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"Alte Fritz's 30mm Prussian Army" Topic

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Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP21 Jul 2007 5:07 p.m. PST

Here is what I have in my 1:10 collection of SYW 30mm Prussian so far:

IR6 Grenadier Garde – Suren figures (48)
IR7 Bevern Musketeers – Stadden (60)
IR8 von Amstell Musk. – Foundry (60) -- these are for sale, BTW
IR12 Alt Darmstadt – Stadden (60)
IR13 Itzenplitz – Stadden (60)
III/ IR15 Grenadiers – Stadden (60)
IR19 Margraf Karl – Elite Miniatures (60)
IR20 Bornstadt – custom sculpts (60)
IR24 Schwerin – Suren (60)
IR35 Prinz Heinrich Fusiliers – RSM (60)
IR42 Margraf Heinrich Fusiliers – RSM (60)
19/25 Heyden Grenadiers – Elite (48)
Jagers – Perry Miniatures Am Rev Hessian jagers (48)
IR5 Alt Braunschweig – custom sculpts (60)

3 x 12 pd field artillery with 18 crew (6 per gun) – Foundry
2 x 6pd horse artillery with 10 crew – Hinchcliffe
2 x 6pd field artillery with 10 crew – Foundry
3 x 3pd field artillery with 12 crew – Old Glory

The 6pd and 12 pd guns are the Elite Miniatures French SYW pieces that I've painted Prussian blue – OK, they were captured at Rossbach. The 3 pdrs are the Foundry 12 pd guns, which look like 3pdrs at 30mm .

The cavalry consists of the following units:

CR1 Cuirassiers Buddenbrock – Front Rank (24)
CR2 Prinz von Preussen Cuirassiers – Elite (60)
CR8 Seydlitz Cuirassiers – Suren (36)
DR2 Dragoons – Suren (36)
HR5 Black Hussars – Stadden (24)

All figures are individually mounted on metal stands and then placed on magnetic movement trays for game play. The 1:10 ratio is used for Bill Protz's BAR rules for the Seven Years War. I also have some French and Austrian and a start of a British army as well.

Rhino Co21 Jul 2007 5:28 p.m. PST

Seeing what you have painted I'm jealous. I was feeling good about myself that I finished a Prussian V Dragoon Regiment Drummer. Then I got the news from Nic that my Saxons were "Returned to Sender." (shaking my fist in the air).

Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP21 Jul 2007 5:51 p.m. PST

Keep in mind that I have been painting this army since 2005, so it hasn't happened over night. There were also two other battalions that I sold to one of the other regular players in our group. They were Old Glory figures, nothing wrong with them, it's just that I decided that I want the army to consist only of the old school style of figures.

Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP21 Jul 2007 5:57 p.m. PST

I try to target 60 to 72 figures painted per month. There have been a couple of months where I doubled the latter to 144 figures. Prussians are easy for me to paint quickly and in a high quality manner. I've just been able to get a good method down pat that works for me.

Painting British or anything in a red coat is more time consuming, because I normally use a black primer method for figures. However, red and black primer don't work very well, so I use grey primer for red coats. But then, I have to black paint all of the equipment and belting so that I can use my browns and dry brushing techniques on musket stocks, knapsacks, hair, etc.

GoodBye21 Jul 2007 6:04 p.m. PST


I have 2 53 man Russian SYW Regts finished with 1 more on the table and 1 28 man Cuirassier next to them.

I use a white primer method and two part paint; dark color first then dry brush a lighter shade on top, then I black line. I just started using Future to seal them instead of spray but it liquifies the black ink I use to line them, so I'm going to try that step after applying the sealer next time.

altfritz21 Jul 2007 6:26 p.m. PST

Have you tried the red from those new Citadel Foundation paints? It is supposed to cover black well.

Fergal21 Jul 2007 7:07 p.m. PST

Any pictures Fritz?

Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP21 Jul 2007 9:56 p.m. PST

You will have to look on the Old School yahoo group photo album titled, "Alte Fritz's Basement". That's where I post pictures.

Rhino Co21 Jul 2007 10:57 p.m. PST

I started Age of Reason Battalions back in 2004. I have three Bns (12 men each) and a grenidier Bn. Not very disciplined in my approach as I've invested in WWII US Marines, Japanese, German Paras and UA Army mid-war. Add that to my facination with 15mm Bavaria, Saxon and Franch Napoleonics.

I've ordered the Saxons, would you suggest French or Austrian as a complimentary army to build?

docdennis196822 Jul 2007 7:47 a.m. PST

Alte Fritz

Can you define the units marked "custom sculpts", or is it State Secret , never to be revealed??


Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP22 Jul 2007 8:20 a.m. PST

Docdennis: I will fill you in off line on the State Secret.

JeanLuc23 Jul 2007 4:30 a.m. PST

tahts great dear Fritz !

Luke Mulder23 Jul 2007 2:12 p.m. PST

You have good taste in your choice of figures. What are the custom sculpts like?

Luke Mulder23 Jul 2007 2:14 p.m. PST

I also completely agree with your method of basing your figures.

Musketier24 Jul 2007 1:20 a.m. PST

I stand in awe at the sheer numbers, Sir – and on the verge of throwing in my paintbrush and starting a stamps collection…

Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP24 Jul 2007 10:44 a.m. PST

I learned a little trick from Docdennis – try to paint at least one hour each day. That does not sound like much, but it adds up and by the end of the week, you have made a lot of progress. It helps to have an understanding spouse as well. Finally, an upcoming game or convention does wonders to one's painting production.

Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP24 Jul 2007 12:40 p.m. PST

Oops, IR8 von Amstell and CR1 Buddenbrock just left the Prussian service today to join the army of another country. I understand that the King received some fine Meissen Porcellan in exchange, or something like that.

CorporalTrim30 Jul 2007 1:39 p.m. PST

" Try to paint at least one hour each day. That does not sound like much, but it adds up and by the end of the week, you have made a lot of progress. It helps to have an understanding spouse as well."

I agree completely, Alte Fritz. On both counts. ;-)

Still, I must salute your focus, sir. I have no problem painting an hour per day, sometimes 6 or 8 (when said spouse is at work). Where I run into problems is with sticking to one unit at a time, let alone a complete army.


docdennis196831 Jul 2007 9:22 a.m. PST


Methods are personal, but actully having more than one project at a time can be very useful if you can keep up a routine of painting at least a little every day. It combats boredom and "painters block" to have different projects in different stages to choose from. Eventually you will end up with "scads of toys to play with" which is what we nearly all want anyway!!

InFocus01 Aug 2007 7:20 a.m. PST

Alte Fritz, do you have any pictures of your units?

InFocus01 Aug 2007 7:21 a.m. PST

Dang, wish I'd read further along for the location of the pictures before I asked. :)

Rhino Co12 Aug 2007 5:20 p.m. PST

You did motivate me to complete, base and flag a battalion of the 33rd FR and the HQ stands for two battalions of the 5th IR. I also finished painting and basing the Grenadiers for the 46th and 5th Regiments. Now I have my sights on those Saxons…after I complete the 2nd Hussars on the shelf.

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