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"Who makes good late 19th C Ruritanian and Zendan in 28mm?" Topic

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1,673 hits since 18 Feb 2008
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John the OFM18 Feb 2008 7:47 a.m. PST

Historically accurate, of course…

What I am really looking for is troops in the 1885-1900 era for European troops.
Prussian influenced troops are covered by any decent FPW range. As are French, I guess.
But, what about the Austrian influenced types?
What about those who show up as Rupert of Hentzau's dastardly entourage/posse?

I am looking for some Late Victorian uniforms that do not have to use British Colonial, or Franco Prussian War figures.
Something like an eagle on the helmet of a cuirassier, and that is campaign dress. Uhlans and hussars. Dragoons and Jaegers.
Something from a nation that spends more on the Archduke's Life Guards' uniforms than on roads and sanitation.

Something James Mason can wear while sneering.

MotttheHoople18 Feb 2008 7:55 a.m. PST

West Wind Productions(which I think is Old Glory in your neck of the woods, whoever carries SuperSystem) make just the deal in their Vampire Wars. A couple of the hero figs are carrying torches and need a bit of fiddling to be usable but a nice range all the same. They are listed as Zendarian Vampire Hunters, Zendarian Troopers (with rifles) and Zendarian Troopers (with pistols)

whill418 Feb 2008 8:14 a.m. PST

While not in the exact time frame Eureka Miniatures have a few figures representing 1864 Danes and 1864-66 Austrians.

whill418 Feb 2008 8:22 a.m. PST

I forgot Askari Miniatures does some late 19c Russians.

argsilverson18 Feb 2008 11:12 a.m. PST

Tradition has some with eagles in their helmets etc, mostly Prussian but some Austrians might be found.

xxxxxxxxooooo18 Feb 2008 2:18 p.m. PST

"Something James Mason can wear while sneering."

My officemates (not a gamers among them ) just asked what I was laughing about.

Oh, how do even begin to explain…


Durando18 Feb 2008 3:24 p.m. PST

You could look at Tiger Miniatures Bulgarians a fraction latter timeline but would work uniform is as per British Military study 1909

xxxxxxxxooooo18 Feb 2008 8:05 p.m. PST

How about the Crimean war range from Foundry?

Lots of really ornamental dress, and less obviously ripped off stuff you could use from the Turks and Russians.


fozzybear18 Feb 2008 9:11 p.m. PST

Funny .. I am working on a similar project. In the Space 1889 Soldeirs companion they list, along with a Ruritanian army, Graustark (see George Barr McCutcheon). The campain uniform cover is a Blue/Grey kepi and jacket, with black collar, cuffs & shoulder straps with linen trousers, white leather euipment. So I have opted to paint the few ACW Union troops I have for this purpose. This requires little work to transform.. and should be a fun little army .. with TONS of minis and makers to pick from :)

Personal logo chicklewis Supporting Member of TMP19 Feb 2008 6:45 a.m. PST

Yah, the Vampire Wars Zendarians are just the trick. I have a unit of them painted up in bottle green uniforms with black leather equipment. Black pikelhaube with gold eagles.

fozzybear19 Feb 2008 10:37 a.m. PST

How do the Vampire Wars Zendarians or any of the Vampire Wars miniatures scale out against the Old Glory historical 28mm mini's?

J Womack 9419 Feb 2008 2:52 p.m. PST

Prince Ruprecht Rides Again, eh John?

Or would that be Pwince Wupwecht Wides Again?

If you really want to VSF it out and don't mind the bulkiness of the heroic scale, use GW Mordians. Loads of eagles, and fantastic weapons. At the very least pick up a flamer or two.

I'll be using them for my German 25/28mm VSF special weapons troops. Already have something like 5 mortars to terrorize my enemies!

Doc Ord19 Feb 2008 8:44 p.m. PST

Battle Honors makes nice Austrians which should be useful.

Personal logo chicklewis Supporting Member of TMP21 Feb 2008 10:08 p.m. PST

Fozzybear, the Vampire wars Zendarians match Old Glory figures just dandy in heft and height.

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