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Phil Gray03 Jul 2007 1:50 p.m. PST

and have mastered up teh FW Triebflugel – a VTOL interceptor design in the Luft '46 segment of their range…




Seriously though, got my first order from them today – very impressed – each model separately bagged and immaculately cast in clean bright metal.

Very nice.

Gunbird03 Jul 2007 2:00 p.m. PST

Excellent, more 1946 goodness :)

I'm checking out their site….now

Jemima Fawr03 Jul 2007 3:30 p.m. PST

Shouldn't this be on the Fantasy/Sci-Fi boards?

Allen5703 Jul 2007 4:27 p.m. PST

There have been a couple new releases in the German theoretical aircraft for Luft 46 recently. Wish Tumbling Dice would do Luft 46 in 1/600. You 1/300 guys are fortunate. I cant see buying the rules without some planes.

Top Gun Ace03 Jul 2007 6:11 p.m. PST

That is a wonderful looking aircraft.

Phil Gray03 Jul 2007 11:54 p.m. PST

RMD – an interesting point.

I guess it depends on where you draw the line between fantasy and history.

Some Luft '46 items got as far as test flights – the Ho229 and Ju287 for example, others, like the Ta183, got as far as full scale mock ups and indeed were accepted for production. This one was a drawing board study, but nonetheless a serious one, not just the back of an envelope.

I'd say that although this one falls into the category of "what if", it's so close to actuality it's like the Panther II and E series tanks – a very close thing.

Now something like Von Sanger's Stratospheric orbital bomber for me would be a step too far for an historical game, but I'm quite happy to pit Fortresses of one kind or another, plus escorts, against Triebflugels – if Goering hadn't halted R&D work shortly after the war began then it could have been reality.

Which is a sort of Vicky Pollard – "yeh, but no, but…" but hey, IJMO. ;-)

Timmo uk04 Jul 2007 12:39 a.m. PST

I have placed an order with Raiden having seen samples. They are very nicely done and cleanly cast without that overscale detail which characterises some other brands. They have a precision, neatness and correctness about them unlike some other models of the same or similar scale that look a bit distorted or blobby.

Highly recommended. As mentioned Raiden are entirely open to suggestions for future models. Customer service is excellent. I have no connection with the company other than as a satisfied customer.

Phil Gray04 Jul 2007 1:06 a.m. PST


Where do you get to do your airgaming?

Timmo uk04 Jul 2007 1:35 a.m. PST


I'm in UK. East Anglia. I've been playing Bag the Hun from TooFatLardies with card counters over an old Avalon Hill game board I have but have ordered a Hotz mat and these Raiden planes to use as I like the rules so much that I decided its worth the investment.

Playing rules with card counters is something I do to check them out before buying minis for a new period.

I also have Wings of War 1/144 WW1 planes and will be using Algy also from TFL with them.


Phil Gray04 Jul 2007 1:55 a.m. PST

UK – I game in Maltby, South Yorkshire (one of the dry bits).

I liked the Airpower range (got some more of them from Stronghold this morning) so prior knowledge of Mark's sculpts, the pictures on his site, and his choice of subjects all helped persuade me to get hold of a few. And I think I'll be repeating the experience sometime soon…

Game wise – although I've got BTH, I normally use either Blue Skies or Scramble for games at the club, or Air Force for small games. Blue Skies also forms the basis of the rules that the Blues Bears use in their show games at Newark and the like.

My WW2 stuff is a mix of Navwar, Scotia, Stronghold, some Skyraider, Leading Edge and now Raiden.

I have a couple of TD packs of 1/600 WW1 but also like the Wings of War system – just waiting on the Emporium in Sheffield getting Dawn of War in stock.

What shows do you go to?

Timmo uk04 Jul 2007 2:01 a.m. PST

Always Salute and SELWG. Then perhaps another one or two that I feel like. I went to the most recent Partizan, missed York although am intending to go.

I've been to the Reading shows before but as they are near SELWG onthe calendar they aren't a priority although SELWG was dissapointing this year I meet firend there.

If its of any interest to you I am considering drawing up some artwork to have some custom transfers made for the Battle of Britain stuff. I'm not certain about doing it yet or when but its in my mind. Squadron codes etc as I can't find any.

Sorry thread well and truely hi-jacked.

I asked Mark at Raiden about decals and he mentioned that Dom was working on squadron codes so we'll see… there back on track with responding to customer demand.

Timmo uk04 Jul 2007 2:02 a.m. PST

oops meet friends there.

oceanway04 Jul 2007 12:18 p.m. PST

I got an order off to Raiden
just after Fatman posted their
site on AirPirates.With the
order Mark got a nice little
wish list(20 types).I see 2 of those are now going to the workbench.Turns out Mark has a
thing for later war Jap. types
and FAA late/post WW2 so the
Reppu and Wyvern were being considered anyway.
I suggested mostly minor power
and late war props but plan on supporting Raidens other types

Dave Hodge

Jax.,Fl. USA

Mister Rab05 Jul 2007 12:33 a.m. PST

I'm eagerly awaiting my BoB battle set from them, just got the confirmation of order email this morning.

[threadjack] Timmo – where in East Anglia? I'm near Bedford, but am always on the lookout for historical gamers as most of the folk I know are GW slaves. [/threadjack]

Timmo uk05 Jul 2007 1:58 a.m. PST

Oh not far from Bedford – I'm near IWM Duxford.

Phil Gray05 Jul 2007 4:43 a.m. PST

Timmo/ Mr Rab (any other UK air gamer)

You might like to get to Sheffield next March (Triples 2008) – there'll be an "Air Pocket" at the show, at least 4-5 different air games (periods/ scales/ rule sets) in play, and you'll be able to join in some of them as participation games for an a hour or two at a time, or help present them all day long…

If you'd like to know more then get in touch off list – my email is philgrayuk at blueyonder co uk



Bluedonkey9910 Jul 2007 5:37 a.m. PST

The Radiden stuff is quite nice, good clean sharp casts, no acres of flash to trim.

I ordered sone Arado E-555s to use with my 1/600 – 1/700 (anyone know a good soruce of luft'46 in that scale range) and some of the V-1 rockets, that I could uses with some of my 1/144 aircraft as underwind munitions!

Phil Gray10 Jul 2007 2:19 p.m. PST

BD99 – you can also use the V-1 as an underwing munition in 6mm scale – the Luftwaffe used the He111 to air-launch them against Britain once they lost their coastal launch sites.

Castaway04 Aug 2007 8:37 a.m. PST

I'm looking forward to the release of their new Pacific theater aircraft and especially their 1/285 aircraft carriers. I wonder if they will put together a Pacific/carrier war battle set…

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