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7,648 hits since 14 Jan 2008
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Tangofan14 Jan 2008 6:14 a.m. PST

My girlfriend recently admitted her guilty secret. That as a child she collected Space Marines.

She decided that she would like to have a go again. We were discussing colour schemes and an overall theme and as a joke I suggested "Care Bears". This she thought was a great idea. She'll do the painting if I do the conversions.

I was originally thinking of adding small greenstuff ears to Space Marine helmets but this could be rather fiddly. Does anyone know of a source of suitably sized teddy bear heads? (or possibly bear looking helmets?). I thought of the Eureka range but I think the heads would be a bit too big and it's a costly way to go cannibalising a complete figure for each marine.

Cke1st14 Jan 2008 6:29 a.m. PST

"My twin-linked Love-a-Lot Lascannons on my Love-a-Lot Land Raider tear your Ork Trukk to bits." Oh, horror!

Meanwhile, half the board is thinking, "I wish my girlfriend had guilty secrets like that!"

These might be a tad oversized, and I can't vouch for their durability, but consider: link

Delthos14 Jan 2008 6:46 a.m. PST

That's no worse than the Happy Tree Friends Chaos army I saw in a White Dwarf and online a few years ago.


The Giggles Slaneesh Predator was the best.


Volstagg Vanir14 Jan 2008 6:49 a.m. PST

if you are in the US: most Dollar-Type stores have CareBear trinkets (keychains and the like) that could be cannibalized…

MmmMMm…Cannibal Bear…

I am Picturing a Chaplain based on Proffessor Quepert p Farnsworth, of Futurama Fame:

The Dreadnaughts could all chant "Mom! Mo-om! MooooM!"

..and, Yeah: "I wish my girlfriend had guilty secrets like that!"

Smokey Roan14 Jan 2008 6:56 a.m. PST

I just noticed Care bears in 28mm in the gumball machines around here, next to the "Homies" and (probably only in S. Florida) the "Santos" (28mm Saints) vending machines.

Sir James14 Jan 2008 7:09 a.m. PST

Do you also plan on replacing the skull on the chest plates with hearts?

I think that the greenstuff ears will be the best way to go.

BTW, if you need a camo scheme for their vehicles, check this out:


Sir James14 Jan 2008 7:10 a.m. PST

Oh yeah, I'm married so I'd better not even HAVE a girlfriend (let alone one with secrets like this)! :)

NoLongerAMember14 Jan 2008 7:12 a.m. PST

Hmmm maybe some of the Eureka bears as an Imperial Guard Regiment in support….

Lord Billington Wadsworth Fezian14 Jan 2008 7:22 a.m. PST

I've got an army of space marine teddy bears going. :)



I've got Terminators, predators (crewed by bears) and the like – still working on a way to do a teddybear dred :)

Tangofan14 Jan 2008 7:32 a.m. PST

Thanks for all the ideas guys. I can just picture the predators in pink camo. LOL

Lord Billington Wadsworth, what bear heads are you using? They look terrific. Just what I was thinking of.

Tangofan14 Jan 2008 7:36 a.m. PST

Oh and Sir James, yes I was thinking of filing the chest ornamentation off and replacing with hearts. ;)

Lord Billington Wadsworth Fezian14 Jan 2008 8:08 a.m. PST

I got them from Eureka Miniatures and used greenstuff for the paws. You would be the second teddy bear marine project they inspired (that I am aware of)

Lord Billington Wadsworth Fezian14 Jan 2008 8:09 a.m. PST

I should say other than my own – I wonder how many I need to get to get an officially recognized chapter ;)

The Hobbybox14 Jan 2008 8:11 a.m. PST

Do you also plan on replacing the skull on the chest plates with hearts?

Don't wish to sound like 'Care Bear nerd', but I think each bear had a different symbol on it's chest to denote who they were.

You may have to work out which care bear's personality suited each squad type and create squad markings on that basis.

Jovian114 Jan 2008 8:25 a.m. PST

Sculpt your own ears with greenstuff then do a "Mold Putty" mold of them and cast your copies in greenstuff. Works fine for things like this!

stingray2016614 Jan 2008 8:45 a.m. PST

I don't know which horrifies me more -- somebody making teddy bear space marines or the fact that somebody else already made them and has pictures of them on the web!

(But it sounds like a cool project -- I of course have the Eureka bears -- good luck!)

Dropzonetoe Fezian14 Jan 2008 9:33 a.m. PST

Ok, My wife loves them…. and wants me to make some. Did you just cut the heads of some of them or do they sell just the heads?

mweaver14 Jan 2008 10:08 a.m. PST

So much fun…

Lord Billington Wadsworth Fezian14 Jan 2008 10:28 a.m. PST

Heyas – for those interested Nic at Eureka sold me the heads because I couldn't bear (har har) to remove the heads off my zulu bears :) Just shoot him and e-mail and say SaintRigger (that is me) sent you :>

The rest is simply a plastic space marine, and then green stuff for paws.

