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8 Posts

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1,729 hits since 11 Jan 2008
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Brandlin11 Jan 2008 1:39 p.m. PST

Following on from my first foray into painting with an airbrush here…

TMP link

I made a tenattive start on the infantry to go with the vehicles.

Hasslefree Grymn.

I wanted to make the grymn different to the usual painted in some form of camo that we see on a lot of near future figures.

My fantasy dwrf armies are painted with the same 'teal' and white kind of colouring, so i decided to go with the same thing as though this was the same 'clan' over millenia!

Then having seen this…
from the talented Jenova i was convinced the scheme would work.

The pictures are a little dark, so i need to get my light tent out over the weekend, but am interested in comments as before.

Brandlin11 Jan 2008 1:43 p.m. PST

Ooops – i meant to add that naturally the base and the weapon are not finished.

Also that i'm struggling with the helmet visor. I want it to match the technique i did on the vehicle glass, and was also inspired by the visors shown on the pig-iron infantry masks here…

Insomniac11 Jan 2008 1:52 p.m. PST

The mini looks great but you have gone too far round with the visor. If you look at crash helmets there is a cover on either side of the helmet visor and you have painted it as part of the visor.

I have been known to paint the odd Grymn or two so here is a link to explain what I mean:


If you look at the sides of the helmets you'll see where the visor ends.

The visor that you have painted looks spot on apart from that :) (I also really like your vehicles, by the way…Old Crow are the dogs danglies :) ).

Brandlin11 Jan 2008 2:20 p.m. PST

Hi Insomniac and thanks for the comments.

Doh! I see what i've done – thanks that will look a whole load better! I'm still not sure I've got the knack of the glass look on the visor though i think it needs greater contrast.

I dislike painting faces so took the step in this army of replacing all the bare heads with helmets with visors down so I hope i get the hang of the visors soon!

As to your grymn – i had a better look at your grymn photobucket album.
I particularly like this…
What is it?

Brandlin11 Jan 2008 2:22 p.m. PST

LOL picture
Grymn Judges – I love it!

mad monkey 111 Jan 2008 4:54 p.m. PST

Those Judges rock. Kudos.

miffy science12 Jan 2008 2:14 a.m. PST

So that will be at least two of us who didn't know what a Grymn helmet looks like.


Out come the paintbrushes …..


Insomniac12 Jan 2008 2:15 a.m. PST

The small flyer is a conversion from a revel mini easy kit. It was a Starwars ARC170 flyer. I turned the fuselage round and added a cockpit big enough for a Grymn, added a nose canon and some rockets and it is now a scout flyer that uses wh40k rules for a marine land speeder.

I'm glad you like the judges by the way :).

One thing I will say is that if you are replacing all the heads with sealed helmets, remember to add backpacks and breather pipes for continuity with the heavy infantry (if you are using them). In my envirnment suit squads, I have even gone to the trouble of adding breather hoses to the heavies, just so they look the same as the rest of the squad.

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