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"SF Corridors: Egg Crate Light Panels Over Plastic Canvas?" Topic

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3,150 hits since 3 Sep 2007
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Cacique Caribe03 Sep 2007 10:18 p.m. PST

Ok. How is this for SF corridors?

How about using "Egg Crate" panels like these (over the entire board) . . .


And then place the plastic canvas over them (again over the entire board)?

TMP link

And then use "Coroplast" corrugated plastic boards as walls that can be moved about, in order to have a different layout for each scenario?

TMP link


artslave03 Sep 2007 10:33 p.m. PST

Why does the first link go to a Finch Aviary website? Doing my own aviary fecal smear is not my idea of a good time. I don't care how good it looks.

artslave03 Sep 2007 10:39 p.m. PST

BTW, on this sort of topic, I just bought a pack of those "Platformer" construction sets by Pegasus Hobbies. It looks very useful. I'm not sure if I'll use all the bits as they intended. Very nice detail and looks like easy assembly. It might provide some detailed airlocks and doorways, as well as stairwells/ramps.

Cacique Caribe03 Sep 2007 10:44 p.m. PST


LOL. The finch aviary site happened to have the only black "egg crate" light panel sample I could find.

I was thinking of using the "egg crate" as an understructure, over which the plastic canvas is laid over. I thought it might give the floors of the corridors a bit of depth.


Static Tyrant04 Sep 2007 2:29 a.m. PST

artslave, once you see the main finch aviary page, copy and paste in CC's link into the address bar of your browser, hit "go" or "enter", and you will be able to see the image.

That site (like many) is set up to redirect deeplinked image requests to the server back to the main page, unless the "referring page" (page you've just surfed on over from) is the site's own main page. You just need to trick the server into letting you see the image :)

arabianknight04 Sep 2007 4:49 a.m. PST

For a second I thought "doing your own fecal smear" was a new terrain tip!

Perhaps as an alternative to dry brushing?

Tangofan04 Sep 2007 5:05 a.m. PST

Arabianknight, Ewwwwwww!!! RAOFLMAO!!

Cacique Caribe04 Sep 2007 7:47 a.m. PST

LOL. That might actually work as a new textured paint!!!


artslave04 Sep 2007 11:15 a.m. PST

I can't find a link for the "Platformer" sets. Pegasus Hobbies doesn't list them. I can find a list of many kits on Brookhurst's site, but no pictures. Can anyone comment on some of the other sets in this line? The small Platformer set has 5 sprues of very useful looking stuff.

CmdrKiley04 Sep 2007 1:08 p.m. PST

I find the Hexagon and Syberclicks sets more useful as kits on their own. The Platformer stuff really dosn't allow you to build much with all the parts you get. However using each half of a panel as detail pieces on an exisitng wall they are quite useful.

As for the Egg Crate, I've considered this many times while looking at it at Home Depot. Seems to big for anything to walk on. Seem them used as 'modular shelf units' or decorative walls, but considering the cost of one sheet and how much you get in one sheet didn't seem very cost effective.

The plastic canvas is a good idea. I've already picked up a bunch of it at Micheals (who was closing out on a bunch of it at the time). Makes for some good grated walkways. Hopefully paint sticks to it well.

As far as corrugated sheeting. Keep saving all those lightbulb boxes. I do. Carefully seperate it at the seam and lay it flat. Spray with aluminum paint and weather, then cut into small squares and it looks like corrugated aluminum sheeting. Very cheap way to make roofing on some old shacks or some interesting siding for some sci fi hallways.

Cacique Caribe04 Sep 2007 2:56 p.m. PST


On the Platformer kits, here are a lot of useful suggestions and info:

TMP link
TMP link
TMP link

I think that SciFi Gamer had a lot more photos of what he was able to do with Platformer pieces for his Starship Troopers' "Fort Whiskey":

TMP link

I think SciFi Gamer changed his TMP handle (to Detailed Casting Products?), but the pictures and advice are still there nonetheless.

Hope this helps.


Detailed Casting Products04 Sep 2007 3:53 p.m. PST

Yuppers, I'm going to start including a sig at the end of my posts here, like this-

"-the TMP member previously known as SciFi Gamer." wink

Those Platformer pieces make great catwalks too, btw.

CC, if you want a hint at what new product I will probably offer first, see a thread that you didn't check back to. It's something with "favorite sci fi websites" or some-such. I laughed when no one seemed to 'take the bait' as it were, because I thought (humbly of course) that it might get some positive reactions.wink Check out how long the topic has gone stale (multiple weeks, maybe?). Well, at least I didn't any bad replies on it, hee hee.

drum roll… (yup)-

The TMP member previously known as SciFi Gamer

artslave04 Sep 2007 6:51 p.m. PST

Great information! A great big thanks for that. I knew I'd seen some of these kits being used. I have big plans in motion now, and these other sets can help. (making a Stargate pyramid ship under construction)

Detailed Casting Products04 Sep 2007 10:11 p.m. PST

Artslave, because of their angles the Hexagon kits should make a nice mothership. Good idea there. Remember that the Platformer kits are basically a ninty-degree fit.

If you made a "stone" pyramid with the same angles, you could 'land' your ship, right? Foam-core board, perhaps as a material there, to save cost. It would make for a nice game board. I'm imagining swirling dunes and twin obelisks outside of the entrance…wink

If you browsed through the terrain articles for last year's Signs & Portents (wargamer edition) mag from Mongoose, you might see a few things that use parts from Platformer, Hexagon, Syberclicks, Chemical Plant and even the Pegasus Technobridge.

tima113 Supporting Member of TMP04 Sep 2007 11:26 p.m. PST


GW used plastic canvas over egg crate for their 3D space hulk terrain.
Intro link:

Direct to egg crate usage (room 1 tutorial)

0N81O005 Sep 2007 7:20 a.m. PST

Also the rarer gothic ruins, gothic mage and, powerplant.
the main manafacturer is Techonolng a russian plastics company. They make them but they don't sell them on their own website.

also check out RoboGear, Airfx, Urban Mamoth.
are some of the other companys they lease out to.

Detailed Casting Products05 Sep 2007 11:08 a.m. PST

I forgot the Powerplant. There are good pieces in that one for sure. BTW, the correct spelling is Tehnolog. It will help with any web-fu.

Cacique Caribe07 Sep 2007 8:42 p.m. PST

I forgot to mention this . . .

I also got a set of 3 big sprues of pipes for my SF corridors:


The set cost me a simple $9.99, again from a local model railroad store.

PS. Can you tell I'm staying in a hotel? I didn't have enough copy paper to provide a decent backdrop for the photos.

Cacique Caribe13 Oct 2010 3:56 p.m. PST

I wish I had really seen and read this article back then (when I was after 28mm stuff):



28mmMan13 Oct 2010 4:18 p.m. PST

The Necro-Threadmancer has struck again!

Dan you kill me sometimes :)

But, this is a fun thread…those pipe kits from three years ago are still cool, I want some :)

The new link is great, a fine example of detailing and structure.

Cacique Caribe14 Oct 2010 11:26 a.m. PST

That new link really freaked me out.

It was like seeing your exact idea being implemented in someone else's workshop. The moment I saw it I had to share.


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