I can't wait to see all the successor chapters now. :) I may have to pick this project up again soon.

Hundvig Fezian14 Jan 2008 10:42 a.m. PST

Don't wish to sound like 'Care Bear nerd', but I think each bear had a different symbol on it's chest to denote who they were.

Yes, indeed. The internet is your friend:

Wouldn't want to get the details of Sergeant Funshine Bear wrong now, would you?

Viewing that site should earn you guilt-free visits to sleazy porn pages, just as a Kramic balance thing.

Hundvig Fezian14 Jan 2008 10:44 a.m. PST

I can't wait to see all the successor chapters now.

Got that covered:

The horror, the horror…

15mm and 28mm Fanatik14 Jan 2008 10:47 a.m. PST

I'm partial toward Hello Kitty myself:




The big head is a must. Someone did a variant cover for the John Blanche box art for 40K 2nd ed that inspired it:


mrln6814 Jan 2008 12:18 p.m. PST

For doing the emblems – get one of those sculpey shooters. They come with different plates that allow you to extrude hearts, stars, flowers and other shaped spaghetti. Slice them off and stick em to the chest of your marines (and vehicles…and everything else…).

For the helmets, are you looking for bear shaped helmets or bear heads (both were mentioned)? For the shaped helmets, you can do them quick using styrene quarter round and a file. Works better then greenstuff since it won't get knocked off the plastic minis at all if you use a plastic cement to adhere them. For actual bear heads – head to the beading aisle of your local hobby store. My wife has a bucket load of teddy bear beads in different sizes – and they would be a cinch to stick onto the various marines.

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP14 Jan 2008 12:24 p.m. PST

Well – now I know where to point to when my wife says "There is no one out there weirder than you"

And I thought it was odd to have a Seven Years War Teddy Bear Army!

PapaSync14 Jan 2008 12:54 p.m. PST

"Thanks for all the ideas guys. I can just picture the predators in pink camo."

Had a guy in my old Space Hulk group that had 2 squads of pink Termies and called his "Mary Kay Terminators".

PapaSync14 Jan 2008 12:55 p.m. PST

I say each Care Bear should have it own chapter and be the Patriarch from wich the gene seed is from.

Steve Hazuka14 Jan 2008 3:40 p.m. PST


Care bears ala Robot Chicken.

jbenton14 Jan 2008 8:22 p.m. PST

Space Marine teddy bears are nifty, but 40K Hello Kitty hurts my brain.

Tangofan15 Jan 2008 9:10 a.m. PST

I hadn't realised you'd bought the heads separately. I've dropped Nic an email. Thanks for the heads-up.

Farstar15 Jan 2008 11:01 a.m. PST

I know a local who is also slowly doing several squads of Mickey Marines. The ears always point forward…

silvershoes16 Jan 2008 2:07 a.m. PST


I'm the Girlfriend in question :-) I had space marines as a child and walked in to Hobby Craft one day and spotted them. I think it rekindled my childhood……….

Tangofan thought i was crazy when i wanted to originally paint them pink!!!. I have absolutly no idea what i'm doing or where to start so any advice that other people can give me would be apriciated.

I just hope i can live up to Tangofan's expectations and try to make a good job of them.

Tangofan16 Jan 2008 9:23 a.m. PST

Hey!!! When did you arrive? lol

silvershoes17 Jan 2008 2:10 a.m. PST

about 3 weeks ago LOL

grywolf117 Jan 2008 11:55 a.m. PST

Wow… I never thought that I'd see a discussion here that revolves around the "right to arm bears"….

smokingwreckage17 Jan 2008 5:23 p.m. PST

There are tips for building and painting miniatures here:

And a very friendly painting forum here:


Tangofan23 Jan 2008 4:15 a.m. PST

Well the 1st batch of marines is built (minus heads). One 10 figure Tactical Squad, One 10 figure Assualt Squad (without jetpacks, using Space Wolves Blood Claws) and one 6 figure Command Squad.

If Nic can supply them, I'm thinking of using Zulu bear heads for the Elites and I propose using Cowboy bear heads on a forthcoming bike squadron.

Tangofan24 Jan 2008 6:56 a.m. PST

Unfortunately (for me) only bare headed bears are available from Eureka so I'm going to have to get busy with the greenstuff.

It does mean that I can be a little more creative. I think I'll still go down the plumed/feathered headress route for the elites which shouldn't be too difficult to do but I'm now thinking of goggles and german "coalscuttle" helmets for the bike squad. Any tips on sculting these?

Tangofan18 Feb 2008 1:40 p.m. PST

Huge thanks to Nic at Eureka. The heads arrived some time over the weekend (I was away) and were sat on the mat waiting for me when I got home tonight.

Fantastic service. Thankyou.

Tolley21 Feb 2008 8:06 a.m. PST

My girlfriend gave me her Space Marines because
she would prefer to paint her high Elf and
Human medieval armys.
I will show her this thread and try and get her in to


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