PST

One thing is for certain. If they have established anything to ensure DVD sales, it will be disrobed female troopers. Now you know the real meaning to the phrase "On the bounce". wink

Covert Walrus09 Mar 2008 11:42 p.m. PST

evilmike, getting naked does not help a poor character – though it sure helps a good one become great, c.f. 7of9 versus Q Junior ( I am sure that I heard the click of heels when she moved, so technically not naked.)

Plus which, I prefer her blonde.

Warbeads10 Mar 2008 5:03 a.m. PST

J. I.,

Thanks for a first hand view of Verhoeven. Even filtered through your own viewpoint it makes a few things clearer. Never blame the manic-depressive paranoid schizophrenic for being crazy.



Covert Walrus12 Mar 2008 2:01 a.m. PST

Well, perhaps Verhoeven is not someone you would invite over for dinner and a game of Cosmic Encounter; But he can make one hell of a good movie, and seeing "Black Book" proves that once again.

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