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Personal logo Bobgnar Supporting Member of TMP31 May 2007 11:29 a.m. PST

Last week I received the Regiment Games WW2 sailors. There are 24 all different poses. Excellent figures in detail, size, animation. They are based on a scene in the movie "We Dive at Dawn" in which the sub pulls into a small port in Denmark to liberate some fuel. The landing party goes ashore to keep the NAZIs away. In the movie, the men wear the dark blue uniform and steel helmet. I rented the movie from Netflix. Good WW2 sub movie, but as usual, too much upping and downing the pariscope.

The figs

The poses are interesting, but those running are all in step, which looks a bit strange when set out on the table. Also running and shooting rifle is odd. There is a standing figure shooting a tommy gun with left hand, pretty rare, but possible. None the less good marks for poses. The movie has no Bren gunners and there is a Vickers or other medium machine gun brought from the ship that would make an nice addition to the set.

I got the figs to add to my China river boat collection. I hoped they would fit with Murch and Cannon fodder figs I had already. They could use some British allies. The new figs will fit just fine. Here is a comparison of (left to right)
Old Glory, Murch, Cannon Fodder, Regiment Games(RG), Brigade (great war german), Copplestone Russian, Renegade GW French. The RG sailors are a bit smaller than the Copplestone and Renegade but fit well with the others.

Here is a closeup of Murch, Regiment, and Cannon Fodder (Freikorps range as all my sailors are painted). Great fit for all. Look out warlords, the Brits have landed.

I did feel that some changes were needed with the RG figs. I have wanted a Royal Navy figure to have a Lanchester SMG. This is close to a Bergman MP28.

So I used one of those from Victory Force. I had only right handed guns so replaced on that side, then broke off the original pistol so replaced with a map case. The shiny epoxy will get covered by paint.

These were not issued until 1941 but perhaps our captain has an early test model, or even a Bergman (these were in China).

The Bren guns are ok for Europe but would they have been in China in the 20-30's? I decided to make a conversion to a Lewis Gun for auto fire support.

I kept the rifle stock and added a Company B Lewis Gun.

The Lewis Gun needs lots of ammo, so I made an ammo carrier. Also there seemed to be too many Flare Guns and I wanted a grenade thrower so converted one of the officers. This is a strange figure in that he has a pistol but no holster or pouches. I added the latter.


I might convert one of the Brens to a BAR to use for pre-1935 actions.

All in all this is a great set of figures and I am lookinig forward to getting them on the gaming table asap.

By the way, anyone know what color (colour) to make the belting?

Personal logo Bobgnar Supporting Member of TMP31 May 2007 11:38 a.m. PST

The correct close up picture

Personal logo McKinstry Supporting Member of TMP Fezian31 May 2007 11:43 a.m. PST


Personal logo Bobgnar Supporting Member of TMP31 May 2007 2:14 p.m. PST

15mm Renegade, Old Glory, Copplestone, Cannonfodder, Brigade, Murch, Victory Forces?

ruggeddude31 May 2007 2:42 p.m. PST

WEll since Murch are only 28mm my guess would be not 15mm.
As for the belts not 100% sure but if they used army webbing it would be various shades of green. Sorry I cant be of much more help there not really up on my navy stuff. Nice figs though.

Formerly Regiment Games Fezian31 May 2007 3:23 p.m. PST

Thanks, Bob for the kind words and the critique. The figs were built sort of "assembly line" with five different leg and torso armatures which then got four different figs built on each of them, thus the sameness of running, standing, etc. There were four totally from scratch.

I was not able to perfectly duplicate just what went on in the film, but I wanted them to have some heavier weapons and so chose to add a couple of Brens. Weren't those developed about 1937? For hypothetical scenarios I could see them as experimental weapons even earlier! Hey, nice mods.

Personal logo Bobgnar Supporting Member of TMP31 May 2007 7:07 p.m. PST

The variety is nice. In a big game the actual poses will fade away and the variety will stand out. The sculpting is great, nice details.

What color do you think the belts should be?

Formerly Regiment Games Fezian31 May 2007 7:27 p.m. PST

The movie was BW, as you know, so don't know what they used, but ours will be a light brown of some kind.

Carlos Marighela 231 May 2007 9:01 p.m. PST

Very nice figures. Might I suggest that if you did some rifle armed variants in pith helmet and/or cap you would sow up the RN in China, I supect pulp gamers would love it.

BTW Bob the Mills equipment is buff/tan

Two Ducks Pond01 Jun 2007 12:23 a.m. PST

Excellent figures – well done. Could you please consider WW1 British Sailors!

God Bless


Carlos Marighela 201 Jun 2007 2:36 a.m. PST

Of course I am now very te,pted to make a whacking great model of the Altmark. "navy's here".

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