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"Star Wars RPG Saga Edition- lack of playable species" Topic

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zoraxxx05 Jun 2007 3:47 p.m. PST

I just bought the new Saga ed. which was released today. My friends and I have held off starting a Star Wars game until the new edition was released. We were planning to begin next week, and I have my heart set on playing a Nautolan Jedi, and I have a kit Fisto mini that I planned to use in game (we've been using minis and terrain in our various games for years). When I looked for Nautolan species traits, there is no Nautolan species listed, so my GM won't allow it. I'm really ticked off that all he species in the CMG aren't representd!

CPBelt05 Jun 2007 4:53 p.m. PST

It will probably come out in a supplement like they did with version 1 and 2, which I have. You always have to buy their supplements to play the game beyond the basics.

Is the Saga edition that much different from version 2?

timlillig05 Jun 2007 4:54 p.m. PST

Who would buy the Aliens supliment if they put all that in one book?

Is the new edition compatable with the alien stats from the previous editions' alien sourcebook? I have no idea if the species you want is in that book, but it's probably worth looking into.

aka Mikefoster05 Jun 2007 5:06 p.m. PST

"When I looked for Nautolan species traits, there is no Nautolan species listed, so my GM won't allow it. I'm really ticked off that all he species in the CMG aren't representd!"

Is the GM always this inflexible with this sort of thing or is this a one of thing. If this is a for fun game with some friends I don't see any reason why your group could come up with get you by stats.

Farstar05 Jun 2007 5:09 p.m. PST

An inflexible GM and Star Wars are not a good mix.

Warmage05 Jun 2007 6:20 p.m. PST

Farstar, I find your lack of faith . . . disturbing . . . .

Sorry, had to throw that out!


eldogui05 Jun 2007 7:15 p.m. PST

First a guy "forced" to rebase all his Confrontation stuff. Now a GM that canīt come up with a race template for a D20 game.
Guys, you should start having fun…


zoraxxx05 Jun 2007 8:02 p.m. PST

We're all new to Star Wars rpg, so I don't have anything to compare it to. I've looked at several "Complete Guides" supplements at Barnes & Noble but Nautolans don't seem to be listed in any. I've had to do web searches to find out anything at all about Nautolans. If I hadn't stumbled onto Wookiepedia, all I'd have to go on is the info in "The Cestus Deception", which is what got me hooked on Kit Fisto in the first place. I can probably talk my way into the GM letting me use a Nautolan character, but without species stats, I might as well be human! It seems from "Cestus" that there should be dexterity and sensing modifiers at the very least.

zoraxxx05 Jun 2007 8:14 p.m. PST

After posting my last comment, I decided to do a web search on "Nautolan Species traits" and discovered that Nautolans were a new species introduced in "The Power of the Jedi" sourcebook, and Wizards posted the stats in a promo preview article. The stats for anyone else who wants to play a Nautolan are: Species Traits: +2 Con, -2 Int; low-light vision; +4 species bonus on Swim checks; +4 species bonus on Sense Motive checks in water (+1 species bonus out of water). I guess I'd better look for the sourcebook. I should have realized, being a D&D veteran of 2nd edition through 3.5!

Delthos05 Jun 2007 8:37 p.m. PST

CPBelt, the Saga edition is significantly different from the Revised edition of the rules.

Check out the Saga edition previews 1-8 here for a pretty good overview of what is different.


CPBelt06 Jun 2007 7:49 a.m. PST

Thanks, Delthos!

Zardoz06 Jun 2007 9:16 a.m. PST

An inflexible GM and D20 systems seem to attract each other !

zoraxxx06 Jun 2007 10:22 a.m. PST

We've developed some rules lawyers due to our original DM giving us excessive abilities and weapons, letting us ge almost demigodlike and then having to throw ridiculous numbers of foes at us to balance. He had developed the "Continent of Evil" which had 36 adventures ( a 5 year campaign!). He made up most of it, and the fantasy had little basis in reality. Another in the group who DM's is so brutal that you rarely make it past Level 1 alive, so you become very adept at rolling up new characters. Anyone who DM's now must use a module, and if it isn't in print (and you'd better have a copy), the tribunal won't pass it. We have a few personalities that make it like rpg bootcamp, but after 10 years of gaming together we're kind of used to it! Sometimes we put the fun back in dysfunction!

Farstar07 Jun 2007 11:08 a.m. PST

"and the fantasy had little basis in reality."

Good to hear.

Sounds like your group has come up with some interesting coping mechanisms for "Young DM Syndrome".

When it comes to Star Wars, however, tightly-written adventure books are the bane of movie-style fun. SW refs think they can exert Sith-like control over the actions of the PCs, manipulating them into going where the adventure calls for. What most refs lack is that most important of Sith skills, subtlety.

If a ref spends a lot of effort leading players from one encounter to the next, the spontaneity of the genre can be quickly lost to "storytelling". Similarly, if the motion of the story is bogged down in a four-hour dice-fest representing one minute of "screen time", the pacing that is a major part of the Star Wars experience is quickly lost to mechanics and minutae.

28mmMan07 Jun 2007 4:52 p.m. PST

you say Nautolan and I say…

or even Togruta :)

"there is no GM young one…there is only the force" so force that tightwad to come around to your way of thinking. Is this guy so tight that when you back him into a wall he can pucker off a brick? The force is not with him.

zoraxxx07 Jun 2007 10:42 p.m. PST

It's really the "Guild of Rules Lawyers" that's the problem. The GM is workable. Since I found species stats through force-googling, I emailed it to one of the lawyers, and asked him to print it for me, since my printer is down. My Nautolan is in, although it was indicated that as an amphibian, I'll have great difficulties on desert worlds!

Privateer4hire08 Jun 2007 12:40 a.m. PST

Here's an idea: roll up the character using human or other allowable alien stuff from the book. Use the mini that you have to represent this character. I'm betting the GM will allow that.

You get the mini you wanted. The GM stays true to the rules. Nobody has to wait for or buy any expansions.

Crisis averted. End Danger Room Simulation :)

Doc Shaftage08 Jun 2007 1:10 p.m. PST

I was disappointed with the lack of Nautolans as well.
"Lets leave the Nautolans out, and include Gungans. Everybody wants to play a Gungan."

Earl of the North08 Jun 2007 1:13 p.m. PST

Shouldn't that be, everybody wants to slay a Gungan.

sithspawn08 Jun 2007 2:50 p.m. PST

There is a nice companion on species and a planetary one that has stats for alien inhabitants.

PS your GM is mean and uninspiring. Why would you want to play under such restrictions? Basically you could roll a jedi template and choice your race right. Sure you might not get any race bonuses but you get to play what you were after and the tyrant gets to claim his victory as well.

zoraxxx10 Jun 2007 9:13 p.m. PST

I am playing the Nautolan. Having printed up the species stats, I'm in! The 2 rules-lawyers are playing an Ithorian and a Durosian respectively. It's not so much that they wouldn't let me play a Nautolan, but that wouldn't let me use any species modifiers without seeing it in print. After having to take -2 to intelligence, I'm almost sorry that I had the info, but the +2 Con, and +'s to perception and swim will even it out.

Red358413 Jun 2007 2:23 a.m. PST

As a very long time lapsed RPG-er I was puzzled by this thread…couldn't the GM just make it up???

That's what we did in the old days [drifts off to sleep muttering about 'Young people today…' etc etc]

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