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"Copplestone 10mm Fantasy/BoFA" Topic

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noraneko23 Jun 2007 8:34 p.m. PST

Well, I finally started to paint Mark Copplestone's line of 10mm fantasy to supplement my growing BoFA figure range. I am still working on the base set of miniatures – the orcs are driving me nuts; they are so tedious! – but have decided to start the Copplestone stuff to give me a break from the regular ranks.

So far I have the elves, dwarves, wargs, eagles, bats, ruins, and one giant finished, but many of these have unfinished bases; I am saving this for last to preserve consistancy throughout the models.

Anyway, like I said, I started on the Copplestone stuff last night with one Horse Tribe (Rohan) cavalry unit. Here are some links to a few pictures of how he turned out.


I have also started a miniature showcase series devoted to BoFA over at The Last Alliance forums. It is a shame that you don't see much of this range all painted up and on display on the Internet, and I am hoping to change that. In particular, I would love to see what others have done with the Copplestone range, since it has such great potential to fill out the initial (and only) release of miniatures from GW for this system.

Le Chat

Splintered Light Miniatures Sponsoring Member of TMP23 Jun 2007 9:43 p.m. PST

Very nice job. Thanks for sharing.

mandt224 Jun 2007 4:56 a.m. PST

Nice work, and great idea. I'll see you over at The Last Alliance.

D6 Junkie24 Jun 2007 7:08 a.m. PST

Very Nice!
I may have to pick up a few myself

louboy0624 Jun 2007 12:33 p.m. PST

Nice paint job!

Ghost Chickens25 Jun 2007 6:10 a.m. PST

Very nice – I am impressed. I just finished a whole batch of Bretonnians in 10mm (Warmaster). I have experience with how fiddly the little guys can be.


Altius25 Jun 2007 1:24 p.m. PST

Very nice work on that cavalryman!

I love Copplestone's work, and have bought a lot of his 28mm stuff. Most recently, I bought a huge pile of the 10mm orcs to build a Warmaster army with. I'm about halfway through painting them now, and I'm really pleased at how they are turning out. Maybe I'll take a few shots of them when I'm done, and post them here.

I'd love to see Copplestone's 10mm range expand in the future.

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